Live with “LackLuster” from Youtube on Police Videos and Accountability – FIS No. 53 – Everything Law and Order Blog

Join the live video this evening at 6:30 pm (ET) with special guest “LackLuster” from Youtube, who has created an art form out of posting and analyzing police videos from across the country. He’s a a combat veteran that served with 1st Infantry Division as a combat medic, as well as a former Firefighter/Paramedic for the Los Angeles Fire Department. Since his retirement he’s engaged in what I would describe as advocacy and education for our individual constitutional rights. He’s created one of the best Youtube channels out there in this topic area. #PoliceVideos #FirstAmendment #PoliceAccountability

LackLuster’s Channel:
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LackLuster’s website:


46 thoughts on “Live with “LackLuster” from Youtube on Police Videos and Accountability – FIS No. 53”
  1. Officials can be removed or recalled for violating their Oath of Office. This has been done. SEE: 18 USC 241, and 242. Vote the bums out of office. As for the cops, the psychopathic Thick Blue Skulls never learn until the jail doors slam on THEM. One cannot "retrain" a psychopath to have a conscience.

  2. Law enforcement is committing criminality when they enter private property relying on incorrect information it is Unfaithful service dare election of Duty armed home invasion and I feel like they're accessory defraud through conspiracy through other agencies if they have the wrong information why is it civil and not criminal that's all I'm wondering

  3. When your Sanctuary door is breached it matters not whether they are there to steal from you lie to you lie about you they are all still just armed home Intruders intended to do me harm and they are committing criminality by forcing their way in My Sanctuary without cause

  4. Lackluster when you say that the police don't know their job very well I think you're wrong I think they've demonstrated through their activities that they are a very well-oiled machine how can we remove their reward system please help us all with your knowledge

  5. I just figured out that when you answer then you are making a claim so you are claiming the name a name is a title therefore you can be required to prove what you said that's how you keep having to hand over a piece of papers there's lots of names each person has lots of name some people are their name is Father pastor boss you know think about it before you answer who really are you and what really is your name and why would you share it when you know that it is truly to be used against you your father knew your name before you were born

  6. When they try to require you to say your name my name is mother my name is sister my name is civilian my enchant is to continue traveling from point A to point B with my family and my private property

  7. If admiralty is military or on the water what would be the law of the air would f a a or f c c or treaty law come into play frequency current waves would these be considered currency are there civil or Criminal perspectives in these words how can we use them as men and women to protect ourselves just wondering for a friend

  8. Thank you lackluster I just got a big insight you're damn right I'd be the one knocking on the door men and women do that when they love each other and they're worried about each other citizens send strangers

  9. What of this my camera may have cell phone capabilities my digital recorder may have phone capabilities my computer may have phone capabilities what of the laws of privacy word of the laws of private property what of the laws of the intent of the private property owner how is a cell phone not a private conveyance or even a vessel of sorts and I wonder if being born on the land as opposed to being burst in the sea of Commerce plays into this in some way

  10. Can anyone come with me and help record because he has had his hands on my phone and my phone has been corrupted with respect to my recordings of this police chief and his numerous interactions at my home and his impersonating a police officer and a postman putting legal documentation into our mailbox without a stamp or an envelope of which I have on my surveillance

  11. The hospital and in the emergency room have called the police chief in my town who threatens to arrest me when I record my elderly mothers interactions with the doctor in the hospital I know that their policy of no recording is for their employees I know my mom has every right to make her own records and the recordings are medically necessary for my mom to be able to participate in her own Medical decisions my mom's afraid to go to the doctor or the hospital because they called the sheriff the sheriff says that I am on private property and he's going to arrest me I'm the only one here helping my mom I am her power of attorney and next of Ken more
    importantly what can I do about this police chief since he is preventing my mother from getting healthcare services that she has coming to her as a plan F member in Medicare

  12. Also making people aware. I had no idea that the situation was sovoit of control. It embarrassing to me to know that this is what we have supposedly representing security safety and justice sad I am overwhelmed with all the corruption. As a American I was obviously under the expression that we corruption was a rare thing in America now I see it is the status quo.

  13. Once you put the fire out of the constitution .it's kinda like messing the heart of the matter .you just sometime can't start it back up a heart attack. It's best to keep the flame burn.the constitution can't be lite and put out when man say so.freedom allway stays burning

  14. I agree that We need to enlighten people about police tyrants, but I was blasted by a person I looked up to through out my life because he stood up for me in jr high school (around 1966) against bullying. His son is a cop. I have asked around and understand he is a tyrant … I regret apologizing to him …

  15. Most important question… how high was Lack during this live?

    56:00 True enough that cops can’t be expected to know every law on the books. Lawyers don’t even know every law on the books. They have to look things up constantly. But you would think that cops should have to at least be schooled on the things they encounter on a regular basis. Cops stop and identify people on every shift. How do they not know the law that covers when a citizen is or isn’t obligated to identify. Qualified immunity should not apply to cases where such basic and common everyday situations that cops encounter daily. And by no friggin means should a cop be able to arrest someone and call it “obstruction” for not providing ID in a situation where they’re not legally obligated to provide ID. That just negates the legal protection to not be randomly stopped and your papers demanded. The law saying you don’t have you provide ID unless lawfully arrested is meaningless if they can just arrest you for another charge for something you’re not legally obligated to do.

    Freeman flipped the script and made that cop think he had some kind of authority or something so on some level, he thought he might have to answer his questions. He thinks there’s a chance he might get in trouble so part of him turns a little sheepish, but he’s still pissed so part of him wants to go at freeman. It’s funny to watch him go back n forth.

  16. 47:00. Orrrr…. What if grandma is just tired of her family being annoying and wanting to put her in an old folks home, so she’s been ignoring them for a week, the cop kicks her door in during her nap time, startles her and she blasts the stranger who just kicked down her door? Or one step further and the first cop’s partner comes in and shoots and kills granny.

  17. We all now know with verifiable proof (video) provided by people sticking their necks out proving that the constitution is nothing more than a piece of paper with words with no meaning protecting freedom and preventing tyranny and oppression, (Which was the actual reason for separating from England rule). The question is what is a way to remediate it since the founding fathers stated that "We The People" Republic with separation of powers governance is just an experiment? Is this experiment over? What's next?

  18. LackLuster, I like you channel, but dude, focus on the show and interview with John, TCRL. Your distraction on live comments during the show, totally takes you away from the experience. John, you shared a lot of very informative information in the interview! Thanks

  19. The kaw is an ass and moves like an ancient tortoise. Always fascinating but often confusing. I seem to know more about your laws and bill of rights than the majority of your police and I'm British! James Freeman is an icon of the auditing fraternity. I would worship at the foot of his throne. (Those two videos are classics) but the others The Battousai should be watched plus Johny Five O, Rogue Nation., Bay Area Transparency, SJVT, SGV., PLA., James Madison, John Filax, to mention a few are worth the views for the spectrum of styles.

  20. We have a lot in common. I was a paramedic for over 32 years. I'm a retired firefighter paramedic, also trained as a SWAT medic. DC area. I was many things, fire station commander, parsmedic shift supervisor, Incident Command guru, water supply officer for the county and lots off. I worked hand in hand with local, state and Federal law enforcement for decades. I'm looking at retiring in West Virginia once my wife passes. I lived in West Virginia for eleven years in the past. Virginia is fast becoming a socialist nightmare. I spent years in court over religious exemption in home schooling in Virginia. I was a homeschooler for my nine children for thirty years. I'm known.

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