John Sentenced for Pregnant Woman’s Murder – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

John Sentenced for Pregnant Woman’s Murder – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

A pregnant woman goes to McDonald’s and vanishes into thin air. Where is Jaymie Adams? Pat LaLama has the story.

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44 thoughts on “John Sentenced for Pregnant Woman’s Murder – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

  1. I love the back handed comment from the mother of the husband about her. Let me tell you something….if your son chose to get a job/career like a husband should, then they wouldn't have had to pimp her out. These pimps don't have to have sex with strangers…and it was your husband.
    I dont like to judge but let me tell you something…he'll answer for it when he meets his maker.
    I can guarantee you with every bone in my body, she wouldn't have went along with being pimped out if she had a husband who would have chosen to take one or two jobs to make sure his wife didn't have to go out and get money to feed their kids in that way. I'm so sorry for the children and the bull they will hear from those still on this earth that will put their mother in a light that wasn't meant for her.

  2. I think the manslaughter charge is a bit much. A LOT of couples do things like that lol. Its all over the place. People do it just for the thrill. Is it sad she got killed yes, but thats no ones fault but the killers.

  3. “But Jamie would never see that TV report. She was already dead.”

    Really? That’s how you chose to word it? Who writes this shit. Sometimes the commentary is written so heartlessly.

  4. Wow. What a shame a mother could do that, she had to have known the risks of a lifestyle like that… And the father is no better. Should be charged for pimping her out. There is some accountability there, their decisions together ultimately led to hers and their child's deaths. Just a fuckin shame all around.

  5. ….based on some of the comments folks are more disgusting with her sexual acts than the fact that she and her baby were murdered…..ridiculousness

  6. What kinda of worthless lazy good for nothing man would let his wife do that he should have gotten two jobs working at McDonald's or anywhere .
    He is no man but a poor excuse for a human being and he should have been found guilty of murder knowing what could have happened by putting his wife in that situation to me he is just as guilty as the worthless dog who committed the crime

  7. Hmmmmm, yeah. The husband is a despicable sleaze-bag, but charging him with manslaughter? Nope. That is just wrong. Running a prostitution scam? Yes, he did. He prostituted his pregnant wife because his fat ass was too lazy to go out and get a job. But he didn't murder her.
    This story is so sick on so many levels.

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