Judge Indicted After Pen Camera Records Contempt Arrest – Everything Law and Order Blog

On June 27, 2022, Judge Darrell Jordan, of Harris County, Texas, was indicted on the misdemeanor state-law charge of Official Oppression for ordering the contempt arrest of journalist Wayne Dolcefino. The arrest of Dolcefino occurred exactly two years earlier, on June 30, 2020, while Judge Jordan was presiding over County Criminal Court at Law No. 16 of Harris County, Texas.

Using a pen camera, Dolcefino surreptitiously recorded his arrest. I reached out to him and he gave me permission to show the footage. Also, you won’t believe the update out just today. Or maybe you will….

Read more: https://thecivilrightslawyer.com/2022/07/05/judge-indicted-after-hidden-camera-records-contempt-arrest/

Mr. Dolcefino’s channel: https://youtube.com/c/DolcefinoConsulting

Mr. Dolcefino’s website: https://dolcefino.com


25 thoughts on “Judge Indicted After Pen Camera Records Contempt Arrest”
  1. In all places where 2A gas been banned, corruption has swelled to epidemic proportions. In the few instances where justice has been served in these cases, someone had to put themselves in harm’s way to oust the corruption, such as this reporter.

  2. Why am i having such an extremely hard time finding a civil rights lawyer willing to hold a police dept accountable for violating my 2nd and 4th amendment rights? They were not there for any criminal charges, just to come collect my weapons for a PSO, i was supposed to retrieve them when i gave them the denied PSO against me, but they never did and told me, it was due to a charge in 1990, what is funny is one of the guns they confiscated was confiscated by another police dept in 2017 and returned, having law enforcement in my family, i know they all do a nics report, so had I have been inelligable for one, they would have taken it in 2017, i even have the evidence box from the fl police that gave it back, also purchased on in wv so if I wasn't eligible they would not have sold it to me, when they came to take possession of them, i had them taken apart and facing them so they could see they were not loaded, and the ammo was separated from the weapons, there was a closed box on stairs near the guns, officer asked on bodycam if this box was part of collecting the weapons, i said no they are seeds, he said seeds? I said yes for my garden out front, they walked by it on the way to my front door, he proceeded to open that box, without a warrant, without my consent, and no reasonable articulation of a crime, he was not thwre for any criminal investigation against me, i have not had any charges for over 30-35 years. WHY WILL NO LAWYER STAND UP FOR THE LITTLE MAN? I'LL GIVE THEM 50% OF THE SETTLEMENT, IT ISN'T ABOUT THE MONEY! it is to send a message ti not violate our rights and to follow the constitution which we were founded under. Btw the box hel d vegetable and flower seeds

  3. I’ve never understood why judges get to have such power on their courtrooms that they can punish people without due process I ways that extend beyond the time and place of the court interaction.

  4. Lawyers become law makers and judges. Sadly, it is the good ol' boys club. They party together, hang out, vacation and then hold court. We don't stand a chance because they have all the power.

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