Jury finds Cop Guilty of Civil Rights Violation after he flips the bird to the camera – Everything Law and Order Blog

Former police officer Everett Maynard was found guilty by a federal jury on November 18, 2021 of violating an arrestee’s civil rights.

Maynard was convicted by a jury in Charleston, WV for using excessive force against an arrestee while he was a police officer with the Logan, West Virginia, Police Department.

I show you the actual photos sent to the jury and go over the law….

#police #arrest #lawyer


48 thoughts on “Jury finds Cop Guilty of Civil Rights Violation after he flips the bird to the camera”
  1. This is why I'm afraid of the police. I'm bed bound & only go out for doctor appointments so I should be safe. But I don't feel safe. Every time I need an ambulance the cops show up too along with the ambulance & fire department. Why? They make me anxious, have no function during a medical emergency & just crowd into our home & stand around getting in the way. We feel like they're looking for a reason to arrest my husband or me (for being "ill"?). We're middle-class, not criminals, don't break laws so why?

  2. His large ass moved a human violently thru a narrow doorway in a continuous motion that was indicative of forward physical force in motion with regard to inertia and its impact with the totally INNOCENT DOORFRAME,THE INNOCENT METAL DOORWAY. Use of force was not reasonable the assault unwarranted as the officer had clear physical control over the victim as he seemingly waltzed across the room manhandling him the entire time,no resistance ,he knew he was in a police station in an area with multiple security measures: HE WAS NOT RESISTING ACTIVELY NOR TRYING TO FLEE. Posted by Elaine

  3. Bet you LOVE watching your own videos over and over again with the amount of face time you give yourself. What we have here is 13 minutes of your talking head, with 30 seconds of photos of interest to us, the viewers.

  4. I was wondering do you still represent people. I had a bank steal my house I took them to court the judge would not allow me to present evidence of fraud forgery manufacturer documents and that they own my home and no capacity also had a professional witness. I wasn't allowed to show any evidence so I asked the judge to have the improve the old my house he said they don't have to someone does and he gave it to them then gave us three days to move out. I feel my constitutional rights have been violated not allowed to defend my property not allowed to present evidence not allowed to color of law and not allowed a judgment in my favor when they failed to respond to my legal action.

  5. "So basically the jurors do not need an expert witness to tell them what they see on the video when they're perfectly capable of seeing the video themselves and analyzing what happened."

    Buh-buh-butt, the video doesn't show everything! 🙄

  6. We need a major overhaul of the expert witness system. Far too many of them are just guns for hire who will say whatever is needed to help their client.

    I understand that in England, the experts work for the court, not for the prosecutor or the defense. That seems to me to be an imperfect, but far better solution than what we are doing now.


  8. The officer is definitely guilty as charged. RW is being manhandled from the very start and doesn't appear to be resisting – only awkward movements directly attributable to said manhandling. It doesn't matter if the officer had dealt with RW twenty dozen times (which is the impression I got – too many contacts with the same person over the same issue), causing the officer to decide "enough is enough". What matters is RW was in the station under the control of the officer. As such, the officer is now required to be courteous even though determined to get to the truth of everything.
    One commenter said, "Not his first rodeo." I'd agree with that. This officer has definitely done something similar in the past ("I went too far" – is a rather telling statement).
    It's also irrelevant if the officer has a "Sterling Record" otherwise. His anger trigger was tripped, and he took that anger out on RW – something that EVERY officer KNOWS isn't allowed.

  9. He freely says "I went too far" to another officer. Which is evidence that all cops are bad, just that most of them don't "go too far". Just "normal abuse". If this behavior was culturally unacceptable at the department, he would never have phrased it like that.

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