Kansas woman missing; acquaintance charged with torching her SUV (Pt. 2) – Crime Watch Daily

Kansas woman missing; acquaintance charged with torching her SUV (Pt. 2) – Crime Watch Daily

21-year-old Jessica Runions was last seen leaving a party with Kylr Yust. After her car was found abandoned and torched on the side of the road, with no sign of Runions, Kylr was arrested and charged with knowingly burning the vehicle.

Read More: http://crimewatchdaily.com/2016/09/14/kansas-woman-missing-acquaintance-charged-with-torching-her-suv/


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29 thoughts on “Kansas woman missing; acquaintance charged with torching her SUV (Pt. 2) – Crime Watch Daily

  1. That Andrea Isom tries way to hard to tell a story! She clearly has a lot to learn. The 2 best out of the True Crime Daily crew is Chris Hanson and Jason Matero or however his last name is spelt.

  2. Catch 22: Best scenario, Crime watch and their aggressive investigative reporting solves crimes and saves people. Worst case, they agitate a torturer to turn killer because of the heat. I’m not sure what side of the fence I’m on with this one….possibly my most confusing case ever.

  3. Exhibit A: The first video where ol’ Purple hair admits to being an accessory to murder.

    2. Purp seems to be the only Gf that he hasn’t murked. Ask her when’s the last time she’s dug a hole. Tell her Home Depot is having a, His and Her, shovel sale.

  4. The junior detectives are busy in the comments. Most of them are semi-literate —so much so that they don’t know what “semi-literate” means. But they have all the answers, and despite their heavy video caseload, they are never, ever wrong.

  5. I like this woman-interviewer. she has heart and acts with class in regards to speaking to/with people, unlike the blonde interviewer. she's cold, heartless and I feel that she traumatizes people for her "interview"

  6. This reporter asks the most insensitive, uncaring questions…I.E. HOW DID YOUR DAUGHTER'S PASSING CHANGED YOUR LIFE"?  REALLY?????????? .Also, the word "closure" shouldn't  be allowed in these conversations!!!  REALLY?  There is no such thing as 'closure'.  This means to put our loved ones behind us.  THIS ISN'T POSSIBLE.  There is no closure.  Our loved ones live with us forever.  One more comment, her wig is horrible…..it looks as if it's about to slip down her face.  Why do all men wear bad hairpieces, and the women wear terrible wigs?????  If you're bald…you're bald…..so what!Did any of the people here actually learn English grammar?  I think not!!!!  Every other sentence, if not every sentence, has terrible grammar errors….My granddaughter can speak our language more proficiently.  And, she is only 4.

  7. They found her body. I hope Crime Watch Daily does a follow up. A mushroom hunter found Runions body, and a skeleton was found not too far away. They're testing the skeleton, but it's believed to be Kara.

  8. It doesn’t seem to matter how many “tips” they get they don’t want to arrest this guy. I’ve seen hundreds of arrests with less circumstantial evidence & no body. What’s really going on here? The sheriffs name should be Doofy

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