As police try to figure out what happened to Kenia Monge, a horrible crime provided some pieces of the missing puzzle: another young woman is ferociously attacked in Fort Collins. Two young women, total strangers connected in the most horrible of ways by a true psychopath with evil intentions. More:


By elboriyorker


45 thoughts on “Kenia Monge: Denver woman’s disappearance spurs capture of serial attacker”
  1. First of all she was underage drinking. Then she was dancing with some guy and went back to his apartment. Then she got into a van with a stranger who promised to take her home. I know she was bladdered but she was also very naive and a bit stupid too. She obviously didn’t think much of her boyfriend neither.

  2. Poor family. Before anyone judges it takes a very strong and courageous person indeed to forgive such a thing, or anything bad, and it’s the only way to truly free yourself from that person owning and possessing a part of you, you break the link. It’s not about excusing someone you could never do that, it’s just about letting go of the toxic hate that will eat you alive if you don’t let it go. It’s a horrible feeling to harbour I’ll will will towards anyone, particularly intensely, and like I said left unchecked that’s a parasite that will just eat you alive. Sending my love to the family/victims they’re all so beautiful and strong 💚🙏

  3. Her so called friends are wrong for leaving her. They should have left the bar with her. I would never leave my drunk friend wit a stranger at a bar.

  4. Holy hell.. her friends knew she was 3 sheets to the wind, so much so that she’s kicked out of a bar and they just let her leave no jacket, wallet, phone..
    I’m sorry I hope they are haunted for the rest of their lives.
    Even as a guy I wouldn’t let my guy friend be that vulnerable.

  5. Oh gosh I live in Colorado in the outskirts of Denver and absolutely remember hearing about this story. That Conoco is right off Colorado Blvd. I never knew the outcome though!

  6. When they read that text message about the creepy van. I knew it was him one hundred percent. Her dads instincts were so on point.

  7. May her beautiful soul rest in power. I wish her family all the healing , love and strength in their lives. They seem such genuinely nice and caring people. Neither kenia nor her family deserved this. I wish her justice and all her loved ones power. May she be remembered through her kind heart. Rest easy angel ❤

  8. Girls PLEASE protect yourselves and never trust your drinks around ANYONE!! Yes, her friends betrayed her by not leaving with her, which goes to show that you shouldn't rely on anyone but yourself. NEVER EVER be vulnerable because the sad reality for women is, that they have to try and prevent these situations as much as possible.

  9. If your out at the club or bar with friends and someone gets kicked out then as friends all of y'all should leave also, you don't just let that one friends get kicked out and leave by there self. Especially with that one friends leaves with a random person, and you know you have all of your friends stuff, as in purse and phone. So those aren't truly real friends. A real friend wouldn't of ever let her leave by herself like that. If she did have real friends then she would still be alive today

  10. I have a sperm donor, and a Dad. The sperm donor is all he is to me, he kept making promises to do this and that with me, I could visit him for a weekend…… and he broke every damned promise to me. He was so determined to not pay child support for the three of us (a whole $35.00 a month back then!!!) that he would stay in Massachusetts for 364 days, then go to Maine for 364, and on and on – he had to be a resident of a state for a full year for my mother to be able to go after him.

    When I was 10, there was my "Step Father". He brought me up with my mother, was there every step of the way, would take me on adventures every stinking time the sperm donor broke another promise… He was my DAD until he died, and he still is, to me.

  11. Thank goodness he thought he was so smart and left that text thinking it gave him alibi. Otherwise, I don’t think would have had any way link him to her. No one saw her get into vehicle with him
    Think she may have been drugged at club. I can’t understand how would leave purse and phone at bar. Even if not thinking something this would happen as just very bad luck, but would t leave it for someone to steal.

  12. Where was the mind of the Bouncer? Why would you kick out a young girl intoxicated with a guy who was also intoxicated and to top it off out the back way? What was that STUPID BOUNCER THINKING? Because of his STUPIDITY this young girl was taken too soon! He caused her Death! I hope the family filed charges on him. He belongs in jail too! Or Bouncers, All were involved and need to be held accountable! And where the Heck were her Friends? If you can’t handle your drinks then don’t get Drunk! Have your Limit…

  13. Blacks who want to be white, have sex with Caucasians to birth closer to white folks children. Got what she deserved. Maybe you can be white in the afterlife. Got what she wanted 😂

  14. Yea but what type of friends are rhese. They thrownur friend out because shes too drunk and you all stayed inside didnt care what would happen to ur friend???

  15. So he kills her because she got pissed off that he had sex with her while she was sleeping??? God forbid she react negatively to being sexually assaulted while she was sleeping. What a peice of garbage he is!!!

  16. I wonder if this guy wanted to get caught.. cause why would text her saying “ hey this blah blah with the white creepy can” like why would he do that?

  17. If my friend gets kicked out, I’d be right out there with her too. How could they let their friend leave in a vulnerable state by herself?

  18. My drink was once spiked by a guy who a female friend of a friend brought along, her boss. When I uncharacteristically collapsed after 1 drink, a round he'd bought, he offered to take me home and told my friends to stay and enjoy the Armani fashion show.
    They refused his offer and took me home themselves. I'd have done the same for them. Hos before bros was our motto!

  19. Tbh, Colorado is the perfect place to show you who your true friends are.
    Its only hard to obtain a lifelong friendship here.

  20. In this shows parents always trying to make excuses and blaming others for their sons/daughters behavior. Blame her and her stupidity, she was in a place where she didn't supposed to be. Underage and drinking. And blame her for the shit friends that she had, that let her leave by herself. Drunk, probably drugged, Dress like a you know what in the middle of the night. Not a nice combination

  21. Well I don't understand why her friends didn't go outside with her, when the guard kicked her and that man outer the bar,see real friends would have got up,and went outside where they friend was,and left together, as they came there together, ladies when you all go out to a bar together, just make sure that you leave, the same way,that you all came, its more safe that way, just my thoughts

  22. Of course he is a serial killer he killed that young woman, sent a text…creepy white van,,,,,went off to another state raped, badly beat and set fire to a flat with the girl he raped and badly beat to HIDE ALL EVIDENCE. He loved bleach, burning clothes, carpet from van etc., you bet he is responsible for a lot more crimes closer to 🏡 he feels embarrassed 😳 and her sister is not helping things by any contact or telling him she forgives him. She needs to step back other families need closure. Cops need to praise him for his honesty regards where body was and tell where others are. He drugged more women.

  23. Travails girlfriend is a lightning star she gave him an alibi…I would not believe ONE word out of his mouth he Drugged her, raped her, murderer her, covered his tracks with bleach and burns everything in a barrel. Disposes of body when her father was in toutch with him. He us a LYING MONSTER, A DANGEROUS RAPIST AND MURDERER, A RAPIST, BEATER AND ARSONIST COVERING HIS TRACKS.

  24. Psychological truth: When a person keeps doing a SENTENCE REPAIR during a conversation, then the person is lying or hiding something. Travis kept doing that in his interrogation.

  25. Doesn't matter if a person is beautiful or average they don't deserve to be murdered every one is beautiful the art of make up and she is in the after life now

  26. Idk how her family members found it in their heart to forgive him. I personally would never forgive anyone that caused harm to my child or family member and I would wish that they burned in hell for all of eternity. My own uncle forgave the man that unalived his son and I just never understood how or why.

  27. Why did her friends not go out with her to see to that she gets home…with friends like this who needs enemies…..
    friends don't leave a friend out knowing she has no phone, purse or jacket.

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