What are the “rights” of law abiding citizens and/or property owners, when it comes to violent rioters or protestors? Are AR-15s treated differently? Episode 9 of FIS gets to the heart of the concept that “freedom is scary,” so questions need to be discussed. Join me LIVE and bring your own questions, if you’ve got them. Here are some good ones:

Can you unlawfully possess a firearm and then lawfully use that firearm in a self defense situation?

Can you and should you be able to defend private property with deadly force, and if not, can the law be changed in your state?

Were there new information releases today relevant to the probable legality of self defense for Kyle Rittenhouse?

Does the mention of “militia” in the 2nd Amendment have any applicability?

What federal circuit covers Wisconsin and has it been favorable to the exercise of 2nd Amendment rights and the right of self defense in the context of AR-15 style rifles?

In case you missed it:

Part 1 of the Rittenhouse discussion (FIS Ep. 8):

Rittenhouse Shootings Analyzed



11 thoughts on “Kenosha Incident Analysis 2.0 – Freedom is Scary – Ep. 9”
  1. I follows your scenarios perfectly. This will be a difficult case to trial and have such a high stakes for everyone. I'm Pro 2A. I'm playing devil advocate here and would like to hear what your objective opinion on it. If a criminal take a gun into your property knowingly that it's a crime. Can he claim that it's self-defense if the home owner come out with a gun to defend himself or property (Texas)? I would think not. So if the prosecutor can prove that the defendant knowingly that it's illegal to carry that riffle on that property (Now I don't know if there are any law cases that specified that it's illegal to carry a gun when you are a minor in private property) then can the defendant similar to that of a robber can use self-defense as a legal argument? Understand now that some States like PA do not allow you to use deadly force to protect property while other States like Texas allows it. I can see why it’s hard to pass a law to protect “property” based on it’s definition. Maybe “dwelling”. Just imagine someone killing a child stealing a lollipop. I would hate to be a juror in this case. I also want to say in my State, you can have unanimous on a few counts and hung on the remainder counts. The retrial will only encapsulate the hunged counts. Thank you in advance.

  2. I find it very odd that one can do all this gun stuff in one´s own state
    and be ´prepared for everything´ and then one goes to another state
    and have to leave one´s gun behind, and then gets murdered there
    because one is defenseless, very odd and something´s very wrong
    with this picture.

  3. Rather have dangerous freedom than peaceful slavery. But we must uphold law (COTUS) and order to preserve that freedom and liberty. This is a Marxist tactic to burn it all down to rebuild in their image of an utopian of control slavery. This is evil.

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