Letecia Stauch’s social media defense conflicts with facts – TCDPOD Clip

Letecia Stauch’s social media defense conflicts with facts – TCDPOD Clip

Letecia Stauch made a series of conflicting statements on social media and in interviews in the case of missing Colorado boy Gannon Stauch, her stepson. Letecia is charged with Gannon’s murder, though he remains missing. Ana Garcia and attorney Ron Kaye examine the details.

Watch the full podcast here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCMq8baqBUQ
Boating accident or murder by Benadryl? Plus, did Gannon Stauch’s stepmom kill him? – TCDPOD

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45 thoughts on “Letecia Stauch’s social media defense conflicts with facts – TCDPOD Clip

  1. It’s like she was mentally torturing him for so long. And probably physically too. But it just wasn’t satisfying her sick desires anymore and finally took it too far. Omg poor baby. It’s also very telling, in my opinion, that he wasn’t reaching out for help. I say telling but telling of what? I’m not sure. But it’s so sad. And absolutely SICKENING!! 😢

  2. mostly all the time
    stepmother’s get more problems with kids because sooner real father working always believe in he’s new wife
    even if she is lovely with him and monster to kids behind him 😢
    because stepfather’s always working ,
    that’s why i blame more in stepmother
    she is guilty and don’t have any love for other kids
    probably love this man but with out kids

  3. So now that we know that he was more than likely murdered right in his own house in his bed, it's weird that the video showing them getting into the truck and her coming back without him, and that it really doesn't even apply anymore because we know he would have been already to ceased when she took him out of the house. But yeah that was definitely a big moment for sure

  4. I watched one of the interviews that step mom did on camera and something is very wrong with that woman.
    One of the most telling things she said that stood out to me is the interview guy asked her “do you have a message for Gannon”?
    She says (paraphrasing) “my message to Gannon is… Gannon, I can’t wait for you to come back so you can tell everyone they were wrong… and then I’m gonna get apologies from everyone doubting me”…
    I mean WTF???
    This child has been missing for weeks…still is missing…you think he’s been abducted (she told neighbors that) and THATS your one message to Gannon if he can hear you? That he’s gonna exonerate you?? 😳😳😳
    What a whack job! How about something normal like “Gannon I love you, we miss you, please come home”??

  5. 🌟Dont forget she left her phone but wore her apple wrist watch. To get dad a bike for his bday . no bike was purchased and no gannon. Just lie after lie after lie. Shes told onher self shes tried to look better than others shes thought through it all but told on herself and tried a few times trying to get away with murder. Im glad they caught her.

  6. I'm telling you Monday makes no sense with Gannon supposedly getting in the truck that morning, but not seen getting out. I think she put his sister's coat in the truck and then tells her to wear Gannons coat till they get to the truck and then has her put on her coat claiming she must have left hers in the truck and Gannon isn't going to school cuz he's sick and she takes her to school that day. That explains why Gannon looks strange going to the truck cuz it wasn't him and no blood found in the truck. When Lepieceashit took his picture of him in bed with his game controller next to him is when she killed him in his sleep, so time stamp on picture is approximately the time he was killed, either late Sunday night or early Monday morning while everyone else was asleep. This gives her time to shower and do whatever and Gannon was left dead in his bed all day bleeding out while she went running around after dropping off his sister at school. She knew she couldn't be seen buying cleaning stuff and garbage bags, so she needed to wait for her daughter to come home and get her the stuff, mean while when she gets home, she has to get rid of or hide Gannons body and strip the bed and clean up what she can. Cuz she doesn't have that much time after getting home to kill him and clean up and shower 2 times etc. She buys dog coats so when she stuffs Gannons coat in the bag, she can say nobody seen her with his coat his sister wore to the truck, it's the dog coats she bought. The amount of blood in his room I think is proof Gannon was left dead in his bed all day bleeding out, and explains why he wasn't seen at Petco or coming home. It's the only thing that makes sense knowing he was defiantly killed in his bedroom, and why nobody heard him scream or yell as he was asleep when she nailed him. They also say they know Gannons little sister went to school that day, but it's not known what time she arrived and there's no video of her leaving for school.

  7. Where did she kill him. She left with him and never came back with him. But there's blood in the bedroom. Maybe she told him she was taking him to hospital but stopped somewhere and finished him off. Terrible no matter what the situation is.

  8. The icing on the cake I would say…she's only added so many self concerned misconstrued details that subsequently add up to her guilt…Good…YES!!!! Thank you Jesus what you did TESHIA was so horribly wrong your now stuck soo deep in your own treacherous web of lies you have no way out!!!!

  9. The appalling thing is that in her one interview with the news, she ONLY cares and talks about her own reputation and what people think about her. The reporter asks the obligatory "what's your message for Gannon" and all she can think about is how he's gonna come back and be able to clear her own name so she can get apologies instead of mentioning anything about missing or loving him. I just don't understand how someone could be so goddamn stupid. She's almost childlike in her excuses and reasoning.

  10. They can prove the child is dead in many ways without a body for instance the amount of blood that has been recovered, a dog detecting the smell of death the list goes on idk why they didn't say that in this video I'm sure they know this information…if I do by just watching TV shows and learning it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out , evil step mother life without parole so she will get what is coming to her from other CONVICTS when she's in prison the death penalty would be to easy, I'd prefer TOURTURE for the rest of her life personally! Leave it up to the family and what they want to happen to this evil human being 💯 the good thing is we don't have to wait for KARMA. Justice will be served…rip little guy

  11. This is eerily like the Chris Watts tragedy. She’s got a bad case of whatever he’s got. Their lies are so transparent and twisted😂😂 . They are a match made in hell. The front of their houses are exactly alike, and the neighbor who had surveillance.

  12. T was jealous of Landon so she took it out on her son Gannon I feel sorry for Harley she seemed sweet and thoughtful and thinks her mom is God harleys life has changed and will probably need councling😔💙🎈

  13. I saw a video of her pulling out of the driveway with gannon and they slowed the video up and you can see something dark colored and large bouncing around in the back of the truck bed, maybe could possibly be the suitcase?

  14. @truecrimedaily did you all hear Letesia has 2 sisters in jail somewhere in South Carolina? fighting over this situation I hear?
    can you please verify this? last name Locklear 1st ia Antoinette?
    her facebook name is Julz Juju Locklear.

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