Crime Watch Daily’s Ana Garcia speaks with Ken Kratz, one of the lead prosecutors in the Steven Avery case, about his new book “Avery: The Case Against Steven Avery and What ‘Making a Murderer’ Gets Wrong.” Garcia also talks to Tom Fassbender, a former special agent, about the documentary “Making a Murderer.” Steven Avery of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin is currently in prison for the murder of Teresa Halbach after being exonerated for a previous sexual assault and attempted murder conviction.
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Ok, hold on. Most of the time true crime daily talks about how you can't trust an inmate's testimony, but now it's ok to believe this guy's word?! Anyone think he could have been fed this info by the same people that could have planted evidence?
Kratz belongs in prison
The letter is plausible.
Avery hit on Theresa and she said no.
He's a low IQ sociopath with no impulse control.
He left evidence everywhere.
That's why he's locked up.
They fabricated evidence and Kratz and a smiley dirtbag. Why not just pay an inmate a shitload of money to say what they want him to say?
Why Ken Kratz don’t let talk the forensic doctor in front of the jury? Because he had fear! And in the jury was a father of an Police officer from Manitowoc. They had everywhere his fingers…
Ken Kratz is certainly the most despicable excuse for a prosecutor I've ever seen. All he cares about is his own fame and glory. Well, he fckd that up when he was sending sex messages to an abused woman. What a low life. What a scumbag. What a conman. Throw the bstrd in jail and throw away the key.
Sorry “true crime” can’t give Kratz’s sleaze any more air time….. Steve and Brendan are INNOCENT!
I can’t wait for Steven and Brendan to write a book to get the record straight that he was framed by those cops and prosecutors,what a book that will be ,do u notice fassbender has lost a lot of weigh since the trial beacause he is worried sick it is all going to come crashing down on them .that book KRATZ wrote is a load of rubbish just wants to make money out of two innocent men .they all seem to be really quiet now in 2020 because they all know that this case is going to broken right open by KZ .
So disappointed in CWD for doing this story which is clearly slanted. Journalism isnt supposed to report that way. First thing you learn in journalism school. Cops can fudge paperwork and can be masters at spinning stories and smearing the accused. Go back to the very first incarceration. The dude was EXONERATED via DNA. But lets keep framing and framing him. You missed it on this one CWD.
I think they should let Brendan go
Lol, I have yet seen anything good said about Ken slime ball Kratz .come clean or burn in Hell for what you did to these 2 men’s lives. An eye for a eye.
You know, there are plenty of arguments from both sides. I personally don't know. It seems like it would be easy to tamper with some of the evidence but at the same time, there is more evidence that points to Avery (ranging from a stretch to likely suspect). One thing i did notice is that they took Brendan's story as their biggest piece of evidence. A story that not only is being called out for possible police coercion, but had the murder weapon noted to be Avery's gun. HOWEVER, Avery's cellmate claims he did it with a kitchen knife per, "Steven's words"? Something just doesn't add up, and i feel like Brendan and Steven will likely serve their sentences because there isn't anything that unequivocally shouts "THEYRE INNOCENT."
Joseph’s hand writing looks a lot like a girls. How fake is that letter, what a joke.
yet we all know poeple lie.. all this changes nothing..
corruption , its all conspiracy. When you jailed for a years, will you do the crime again?
what is a draw?
if its not a rabbit hole he wants to go down then why the fuck did he write a fucking book…. hes talking some amount of shite that kratz
terrible police work.. corruption all the way
Lol, if you think the cops had nothing to do with it.
How are they allowed to make a one sided documentry? People are only going to believe what you put in front of them! INCLUDE ALL THE FACTS guys. FASSBENDER & the police are the only ones actually speaking the truth. No one hid evidence – dude killed her
Sounds like Avery promised a couple of film makers some of the money he plans to get from his first conviction. Avery is a cold blooded killer thinking "they'll all be too scared to convict me a 2nd time so I could actually get away with murder"' what a sick man, and then tricking & manipulating his nephew – who's also a victim – he was an impressionable KID – unreal
Where do you belong.. “Kreepy Ken Kratz”? Perverted Freak !
I find it funny how everyone was so fooled by that shitty documentary that left out key evidence to the crime. It's one thing to get fooled, but to go on believing the lie while all the evidence points to Avery is just dishonest. People need to learn to think for themselves.
Avery is one evil guy.
Why does Tom look like he needs to take a dump
i’m not sure overall about this case. i dont know if they’re guilty or not, i really don’t know. but with Dassey, his confession DEFINITELY needs to be THROWN OUT! not only with the leading questions and other stuff they talk about, but in this video the interviewer asked if dassey understood what was going on. NO HE DIDNT! the kid is confessing to murder in one breath and in the other…asking if he’s gonna make it back to school in time for a specific class. he clearly didn’t understand the severity of the situation.
and always keep in mind that regardless of the show, Making a Murderer or news coverage or some documentary, ONLY the jury will ever hear ALL the evidence. they hear stuff that the news will never cover and that the general republic won’t know.
Lies, all lies.
I know he's got a low iq but he wouldn't hiding it behind a nightstand was good enough. And no way did he think he had a chance with her and then got mad.
"… out of the draw" ๑ 2:10
No .22 shots tho huh?
NOBODY RAPED Teresa you fat piece of shit. Neither Steven or Brendan killed her either. "Law enforcement is going to look into this new information"……yeah, okay! Just like they looked into other suspects besides Steven? Oh that's right, they didn't. No worries Kathleen Zellner is on the job.
In Avery's defense, I know for a fact that it's really hard to burn a body down to bones, a fresh body that is filled with liquids, in a simple burn pit, even with gas or the likes. Plus they never found part of her bones, as I understand it, her pelvic bones were missing. Where are those bones? However, I did find it suspicious that Avery had a belt hanging over his bed. Strange place for a belt to be.
Jail house snitch which KZellner told us it was coming… this is a JOKE
While it's a rare occurrence, people who have been exonerated of serious crimes have gone on to actually commit serious crimes. Andre Davis was exonerated in the murder and rape of a child, but he was later convicted of killing a man over a dispute about a dice game. Kerry Kotler was exonerated of a 1981 rape, but after being freed from prison he was later convicted through DNA evidence of the 1995 rape of a student from the University of Long Island. Steven Avery is not entirely unique. It does happen.
He shouldn't been allowed to been on this case having her sexting scandal prior to this Avery court case, where was the outside of the car finger prints dusting only 3 swabs inside of the 6 all 6 shouldn't have been done and a test from FBI that wouldn't always show if ebt in the blood mix test also to substituent that testing goes both ways if in fact it does ! and Willis shouldn't been allowed to preside on the new case having predigested himself in the prior false conviction of Avery ! the foot prints outside the car where are they ? poor police investigation 8 days of house access and then finds keys and where the women finger print she should of been on them had they been her keys not Avery blood only! Willis dropping the second charge give Avery 50 half plus 3 years should like he was writing him half sentence for that women death since he see to stealing Avery twins and parting their family for those 18 years ended in their families having a much harder time to try and get his twins and they're needs met to get out from living in Mystery Babylons sins with having to spend the moneys he got from he wrongful conviction on legal fees, they not be able to live tax free without untaxed prosperity , only privately owned island and nation of Israel tax free land God given to them tax free i am knowing about , 36 million would of helped with that possibly , but not 400,000 Willis should of excuses himself off of hearing the case on the new charges case with Avery and his nephew to prevent it being viewed as another river rat anaconda snake wraps itself around it victim to squeezes the life out of it , the people who had the new information that the man had reported to the jail that he did the killing should all be charged with obstruction of justice which resulted in 8 years longer false imprisonment for Avery ! I do think Avery guilty he seen the women as someone who should of known better then doing that job, i didn't never sense it in him , but questioning their clean up of salvage yard moving scattering of fire pit! knowingly between them two Avery and nephews cleaning up of the salvage yard Avery nephew said they did clean up the yard! I questioned if to move the body parts so not to be easily discovered in the two burn spots, but makes me think of her as a mercenary, their was a scripture in holy bible verse; kill your enemy before they kill you! old testament ! And nephew a avenger of blood, after the death of the priest they can leave the place of refuge they to flee too if they killed someone by accidentally, they are to go to so that the avenger of blood, close relative don't come and slay them was my thought's for what might have occurred and why ! Next money is a weapon and awnserth all things, wisdom is a weapon ! but it didn't add awnserth all things like it does here with money being a weapon and awnserth all things! wisdom would make a person way prosperous with good understanding ! the of the destruction of the poor is their poverty ! they not only should of disbarred that DA from holding a licensees he never shouldn't of been allowed to be on Avery murder trials having his sexting scandal he is no prize , he is a non-kosher idolatry agenda PIG fornicating and adultery is sin against the laws of God ,Adultery discovers the skirt of violence Holy bible Jeremiah 26 & 27 The Holy Bible, According to the Authorized Version (A.D. 1611): …
Frederic Charles Cook – 1883 – Bible
26 Therefore will I discover thy skirts upon thy face, that thy shame may appear. … with violence (Henderson), nor the loading the feet with chains (C. B. Michaelis), … of spiritual adultery, of inordinate eagerness after idolatry (see note on ch. v. ! Sin reaps anguish and tribulation and corruption in the flesh and afterwards death if not confessed and forsaken at the cross of Christ and brought forth fruit meat for repentance ! The sting of sin is death, t he strength of sin, is the laws of God! When we sin , sin is a transgression of the laws of God! Three in heaven bears wittness father sone and Holy ghost , Three in the earth bears wittness The spirit the water , the blood, there was three phone calls of Halbacks to Averys theat day she went to do his Van's Photo Shoot,, Where the Cascaus is there will be the eagles gathered together. I have more knowlege then all my teachers beacuse I keep your precepts and concept and testimoneys PSALMS 119:99 KJV "I have more understanding than all my …
Psalms 119:99 KJV: I have more understanding than all my teachers: for thy … I understand more than the ancients, because I keep thy precepts. … Bible Verses like Psalms 119:99 .. !;KJV Ex-DA Ken Kratz's law license suspended in sexting scandal
Ken Kratz, who tried to spark a sexual relationship with a domestic abuse victim and made sexual remarks to social workers, can't practice law for four months, Wis. Supreme Court ruled .Let god arise and his enemies be scattered and let the righteous be glad God has triumphed mightily ! Let god arise , Let god arise !It is good to Praise the lord and his love and faithfulness al through the night ! Lai lai lai may we dwell in your Court oh lord may we flourish like the trees of lebanon planted in the house of Adonai there to live forever more Lai Lai Lai ! Holy Come on rejoice with us Roni Roni Roni Bat Zion Simchi V' Altsi B' Chol Lev Bat Yerrush Alayim Rejoice Rejoice Rejoice forever more ! In pennys case the man Gregory allen told that had did the assault on Penny attempted rape, told it to the jail 8 years longer avery was left in prison , After Gregory Allen had reported to the police department while he was in jail 10 years into avery's False conviction, Penny attacker was gregory allens , the Police department didn't do anything about it jail house confession of gregory allen, reported while the jail they had the wrong man in jail on Penny Rape assault, that Gregory Allen had done that rape assault on Penny, they felt they already had the man who did the crime and didn't pursue it further, Gregory Allen was in Jail on rape assault where he did Perform oral sex on that victim, they had a innocent man in jail Avery wasn't guilty of Penny owner of the candy store attempted rape assault, to all the Blowfish Sex out there what you sow that also shall you shall reap ! View Video How to locate kosher-foods, in grocery store to not break God's dietary laws so that your not put under a curse, of the law for breaking the laws of God , under grace in christ were not given full measure for our sin that would be death , God still trying to perfect christ in us willing our will to will Gods will, till this mortal puts on immortality then that saying oh death where is your sting oh grave where is your victory will be swallowed up by life and then the kingdom could be delivered up , not on lot or title of the law will fail till all is fulfilled! God able to deliver up the kingdom now but only God knows that exact time, cause more that will surely come, in leviticus 11 , deuteronomy 28 &30 , see also revelations 17-23 chapters, Ten commandment .
Take that you fucking killer, rot in prison you fucking moron.
The real story is where are Fassbender's eyebrows? 1:32
there is no way they found ANY of Teresa's DNA in his home. he was such a fastidious housekeeper he just cleaned so well… wtf??? this is bullshit…
I don't trust Ken Kratz at all he seems so slimy and the way he talks seems put on, all softly softly like he wouldn't raise his voice to anyone. What he did to the abuse victim was disgusting and he should not be allowed to practice law as who knows who else he will text.
Guilty without a doubt. His nephew is innocent and they have to let him out.