Update on the video I uploaded showing my client who was forced by police to crawl like a dog in his own home, and then boot-stomped on the back of his head, cutting it open. All without a warrant. All without my client having committed any crime. He committed no crime. Then the officers attempted to delete the video footage, but it was recovered!

Read more: https://thecivilrightslawyer.com/2020/10/23/federal-civil-rights-lawsuit-filed-in-the-dog-crawl-head-smash-video-case/


25 thoughts on “Lawsuit Filed in Police Boot Stomp Video”
  1. these paramilitary pretenders like playing occupation army and should be held to the same standards and pay as military. thats no " friend", not only did he get matt into this, but he told the cops everything he knew about him.
    those are some good memes. Lol.
    america is a communist police state

  2. At 10:59, just look at this sick, untrustworthy Prick of a Guy who's even most basic principal of existence is to enforce his superiority! The complete existence of this guy's self-esteem is to wear the uniform, adapt the haircut and then proceed in forcing people to pay traffic tickets and/or be arrested and put "behind bars". What a sick maker this badged individual is!

  3. First of all, never, EVER, under any circumstance apologize to a cop, and further, don't give one the satisfaction of calling them sir or ma'am. That is exactly what they want, for you to kowtow to them, or to defer to them, which they are NOT entitled to.
    Is there some kind of bar or something that they measure a police applicant by to determine if that person is too intelligent tpo be a cop, or maybe there's an IQ rating that if they score below a certain number that they are, in fact, perfect police material? I gotta ask, because it seems like every day, they get dumber and dumber and dumber. Are they really that stupid to conduct themselves in the manner in which they do, knowing full well that regardless of everything they think they know, there is at least one camera aimed at them pretty much at all times, and there's this brand new technology on the planet called "cloud storage"? The same way we are, they're being recorded without their knowledge all the time. How do they not get this? It isn't difficult to understand. Get it through your stupid thick heads… We are watching you. All the time, and guaranteed it's more covertly than you're watching us.

  4. An obvious question is: what makes these thugs think they can get away with this kind of behaviour?
    Sadly, the answer is: because they usually do. Most victims of police brutality dont have the resources to bring about a lawsuit. Even if they do, many judges will side with the police officer(s). Also, qualified immunity has been so far distorted from it's intended purpose.

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