Letecia Stauch Claims the Devil Talks to Her Before Saying Child Killers Should Be Wiped Off Earth

Letecia Stauch Claims the Devil Talks to Her Before Saying Child Killers Should Be Wiped Off Earth

Accused child killer Letecia Stauch said the voices she claims to hear were the Devil when speaking to a forensic psychologist in an insanity evaluation. After ranting about the Devil and personality changes, Stauch stated that child killers and people that hurt children should be wiped off Earth. “Hearing the devil could be associated with psychosis,” forensic psychologist Loandra Torres said before explaining that Stauch did not exhibit signs of psychosis. “It’s just not a particularly credible symptom in the way she presented it.”

#LeteciaStauch #GannonStauch #LawAndCrime

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33 thoughts on “Letecia Stauch Claims the Devil Talks to Her Before Saying Child Killers Should Be Wiped Off Earth

  1. It's like she observed mentally ill inmates or Got inmate advice on DID and repeating what she gathered about it to fit her narrative. So evident this is not her lived experience. Sure, she may have experienced some shock. Depersonalization after the fact but no, not a chronic psychiatric disorder.

  2. So “Maria” is a trained, Russian, Spanish speaking, assassin…..”Maria” supposedly is the one that killed Gannon….wow! Maria is a crappy assassin…she stabbed Gannon 18 times, brutally smashed his head at least 4 times and then shot him…..she missed him at least twice with the gun and eventually shot him at least once! I hate LS so much !!

  3. Okay so her claim of DID goes out the window. According to my psychologist, alters/ identities are parts/fragments/ pieces of the core person. They are NOT separate entities or demons. You can't expel yourself out of your own body. Alters present to protect the core person. Demons do NOT protect the person they inhabit. They do everything to destroy them.
    Demons inhabit a body from an the outside, alters fragmented parts of the core person. Alters are like shattered pieces of a broken bowl.

    As someone with DID, I didn't believe for one second that she has DID.

  4. The “devil” and “god” are the same thing. A series of letters that make a sound. Are there things happening here that are profound? I think so. What is it? NO ONE KNOWS. Just subjective interpretations of it all. This is just yet another sick human being who is a reflection of the source. Just like all others. Everything that exists is a projection of its root source. You can’t hear the voice of something that you have NEVER EXPERIENCED. Even for those who are ACTUALLY in a psychotic state. You notice it’s always in their minds – which means it derives from THEM. Period. I highly suggest people start rethinking relationships and having children. Humans are very dangerous creatures. This thing was a baby once too you know. They were all babies once.

  5. "The devil talks to her" Um no she is the devil in human form. Shes just full of dung and evilness and lies. If she ever had a smidge of good soul in her, now she has no soul for taking the life of a precious innocent defenless child! I hope she gets life wo the posibility of parole EVER. Demons like her and many other child murderers need to be kept incarcerated for life no ifs ands or buts…they deserve no freedom period!

  6. What i struggle with is, even though shevis trying to say she didn't know what she was doing, i have not heard one single word of sadness or regret about Gannon. Chilling.

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