Is Daniel Nations connected to the Delphi, Indiana murders of Liberty German and Abigail Williams? FOX 59’s Alexis McAdams investigates for Crime Watch Daily.
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Is Daniel Nations connected to the Delphi, Indiana murders of Liberty German and Abigail Williams? FOX 59’s Alexis McAdams investigates for Crime Watch Daily.
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Turns out they talked to bridge guy the day after the murders!! Justice for Libby and Abbey
Have that man say, ‘ Down the hill’
The ears are diffrent
The man they got looks just like the drawing ,plus the have the blue jacket and he was their the day the girls were missing
Shitty police work. Richard Allen told the police he was on the bride at the time of the killings and yet they didn't investigate him. It took 5 years before the police looked at old police interviews made early on in the investigation. Richard Allen said he was on the trail from 1.30pm to 3.30pm. 5 YEARS!!!!! #Justiceforlibertyandabigail
Bridge guy is not Nation's….bridge guy was older and heavier than Nation's. Let's get the right killer / Killers
Just want to find this piece of trash for killing these innocent kids. Who can be this cruel.
No way in hell would I let my 13 or 14 year old daughter go alone to walk a trail that is visited by whoever. Either I go with you or you don't go at all. Its that simple.
hé kill the girls wtfk people are stupid

What happened to polygraph tests? They might not be admissible in a court of law, but they can help determine which suspect had connections to this horrible crime.
I wonder she got a closer photo of him on her phone
I heard the way they were posed after death was super effed up :/
If this man is innocent ..regardless he will forever be associated with these murders are Loved girls
Ask the guy who saw him if that's him
I think the guy judging by his body type by the way he walks is probably 35 to 45 years old
I know this is an old video but Dad is the drawing that was a mutually thrown out for a much younger one but even so I don't get my people said he looks like the same man they look absolutely nothing alike
When you enhance Bridge guy his hair color matches his light mustache matches because clearly Bridge guy has a light mustache what does not match is the weight difference which is huge
He has facial hair. The grandmother probably knows something…so yes, investigate all leads.
No his lips are longer n his nose is smaller his not the bridge killer
Mike Patty is the closest resembling to the wanted photo
Damn u gotta wonder where was the parents.
It mustve been someome they knew it had too
No that man in the pic is much older than the man suspected in this
Clearly the same people

BG& this Daniel have Same Eyes, his Ears are covered with the hat on Monon Bridge& BG looks Stocky with Coat on…Has anyone compared Audio Voices with this Daniel ??Praying Police Get A Confession Real Soon!!
No looks nothing like the guy in hat
We need to get rid of monsters how tagget kids
Why can't they submit DNA from the crime to the parabon labs they are using to convict cold case files. Rather than wait 30 yrs and then do it. There is usually a sexual component to these crimes, send the DNA
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