Tonight’s guest is Kentucky Civil Rights Lawyer Chris Wiest who is sharing brand new video showing Kentucky State Police beating his client. He not only caught them on surveillance video, but also on in their video depositions in his Section 1983 civil rights lawsuit, some of which you will see. Interesting stuff, along with the importance of proper litigation tactics.

But there’s more than just excessive force law and practice to discuss. Wiest is the attorney who has been suing Governor Beshear over his COVID fascism this past year. We’ll also discuss the lawsuit he just filed against Kentucky’s very own tyrant dictator, Governor Beshear over his constitutional violations. And probably more.

Table of Contents:

Deposition of Cop 1: 11:52
Deposition of Cop 2: 12:55
Prior Beating Incident No. 1: 14:25
Prior Beating Incident No. 2: 16:09
THE VIDEO: 20:22
Jury Nullification due to #TBL: 39:43
What happens if a LEO perjures himself? 48:01
Suing the Kentucky Governor over COVID Tyranny: 53:34
Gun Law in Ohio and Pending Cases There: 109:26
Is it discrimination for loan relief to go to only non-white farmers? 1:24:00
Why so difficult to find lawyers for civil rights cases? 1:36:08
On why I should sue over the WV Capitol Being Closed. 1:42:20
The proposed KY law to ban insulting cops. 1:44:00
Using the ADA to sue private businesses for mask BS? 1:45:25

The video:

Read more:


30 thoughts on “KY State Police Caught on Camera – LIVE with the Victim’s Lawyer Chris Wiest – FIS No. 49”
  1. All lawyers should hold most dear the integrity and ethics of John Adams but they don’t, if they work for “law firm”, even a moderate size firm, the firm is more interested in you bringing in money for law firm partners than to the actual adjudication of the law. You two gentlemen are rockstars in my book !

  2. Its astonishing how many of these goons cops also served in the military. How in the h**l can you say your honorably serve our country, yet come home an act this this? No honor to this guy. Never, ever call police for anything. Especially a mental health issue.

  3. They confiscated my 6 D-cell maglight because they wanted it so bad; they just ripped it; because it was a very good length and weight with batteries, but it was more painful with no batteries and VERY LIGHT! making it VERY FAST TOO! pops was a cop; know how abusive these guys are; others like this are like Barney Fife; or that guy who had a signature swing! LOL kinda looked like a dork while hitting. Even though; they also preyed off of each other; made fun of each other! "I love how Barney get's his whole hip into the hit; watch this!" Encouraged; antagonized each other too!

  4. Those police are animals its like they have these jobs just so they can hurt people they will eventually kill someone if they didnt already the public needs to be highly upset… even as a P.M.C we never treated folks like this these troopers have this job so they can beat the public something needs done with the troop… apparently these actions are excerpted with leadership or leadership would have done some sort of correction punishment

  5. Blue lives matter yet they cover each others BS and therefore assume the risks of the failure in their secrecy. Their lives matter to the extent of their rights to break the laws. Beyond that, their lives is worth what it is worth. And with these lies and useless abuses, they just maximize that their lives worth less and less following their own consent. They make it append. So nothing to cry about the lives that matters and those who don't.

  6. Dude, pretty disrespectful to put sexual acts on YouTube. If you are wondering what I'm referring to, at 4:34 you make reference to the fact that your having a sexual act performed on you under the table. Don't try to deny it. We all saw it.
    You distinctly said "For some reason, my chair keeps going down on me".

  7. They no longer all race as a factor in the education setting either. At least, all the big universities and colleges have removed any references and questions about race from their applications. Selecti9ns are made solely on your academic record.

  8. WTF are u talking about they put out BOLO’s on black males in red shirts no age nothing. The only people who have never had to fight for a right is a white man, please don’t peddle ur bullshit about feeling sorry for them. Unarmed black men and women are killed by the police all the time. I live in Louisiana it is still so racist and believe me I am white and a woman and weathly the cops treat me way differently than they treat others. They should treat everyone the same. Equality! If u are a white man walking around with an AR-15 I am scared of u considering 95% of all mass shootings are committed by white men. If a black man was carrying an AR-15 around the police legally he would be dead!!! U really miss the mark. Saying black men are treated better by the police than white men! Delusional

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