Local Town Victimizes Innocent Motorists with Officer Perjury Pottymouth – Everything Law and Order Blog

On January 31, 2022, Brian Beckett was traveling home from work, driving Northbound on WV Route 19 in Mount Hope, West Virginia (NOTE: WEST VIRGINIA – NOT NEW YORK). It was around 5:45 p.m. He ended up getting pulled over for speeding by Mount Hope Police Department officer Aaron Shrewsbury. Instead of getting a speeding ticket, or even a warning, Mr. Beckett ended up being pulled out of his car and arrested for obstructing an officer, disorderly conduct, speeding, and reckless driving.

Mr. Beckett was driving home from an industrial work site in a nearby county. He’s not a criminal – not out selling drugs or committing crimes – just trying to drive down the road. He had a dash camera recording, which appears to show that he was driving safely. It doesn’t indicate his speed, but that’s not what this video is about.

Officer Shrewsbury would subsequently swear under oath in his criminal complaint affidavit, seeking court authorization for Mr. Beckett’s arrest, that not only did he radar Mr. Beckett speeding, but that “as I was catching up to the vehicle, I noticed the vehicle weaving through traffic recklessly” but that “I was able to pull behind the vehicle and get it stopped….” Take a look at the dash cam footage from Mr. Beckett’s car just prior to the traffic stop, and see if that statement appears to you to be true.

Mr. Beckett used his personal cell phone to record his interaction with Officer Shrewsbury. Despite the officer stopping the video and attempting to delete the recording from Mr. Beckett’s phone, the officer couldn’t access it. During arrest processing, the officer was placing the phone in front of Mr. Beckett’s face in order to attempt to unlock the phone using facial recognition, to no avail. So he was unable to delete this footage, which shows the encounter, what led to Mr. Beckett’s arrest, and the fact that Officer Shrewsbury stopped the recording.

But it only gets worse….

See the documents for yourself and more information on the legal citations:

Local Town Victimizes Innocent Motorists with Officer Perjury Pottymouth


43 thoughts on “Local Town Victimizes Innocent Motorists with Officer Perjury Pottymouth”
  1. This is what tyrannical ego men does when their feelings get hurt!!! This is DISGUSTING. Obstruction and resisting are bullshit charges that tyrants Charge ppl with when they HAVE ZERO Crimes being committed

  2. Why TH are police being ALLOWED to REMAIN POLICE when they are UNCERTIFIED???!!!!!! WHY ISN'T HE IN JAIL FOR BREAKING SOMEONE'S JAW???!!!

    TALK TO YOUR CONGRESSMEN & SENATORS! DEMAND that UNCERTIFIED COPS no longer remain cops!!!! Think of what it TAKES to UNCERTIFY a cop!!! DEMAND that they support YOU, NOT POLICE!!!

  3. I knew officer Tackleberry was a slob before I even saw him on video. Police departments are hiring weaklings who abuse their badge and gun. They should stop hiring cowards who harass innocent people and cower when they have to stand up to a criminal.

  4. One time you were found falsifying anything in the mil you were GONE. Never to be given a opportunity serve again. Bad COnduct Discharg and a loss of security cleareance forever..Our standards of police are so low..this cop would of got fragged…in bootcamp…before he could of ever been a problem…jeshh


  6. I had W.V. police pull me over for window tint on a brand new Tahoe with factory tint and privacy glass. He didn't like the privacy glass. He said i can't see in the back of your vehicle. I said that's the whole point of privacy glass from the factory. 100% legal. I had to demand a supervisor who set him straight. Of course he wanted to make shit up after the fact, but the supervisor sent me on my way. You could tell he was pissed. The W.V. police are terrible. I hate driving through there and avoid it now.

  7. Our criminal justice system is broken at every level in this country. It has been weaponized against the citizens and by those in power to punish political rivals. It’s sad what has happened to this country.

  8. The problem is it’s in the municipality to defend the officer. If the copy is disciplined it opens the city up to liability.

    I do honestly and genuinely believe it should be required for individual LEO’s or their department to purchase 3rd private liability insurance. Bad officers will jack premiums up for the city and good cops we be incentivized to stay god.

  9. There is no speed in the video but Google says that section of road in the video would take approx 3 minutes to traverse. In the video it takes him approx 3 minutes and 20 seconds. So he's actually going slower than the speedlimit. Combine this with the attempted destruction of evidence and it's clear this officer pulled over this car for no reason at all.

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