In an emotional conversation with special correspondent Melissa Moore, the daughter of the notorious “Happy Face Killer,” Shasta Groene recalls story almost too horrific to believe.
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In an emotional conversation with special correspondent Melissa Moore, the daughter of the notorious “Happy Face Killer,” Shasta Groene recalls story almost too horrific to believe.
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what an incredible woman! I always think about her, I hope she's doing fine, she deserves it, she's so strong! Shasta if you ever read this, I will just say that you got this! Time will heal everything, believe me.
she really was such a little smart child. to be able to think about all the ways to try to live is amazing! she has had a very hard time. i pray she heals and lets herself calm down and live a more peaceful life.
Not heroes where capes, give that waitress a purple heart. Saving lives.
The weekend's seriously great
She now must be actually in her 20s
Joseph died last year from brain cancer i think.
If her name is ''Shasta'' why do the waiter and the subtitle use the name ''Jenny'' and why did she say that she would see her dad again soon when that girl told the waiter that he had killed them? What dumb nonsense!!!!!!!!!! Idiots think that one needs to ''forgive'' someone bcz if they do not then they ''control'' them, but no, big NO! That is sooo wrong, bcz they literally do not and they are free, never forgiving worthless trash like them does not mean they have control. Stop putting all that nonsense in your head, they do not have control and will never have any, even if they temporarily claimed some, so never forgive loser trash like those. Live in the moment, be free, think of it as part of the past or forget it. Have it just be kinda like, something that happened and do what can be done to never experience it again, never forgive even if you succeed to forget it or live with it though not forgive. Creatures like that should never be forgiven, they obviously do not deserve it, forgiving to me is only if someone did something fairly innocent. Like, stealing something like your phone, but returned it. Something that does not ruin you or possibly could.
I think people should, must, understand that.
People need to stop using positive words for those DISGUSTING waste creatures. Like, that female on the phone is not sane bcz she says ''tall gentleman'' when she should say ''tall male'' instead, like there is nothing in the word ''gentleman'' that fits to that creature. To accurately describe him she should have said, there is a tall and UGLY looking creature here, looking like a monster with a little girl that is possibly kidnapped!!!!!!!!
Never use positive words when speaking of someone you do not even know is a ''gentleman'' and I do not care if they use the word as a replacement for male when the word male is more than enough to say!!!!!!!!!
"That a phenomenal philosophy"? No, that's a biblical truth.
Our system is pathetic and corrupt why this Monster out in the fkn Street…
Super strong
So sad she didn't get the mental help that was needed afterwards! Meth user with 5 children
Duncan is now dead, the world is better for Shasta
I'm glad that the killer is dead now
A horrific existence finally coming to an end thanks to the attention and bravery of that waitress!
In those critical moments, so many people hesitate, are stalled out and fail to act.
Like the people working at the gas station, where they were caught on video surveillance together, earlier that day.
If the cashier there had been as alert, aware and as due diligent as the staff working at Denny's, dude probably would have never even made it over to get milkshakes in the first place.
But, clearly it's not their fault lol they may not have been as familiar with the case to notice at that time, besides all of the media outreach was instructing people be on the lookout for two small children, a boy and a girl.
Anyway, it's the last little bit of good fortune available, apparently, that they had happened in to a place in which they would be recognized.
And after everything that's happened, counting blessings is appropriate.
No question.

Wish they was at my Dennys i was a head cook I always kept that Glock on me I would came out and said can I help y’all with anything as he said nah I’m good I upped on uhm told uhm get tf on the ground u move your dead and grab the lil girl
America low
That sadistic psychopath deserves nothing less then the death penalty.
It's been a long time and you forget that she saved her own life through her own actions and her rescue was no accident.
I'm researching this story currently since I live by Wolf Lodge /CDA area.
Brave you are Shasta. My god I worried about you and you brother. I’m sad Dylan didn’t make it. But so glad you survived. Blessings to you and you’re family. That experience would have broken me but you are wise and strong beyond your years. Shasta have a good life honey you deserve it

He wrote a blog called the fifth nail while on death row . In this he said his worst fear was getting sick In prison . Luckily he had a brain tumor and didn’t get his wish to die peacefully. Lethal injection was what he wanted . His surgery cost $750,000
You calling that animal a Mr What's wrong with you?! God bless this girl
Feel so bad for this little girl, now a beautiful woman with children. Prayers for her happiness and salvation

I'm a native of Coeur d'Alene and the craziest thing about this story to me is that I've been to that Denny's numerous times and may have sat in the seat that Shasta or Duncan sat in before realizing that was where she was found.
Now he is dead
Did Shasta actually visit Jed?
Does humanity need more proof that girls are way SMARTER and STROGREN than boys? I hope no…
waitress is a freaking HERO
either its bad parenting or the kid is a psychopath he has a heart tho i can see it its to late now for him tho :/ hes rotting in hell for poor choices
This piece of garbage was on parole when he came to Idaho. The judge and the parole board are as guilty as Duncan.
I don't forgive him…and neither does the country.
Why forgiving a crazed killer! He's more psychotic as Jehovah's witnesses, targeting innocent families
Brave and strong young lady..pray all her dreams come true.
This is my town, every time I go into our Denny's I think about the booth where she was found
5:29 “Shasta’s long nightmare is finally finished.” Unfortunately, that statement couldn’t be further from the truth. This is something she’ll have to deal with for the rest of her life.
Thank God for that waitress
When i saw her in the
station video. I almost
she was such a adorable lil girl. Thank God she made it out of that crazyness alive.