Kidnapped child found alive through fingerprint; Soul singer’s killer sentenced to life – Everything Law and Order Blog

This Week on True Crime Daily The Podcast: Nine-year-old abduction victim Charlotte Sena is found alive after police identify a suspect using a fingerprint allegedly left on a ransom note. Plus, a soul singer’s killer is brought to justice nearly six years after her brutal murder.

Luis Bolaños and Joseph Fenity join host Ana Garcia.

Check out our previous podcast about Betty Willis:

More on the life of Betty Willis:

Ana Garcia

Luis Bolaños

Joseph Fenity
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36 thoughts on “Kidnapped child found alive through fingerprint; Soul singer’s killer sentenced to life”
  1. This is w problem at COe parks , with kess funding they are not taking it seriously.

    As a host Inhave poited out mostly dead trees and branches and its not taken seriously.

    I suspect they have a disclaimer in their reservation that they are not responsible when you enter their parks. Likely a change from long ago.

  2. Someties i think the public should not be told all the details of how these scum bags are caught, we don't need to know about the finger print or the house surveillance do we? It just helps fiture criminals what to avoid 🙄

  3. Had he pulled that man over they may not have ever found her. He very well could have clammed up and not said a word or he may have asked for an attorney. Any amount of hours that she would have been locked away alone without food and water would have put her in harms way

  4. I full-time RV and work in different resorts every season. I have often remarked how parents stop parenting the moment they pull in the parking lot. I've seen 3 year olds riding their electric scooters all over a 300-site campground with hotel and cabins, so easily 1000 people could be staying there. Imagine how many pedophiles must be there too. Look at a map of registered offenders in your neighborhood. It will shock you how many there are.

  5. I’ve only been involved in one search and rescue type of operation, and that was in Bastrop State Park in Texas. I was out there for an orienteering meet with my high school ROTC orienteering team when a kid from another school went missing.

    My team had all finished already or DNF’d so once we got word about the kid we filled our camelbacks, each grabbed a couple extra waters and a few energy and granola bars, got the rest of our gear, and we each went back out following different routes while blowing a whistle and calling the kid’s name. We were trying to search as parallel to each other as we could while sticking to our routes.

    I believe we started searching around 1:30pm. By 5:30 they had search dogs and a helicopter out there. One of my teammates ended up finding the kid at about 7, then they hiked through the woods for about 45 mins to an hour to get to the nearest highway to call for someone to come pick them up because it was easier to navigate to the highway in the dark rather than making their way back to camp. If I remember correctly the kid got reunited with his family at about 8:30pm or so.

    Our team ended up getting an award and special recognition at the award ceremony for all of our efforts and for finding the kid and getting him back safe. We also got a special award from our ROTC Instructor once we got back home. It was still a pretty tense and scary situation though, and the kid was pretty shook up. Plus he just got lost, he didn’t even get kidnapped or anything like that, which I presume would add many more levels of some very horrible emotions.

  6. The ultimate ? Get my 9 yr old a cell phone ao I know where he is in the neighborhood. I didnt have one. I survived. Its hard though. I only have one son. I got an air tag to keep with bike or
    In pockets.

  7. Okay, I commented very prematurely and I'm not going to add muddy up my first initial comment for my thoughts of the first story with how disgusted and mindfucked and disappointed I am with my feelings and thoughts for Betty Willis's story. First, I guess better late than never? #JusticeForBetty

    But what in the actual f*ck is wrong with the powers at be in this country being allergic to accountability. Its like more people in the government/justice system got the Donald Trump Delusional Deflection bug than those who don't. If you did, f*cking OWN IT.

    The story needs and should be about justice for Betty, not about the delay reasoning pertaining to rare Mayan dialect or otherwise. For f*cks sake, clearly the fact the defendant speaks and understands spanish fluently was gonna come out based on it being easily accessible proof for it and all, kind of like how its easy to prove guilt [for once] seeing as he was caught in the act AND on camera 🤔🤦🏼‍♀️

    Next time, how about this, if you feel like delaying prosecution for 5+ years again in the future, (especially if you opt to claim the reason for the delay in seeking justice when the defendant WAS CAUGHT IN THE DAMN ACT AND ITS ON CCTV TOO AND HIS DNA IS IN HER; aka such a guaranteed win even the most unpredictable FL jury couldn't even think to vote not guilty IMMEDIATELY WITHOUT HESITATION OR PAUSE once being made privy to those 3 facts), if this type of case is going to be such a low priority for anyone to prosecute in ths future; how about you can be Trumped and FIRED and we can have ChatBot do the prosecution instead? ChatBot can communicate effectively with the ancient almost-extinct Mayan dialect without issue I'm sure. Chatbot seems a better fit overall since you delayed seeking justice acting like it was a no-body case.

    Thats my opinion and position here in Delaware. Smdh. What an abomination, I'm facing homelessness myself at this very moment and I sure as shit hope I don't end up being a victim in anyway near a DA office like the ones with jurisdiction over prosecuting Betty's case smdh. Thank goodness Betty will finally get her very deserved day in court. And thank goodness that guy was at least stuck in county the whole time, bc I wouldn't know how to verbally communicate the severity level my position would be at had that guy been loose in our society, this whole more than half a decades worth a time, seeing as I already think its a bonafide abomination that he wasn't prosecuted before now but was waiting in county. Thats the only thing y'all got right on behalf of Betty; better late than never and not letting more unnecessary avoidable preventative victimization occur past what was done to Betty. Still, don't bullshit about the excuses for delaying prosecution bc nobody is trying to hear that shit for one and for two, it makes it be about your F-up when it should be about Justice for Betty, isn't it about time for that to be the focus (to y'all at the DA office of "Con-fuck-us" my made up word not to be mistaken for or with Confucius smhl)? Geez Louise #ChatBot for #Prosecutor and/or DA.

  8. Thank goodness for stupidity; I'm not sure which is worse between having his mobile device on his person WHILE POWERED ON with the location active during the commission of felonious acts and intention or just rolling up to the family home at 4:20am to hand deliver a damn ransom note as if person specific individual identifying forensics aren't even a thing in existence or something so there's no thought to wear latex gloves to avoid leaving prints or touch DNA – either way though, I'm sure as shit grateful for the little girl being found in time alive regardless of how it was achieved and came to be.

    And also, it makes me teary eyed to know people didn't hesitate or blink to get involved in the search immediately. Too often people in society try to stay out of things that don't concern them, but then beg for everyone else's involvement when something impacts them directly and it can't be that way, you can't have your cake and eat it too. It just doesn't work that way; always react the way you'd hope others would if it was you, even when its not happening directly to you. It's the same concept of MLKJ stating an injustice anywhere needs to be taken as an injustice everywhere. Doing the right thing for no reason other than it being the right thing to do; is ALWAYS the right thing to do and the only thing we ALL should do always.

    Great work everyone, we can't prevent every tragedy but that should never be a deterrent in trying to! So happy for this family and their little girl.

  9. The first story about the girl, I'm glad the police ran those prints twice, and I hope other police departments heard that and learned something, maybe that should be a standard procedure from now on. The second story about the 'homeless' woman that was assaulted and murdered, turns out she wasn't always homeless, AND she has a name Betty Willis, she's not the only homeless person that get's treated like that, we have a lot of veterans on the streets also who have seemed to lost their names and importance, Thank You Mr. Fenity for giving Betty her name back. RIP Betty..

  10. People make fun of parents who supervise their kids riding or playing in the street because "back in my day, blah blah blah 🙄", but how many cases have we heard of with scenarios very similar to this? And funnily enough, it's always the abandoned bicycle that alerts the adults that something is amiss. You just never know and it’s simply not worth the risk.

  11. Blame this on MSM. THEY do this all the time. I’m sorry but both these stories show the contrast. I am thrilled that the little girl was found. But look at the difference and look at the news

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