Judge Orders Zach Anderson Removed from Sex Offender Registry – Crime Watch Daily

Judge Orders Zach Anderson Removed from Sex Offender Registry – Crime Watch Daily

Zachery Anderson connected with a girl online. After they met up and had consensual sex, he discovered she was underage – and his life changed forever.

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41 thoughts on “Judge Orders Zach Anderson Removed from Sex Offender Registry – Crime Watch Daily

  1. 2:36 this judge’s ruling is stupid! Who the hell, I mean what kind of adult is going to be alone with anyone below 18, if it is not his or her siblings or children? Seriously What kind of adult is that? Judge do you know the law? For real? An adult should never be alone with anyone under 18 unless it is their children or sibling

  2. I hope the mistake of age law can be really modified! We shouldn’t label whoever is the victim by whoever is adult or minors! Otherwise how is that different from political correctness?!😡😡Even if the young girl is not liable, her guardian must be held accountable, not Zach! The apology to Zach Anderson should be published everywhere so that we know Zach is a good person!!!!!!

  3. why is the girl not also been punished she published online and lied to him of her age . and the judge seems to quote his feelings that are not law the hookup trend is not the best for society but its not illegal since supreme court removed many sex laws . the sex offender list should only be for violent sex offenders but i disagree on that too if someone that much a threat they belong locked up . but non violent dont belong on life time and theses lists take many thousands of police recourses
    to constantly check and too often the list has bad addresses and innocent people have been attacked by equally sick perverts who think it ok to go to a house and beat or kill the person inside or the A H of sheriff who posed a neighborhood when 1 lived there making the whole area suspected by others who sees the sign . we had case in central fl a girl i believe 16 posted online
    had fake id that were very good that only experts could tell . she enticed 2 men at different times got them convicted only to post online again ever her mom went to sheriff on how to stop her and he said he cannot do anything. only if she uses the fake id for cigarettes or liquor . in that case that girl is a criminal liar and a pervert herself .

  4. I think this ridiculous judge passed away. In any case thank the dear lord he’s not on the bench.

    Zach was a victim, but I think there honestly needed to be more focus on the disgusting and ridiculous behavior of thenjudge here as well.

  5. Dude I’m so glad the charges are gone for you. Please try to move on, I know it’s hard after being arrested for something you shouldn’t have been arrested for and shamed. I’m praying for you man, that despite the cops ruining your life you might just still find a touch of happiness

  6. the judge was mad because he probably hasnt been able to find someone who wants to have sex with him in 40 years so he ruins the life of a kid who got consensual action that he probably was jealous of

  7. Vote republican and THIS is what you'll see a LOT more of! they have a bill they want to pass now in one state making a freaking frozen embryo have human child rights and the loss of one could result in murder or similar criminal charges! they even want to ban contraceptives too!

  8. Ok first off I find it absolutely ridiculous how Zach wouldn’t be able to own a cat since he got on the registry in the first place because his case involved a minor and not a cat. I don’t really see why a sex offender couldn’t own a cat if there case had nothing do with any animal whatsoever. We all know how the 14 year old girl would’ve felt about this. She would want Zach to have his life in order and to be able to get a cat of course. And we also know this poor girl who is seen as the victim in this case said that she didn’t know what to say but she didn’t want anything to happen to Zach and her mother agreed yet the judge still denied it. Even another one of these videos the 14 year old said she’d rather be the one thrown in prison and not Zach. It actually sounds like she feels bad and she really cares about Zachs reputation and feelings for once. Some minors don’t care whether your reputation is ruined or not and would rather see you suffer it is even seen online that a lot of minors probably lie about there age or want you to feel afraid of them or else they’ll get others to publicly bash you or leak your location and possibly get you beat up and of course arrested and we all know a lot of minors are like that and they don’t care about the adults feelings at all of course It’s not always like that but we have all seen this happen a lot of the time and It’s very rare for it to be the other way around. Unlike this 14 year old girl who is actually nice and caring and doesn’t want Zach to get hurt and have this label forever. She really wants the best for him and I believe she still does till this day. Ik she did lie about her age yea but It’s pretty obvious she felt bad about it. For someone who is apparently the victim in this and like I said earlier the judge denied what she had to say but yet she’s the victim right so whatever she has to say should definitely count the most and the judge shouldn’t have denied her at all. Literally she’s the victim right whatever she has to say is really important and counts and should serve as the overall punishment for whatever happens to Zach good or bad. If she doesn’t want anything bad to happen to Zach then the charges should’ve been dropped right then and there because now the 14 year old would probably get upset and might cry and feel bad for the rest of her life and she’s supposed to be considered the victim and the judge basically just dismissed her feelings like it didn’t matter what she had to say at all. She even felt bad about lying about her age and nothing the 14 year old girl could say to the judge actually mattered in the end so it just goes to show you just because you’re underage and seen as the victim in court it doesn’t matter how you feel because the judge is gonna make the overall rules of whatever they feel is right. Really messed up and I feel judges like this should really get fired because not listening to the victim is messed up and there’s no excuse for that at all. Esp since her mother agreed and so if it doesn’t matter what someone who is the victim says because they’re still a minor shouldn’t it at least count if there parent/s have anything to say about it esp if the parent/s say that they agree with there child when they say that they don’t feel that the adult in the situation should have any charges put on them? Let’s all make a change stand up for what you feel is right in the world and to do that like myself I will comment on what I feel is right. Our voices matter and when you have any platform that you can comment on and get attention from the person who posted this then change can take place a lot faster and a more successful rate. There needs to be some clarity that Zach finally has full access to the internet and that he doesn’t need a curfew anymore esp since the 14 year old by now is a full grown adult so she can definitely testify how she feels currently and I’m sure she still wants Zach to have his freedom. Why hurt those who were once minors and make them upset and probably cry and give them guilt forever by doing stuff like this that affects how the adult that was being lied to lives. I get it that she’s a minor but still don’t they care at all if she cries gets upset and literally has guilt for the rest of her life. She might not even be able to sleep at night and maybe even has serious mental health problems thanks to the judge dismissing what she had to say in this case at all apparently. There definitely needs to be a change here for what the so called underage victims have to say and it should be valid in court cause It’s literally there own experience and not the judges. I really hope that there will be more change soon in the world and I won’t ever stop fighting for what feels off and doesn’t feel right until things actually make sense. I hope my comment on here makes a difference because change needs to happen a lot sooner in society then how It’s going now.

  9. I'm sorry but there needs to be consequences for the person that lies. The judge is crazy. It doesn't matter what he thinks the culture is now. Some people don't want to be in a relationship and there's nothing wrong with hooking up if both parties agree!

  10. I agree that the law was applied unjustly. It was a victimless crime. Why doesn't the girl get prosecuted for lying about her age? I hope that Zack ends up getting his probation removed. I'll have to search for a video to see if that happened later.

  11. Some Justice at last!
    The original judge was really out of line in my view.
    Chase your dreams Zach & be careful on your journey.
    There are serious evildoers out there. Like 14 year olds, telling young men that they are 17.
    And remember, check legal ID documents & take a snapshot before starting any relationship with someone.

  12. Stop calling the girl a victim. Zach is technically a victim of "Rape by deception" from the girl lying about her age to have sex with him when he otherwise would not have consent to. But yet he getting punished for being raped by deception, this is messed up.

  13. Every one involved in prosecution and conviction, including everyone in the DAs office, judge, etc. should be facing criminal charges. They are unconscionably evil.

  14. Pure evil, the cops, judges, prosecutors are all sick. They are the real Axis of Evil. Judge: "Sayonara" shows the level of evil. This is atypical behavior of Satan's followers. This should not be tolerated. 👼

  15. The judge is unfit for the bench if he allows his personal feelings about modern dating culture to interfere with his ability to judge the facts of a case according to the law.

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