Kidnapped by Killer Who Murdered Her Family, Shasta Groene Speaks Out – Pt. 2 – Crime Watch Daily

Kidnapped by Killer Who Murdered Her Family, Shasta Groene Speaks Out – Pt. 2 – Crime Watch Daily

In an emotional conversation with special correspondent Melissa Moore, the daughter of the notorious “Happy Face Killer,” Shasta Groene recalls story almost too horrific to believe.

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46 thoughts on “Kidnapped by Killer Who Murdered Her Family, Shasta Groene Speaks Out – Pt. 2 – Crime Watch Daily

  1. Omg, my heart aches…💔I can't stop crying for this poor girl…😭The worst night mare is when she saw the monster👹killing her brother infront of her,😔that must be so painful and horrible for her…😓This monster👹should rot and die in jail, after he die also, the hell fire awaits him…🔥Some people are just wicked and heartless, he is evil…👿Sending our prayers and condolences to this beautiful girl…🙏God will surely comfort and take care of you…😒Rip to all who lost their life's from this monster hand, may their gentle soul rest in perfect peace…🙏💗💗💗

  2. My heart breaks for the moments these children went through. I actually feel ill at the thought of Dylan. Why couldn't there have been the army and drones to find these children.

  3. I know this is an old video, but Shasta…..if by any chance you are reading this, I want you to know how many people care for you. I have been through a lot, but NOTHING compared to what this sub-human did to you and Dylan, You did not deserve that, and it is hard to find words to express my feelings for you. I wish I had some power to wipe it from your memory. I am so glad you got away, and you have a purpose on this Earth. Children who are in trouble may see you, and by hearing your story, maybe can get out of the situation they are in. I know it must be so hard, but I admire you for sharing your story. God bless you and your sons, and I wish you happiness and safety the rest of your life. I wish I could just hug you….it breaks my heart. But stay strong as you are….you are loved.

  4. I hate the way these Australian people narrate these things. It almost sounds like they're getting off on these horrible fucking stories, or using them to get ratings. Never have felt much compassion coming from them when they do these kind of stories that they all seemed to be obsessed with. It always reminds me of Robert Downey Jr's character in NBK.

  5. They didn't mention what he had her do after he killed her brother. Probably better that way, fucking monster. She is brave as hell. Bless her heart and her family's souls.

  6. My heart still breaks hearing about this like it was yesterday. Shasta's such a strong person. Idk how she did it at only 8-years old, but she was my hero then and will always be. I hope she and the boys were found and all is better now.

  7. He’s what you can only describe as completely fucking EVIL may he rot in hell for all of eternity r.ip sweetheart safe in god’s arms now where no- one can ever hurt you again Sending love light strength peace prayer’s and lot’s of big hug’s X’s another angel gone to soon My heart is breaking for the poor family may you find peace one day xx 😘 💖🙏🏽 xx 😘

  8. God right now I lift up all of today’s craziest criminals and lord I know the very thing that is wrong with ppl and why we are so surrounded by evil wickedness and darkness is because your word teaches that we are undone and overtaken by the desires of sin and wicked deeds! And Satan himself has come to kill steal and destroy, and is as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour!!!!! Lord it burdens my heart to think that those who are lost and not indwelt by the spirit are going to end up in a terrible place called hell that is unending suffering in flaming fire and the wrath of God will forever abide on them! That will be far worse than the longest prison sentence or even death row! Lord right now I lift up everyone who is reading this and lord I pray in Jesus Name that if there is anyone who doesn’t know you or is troubled about their souls reading this then by all means please allow this comment to enlighten their path to draw them to yourself and gloriously be saved from that horrible eternal place called Hell lord that’s my prayer and that’s my hope! I pray that Satan will be completely banned from this comment right now in Jesus Name and Satan only by the authority of Jesus Christ and his word which I stand upon you are completely banned from this comment! I don’t care whether you like it or not I am praying for the lost to get saved and am seeking to completely set fire to your harvest Mr.! you are nothing but a Liar with a capital L the father of Lies!!!!! A cheater! A deceiver! A joker! A murderer! A thief! A stalker! A depressant! And most of all a father of lies low down yellow dog loooooooser! And there's absolutely nothing you're going to say or do that's going to change your future whatsoever! you are going to be cast into the lake of fire where you're going to burn forever and ever and whether you like it or not we are all gods children and praise be to God we won't be joining you……… So in Jesus name I demand and insist that you back away from us entirely leave us all alone get thee behind Jesus and don't come back you hear me? Don't come back ever and in Jesus name be gone forever your father of lies loser! Because you're going to hell! Repeat you're going to hell! And your time is short! Lord again please just reach out to the lost folks that read this comment! Lord if anyone is troubled about their souls then please I beg you may they waste no time commenting back to me so I can show them how to come to know the precious sweet savior Jesus who made it possible to escape the wrath to come! God time is running out and ppl need to respond to the Gospel quickly before it is too late! If Jesus would forsake the 99 sheep go outta his way to still try to save the one remaining lost lamb then can you please use me to reach out to the remaining lost lambs! I want nothing more than to see your wonderful precious and holy name most high and glorified whatever that takes! Lord as your children everyday I ask that you please fill our hearts with much patience grace wisdom strength and obedience to accomplish your perfect will and as we as your children through these dark days seek the bright light of your face May we daily much exalt magnify and glorify high and lift up the king of kings and the Lord of lords much to the fullest extent in all we say and do lord that's my prayer and that's my hope! Please lord again use us and strengthen us to win the lost to you! As always God in the good times you are worthy to be praised and we're going to give you all the glory with thanksgiving in our hearts for you giving us all things to enjoy and in the bad times we're still going to do just the same lord because you are Jehovah Jireh our provider Jehovah Nissi our banner Jehovah Ropheka our healer and the perfect physician Dr. Jesus Christ Jehovah Shalom our wonderful and blessed prince of peace! And the God who comforts us in all of our afflictions! You are the alpha the omega the beginning and the end! The first and the last are you! The absolute timeless God the eternal God the infinite God the Holy God the righteous God the beautiful God the Rose of Sharon the buckler the captain of our soul the dayspring from on high the daystar the bright and morning star the lily of the valley the light of the world! Lord thank you so much for your death on the cross for our sins! Romans 5:8 says God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. And also John 3:16-17 says For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life! For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. Yes lord you are worthy of all our praise worship and adoration! Thank you for your unfailing love toward us and for saving our souls from the pits of Hell! And Lord no matter how fiery our trials can become lord just giving you all the praise and thanksgiving will cause us to become overcomers and more than conquerors! And as always no matter how painful or even unbearable our temporary sufferings can become still Romans 8:18 paints just the perfect picture of just how small and temporary our troubles are compared to eternity as it states that our present sufferings are not worthy to be compared to the glory that shall be revealed in us! And I also know that 1st Thessalonians 4:16-18 day is coming For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words. Also 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 tells us that Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. And also Revelation 21:4 day is near and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes and there shall be no more crying death sorrow neither shall there be any more pain for all the former things have passed away and all things are new! What a day that will be! When my Jesus I shall see! When I look upon his face! The one who saved me by his grace! When he takes me by the hand and leads me to the promised land! What a day! Glorious day! That will be! Just a few more weary days and then I'll fly away! To that place where Joy shall never end! I'll fly away! I'll fly away oh glory! I'll fly away in the morning! When I die hallelujah by and by! I'll fly away! By and by when the morning comes! When the saints of God are gathered home we will tell the story of how we've overcome! And we'll understand it better by and by! Sing the wondrous love of Jesus! Sing his mercy and his grace! In the mansions bright and blessed! He'll prepare for us a place! When we all get to heaven what a day of rejoicing that will be! When we all see Jesus! We'll sing and shout the victory! O victory in Jesus! My savior forever! He sought me! And bought me! With his redeeming blood! He loved me ere I knew him! And all my love is due him! He plunged me to victory! Beneath the cleansing flood! And as Titus 2:13 puts it we are waiting for that blessed hope of the glorious appearing of our lord and savior Jesus Christ! I'm kinda homesick for a country to which I've never been before! No sad good byes will there be spoken! And time won't matter anymore! Beluah Land I'm longing for you and someday on thee I'll stand where my home shall be eternal! Beluah Land Sweet Beluah Land!!!! Yes lord what a wonderful beautiful glorious and victorious morning that still lies ahead for all of us who belong to you and are called according to your purpose! Forever all our pain will be forever forgotten ousted and vanished in the presence of our lord and savior Jesus Christ! Yes lord please use these reminders to set all of our minds on things above and not things down here! and finally when all is said and done please just multiply and pour out all on our days ahead with much smiles satisfaction and laughter unimaginable sunshiny happy days and Joy unspeakable! Also please fill each of our cup till it overflows! Finally please just remind us we as brothers and sisters Will be in much prayer for each other love one another dearly and will never give up on one another as long as it takes and I pray all this in his precious and holy name amen…….:-)

  9. She has been through so much trauma at such a young age. My heart truly breaks for her.

    People like this guy, who have committed serious violent offenses from an early age (convicted at 16), need to be monitored the rest of their lives.This guy continued to exhibit a pattern of violence and was still released from prison.

  10. That fake ass reporter is a bit of a socipath too ….she only wants good answers , already knows rhe answer and pretends to screw up her over made up face in sadness

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