Long Overdue Live Stream – with guest Chris Wiest, Esq. – Everything Law and Order Blog

Civil Rights Law Live Stream discussion – with Kentucky Civil Rights Attorney Chris Wiest – August 11, 2022. Some big updates on Chris’s cases, and more.

We’ll be discussing an update on this case: https://youtu.be/HmRipNEYqEI

More at the link:

Kentucky Officers Denied Qualified Immunity and Headed to Trial


35 thoughts on “Long Overdue Live Stream – with guest Chris Wiest, Esq.”
  1. I said alot of what happened n it disappeared. I live in an assisted living in St. Cloud, MN. 56393. I have mental gealth issues n i was in my apartment n the one cop opened my door n said blood n then screamed over n over again knifes, i threw them in the sink n i told the young cop over n over, that he was scaring me. All of a sudden there were police putting my hands behind my back. There is so many officers, there are 9 bodycams n i asked for the bodycams n i think it was a luitenent said i was #6 in line, just because i didn't only want a couple, i need help, i had marks on my wrists that the hospital nurse took pictures of. I shouldn't have been handcuffed in the 1st place. I have a scooter n automatic wheelchair n because i said i couldn't get up, they abused me then also. Please help me. Is this ok? I still have problems with my shoulders n i have had nexk surgery n back surgery, broke both ankles in the past. I begged n begged to see if they could put my cuffs in front. I need help please. My phone number is 320-309-8658. Please help. I case something bad happens my mom's name is Bonnie Morford, 320-333-8017. I'm going to send her a copy, Thank You!!!


  3. I need some help can we talk about my problem? My civil rights have been more than violated with the FBI and Oakland County Sherrif Department entering my home on more than one occasion dropped bullet in home that's how I knew they were in there.




    (a) Definition. The terms "electronic media coverage" and "electronic coverage"

    are used in the generic sense to include coverage by television, motion picture and still

    photography cameras, broadcast microphones and recorders.

    (b) Coverage Allowed. Electronic media and still photography coverage of public

    judicial proceedings shall be allowed in the appellate and trial courts of this state, subject to the

    conditions below.

    (1) The presiding justice or judge shall at all times have authority to prohibit or

    terminate electronic media and still photography coverage of public judicial proceedings, in the

    courtroom or the corridors immediately adjacent thereto.

    (2) Coverage of the following types of judicial proceedings is expressly prohibited:

    adoption proceedings, juvenile proceedings, proceedings held before clerks of court,

    proceedings held before magistrates, probable cause proceedings, child custody proceedings,

    divorce proceedings, temporary and permanent alimony proceedings, proceedings for the

    hearing of motions to suppress evidence, proceedings involving trade secrets, and in camera


    (3) Coverage of the following categories of witnesses is expressly prohibited: police

    informants, minors, undercover agents, relocated witnesses, and victims and families of victims

    of sex climes.

    (4) Coverage of jurors is prohibited expressly at any stage of a judicial proceeding,

    including that portion of a proceeding during which a jury is selected. The trial judge shall

    inform all potential jurors at the beginning of the jury selection process of the restrictions of

    this particular provision which is designated (b)(4).

    (c) Location of Equipment and Personnel.

    (1) The location of equipment and personnel necessary for electronic media and still

    photographic coverage of trial proceedings shall be at a place either inside or outside the

    courtroom in such a manner that equipment and personnel are completely obscured from view

    from within the courtroom and not heard by anyone inside the courtroom.

    (i) If located within the courtroom, this area must be set apart by a booth or

    other partitioning device constructed therein at the expense of the media. Such construction

    must be in harmony with the general architectural style and decor of the courtroom and must

    meet the approval of the Senior Resident Superior Court Judge and the governing body of the

    county or municipality that owns the facility.

    (ii) If located outside the courtroom any booth or other partitioning device

    must be built so that passage to and from the courtroom will not be obstructed. This

    arrangement must meet the approval of the Senior Resident Superior Court Judge and the

    governing body of the county or municipality that owns the facility.

    (2) Appropriate openings to allow photographic coverage of the proceedings under

    these rules may be made in the booth or partitioning device, provided that no one in the

    courtroom will see or hear any photographic or audio equipment or the personnel operating

    such equipment. Those in the courtroom are not to know when or if any such equipment is in


    (3) The presiding judge may, however, exercise his or her discretion to permit the

    use of electronic media and still photography coverage without booths or other restrictions set

    out in Rule 15(c)(1) and (c)(2) if the use can be made without disruption of the proceedings and

    without distraction to the jurors and other participants. Such permission may be withdrawn at

    any time.

    (4) Video tape recording equipment which is not a component part of a television

    camera shall be located in an area remote from the courtroom.

    (5) Media personnel shall not exit or enter the booth area or courtroom once the

    proceedings are in session except during a court recess or adjournment.

    (6) Electronic media equipment and still photography equipment shall not be taken

    into the courtroom or removed from the designated media area except at the following times:

    (i) prior to the convening of proceedings;

    (ii) during the luncheon recess;

    (iii) during any court recess with the permission of the presiding justice or judge; and

    (iv) after adjournment for the day of the proceedings.

    (7) The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. and the Chief Judge of the Court of

    Appeals, may waive the requirements of Rule 15(c)(1) and (2) with respect to judicial

    proceedings in the Supreme Court and in the Court of Appeals, respectively.

    (d) Official Representatives of the Media.

    (1) This Court hereby designates the North Carolina Association of Broadcasters,

    the Radio and Television News Directors Association of the Carolinas, and the North Carolina

    Press Association, as the official representatives of the news media. The governing boards of

    these associations shall designate one person to represent the television media, one person to

    represent the radio broadcasters, and one person to represent still photographers in each county

    in which electronic media and still photographic coverage is desired. The names of the persons

    so designated shall be forwarded to the Senior Resident Superior Court Judge, the Director of

    the Administrative Office of the Courts, and the county manager or other official responsible

    for administrative matters in the county or municipality in which coverage is desired.

    Thereafter, these persons shall conduct all negotiations with the appropriate officials

    concerning the construction of the booths or partitioning devices referred to above. Such

    persons shall also be the only persons authorized to speak for the media to the presiding judge

    concerning the coverage of any judicial proceedings.

    (2) It is the express intent and purpose of this rule to preclude judges and other

    officials from having to "negotiate" with various representatives of the news media. Since

    these rules require pooling of equipment and personnel, cooperation by the media is of the

    essence and the designation of three media representatives is expressly intended to prevent

    presiding judges from having to engage in discussion with others from the media.

    (e) Equipment and Personnel.

    (1) Not more than two television cameras shall be permitted in any trial or appellate

    court proceedings.

    (2) Not more than one still photographer, utilizing not more than two still cameras

    with not more than two lenses for each camera and related equipment for print purposes, shall

    be permitted in any proceeding in a trial or appellate court.

    (3) Not more than one wired audio system for radio broadcast purposes shall be

    permitted in any proceeding in a trial or appellate court. Audio pickup for all media purposes

    shall be accomplished with existing audio systems present in the court facility. If no

    technically suitable audio system exists in the court facility, microphones and related wiring

    essential for media purposes may be installed and maintained at media expense. The

    microphones and wiring must be unobtrusive and shall be located in places designated in

    advance of any proceeding by the Senior Resident Superior Court Judge of the judicial district

    in which the court facility is located. Such modifications or additions must be -approved by the

    governing body of the county or municipality which owns the facility. Provided, however,

    hand-held audio tape recorders may be used upon prior notification to, and with the approval

    of, the presiding judge; such approval may be withdrawn at any time.

    (4) Any "Pooling" arrangements among the media required by these limitations on

    equipment and personnel shall be the sole responsibility of the media without calling upon the

    presiding judge to mediate any dispute as to the appropriate media representative or equipment

    authorized to cover a particular proceeding. In the absence of advance media agreement on

    disputed equipment or personnel issues, the presiding judge shall exclude all contesting media

    personnel from a proceeding.

    (5) In no event shall the number of personnel in the designated area exceed the

    number necessary to operate the designated equipment or which can comfortably be secluded

    in the restricted area.

    (f) Sound and Light Criteria.

    (1) Only television photographic and audio equipment which does not produce

    distracting sound or light shall be employed to cover judicial proceedings. No artificial lighting

    device of any kind shall be employed in connection with the television camera.

    (2) Only still camera equipment which/does not produce distracting sound or light

    shall be employed to cover judicial proceedings. No artificial lighting device of any kind shall

    be employed in connection with a still camera.

    (g) Courtroom Light Sources. With the concurrence of the Senior Resident

    Superior Court Judge of the judicial district in which a court facility is situated, modifications

    and additions may be made in light sources existing in the facility, provided such modifications

    or additions are installed and maintained without public expense and provided such

    modifications or additions are approved by the governing body of the county or municipality

    which owns the facility.

    (h) Conferences of Counsel. To protect the attorney-client privilege and the right

  5. I say end Qualified Immunity, every where. All countries, now, all so make it against the law to mute or turn off body cameras, 20 Years in prison, no get an out of jail card.

    Any other Officer that stands by and don't DO anything, 5 to 20 Years. My opinion only. 15:23

  6. hillary clinton conspired to misinform voters via fabricating false narratives about candidate trump.

    both obama+biden were informed of this fact prior to the 2016 presidential election + they (both obama+biden) conspired to keep this information from americans, thus increasing the cost of things such as the durham investigation + simultaneously neglecting their oaths+duty's to correct omg any+all misinformation they (obama+biden) were aware of, involving any+all attempts by hillary clinton to create misinformation for the purpose of interferring in a presidential election.

    the ripples of obama,biden+clintons crimes have been present since the moment obama+biden failed to advise the dept of justice of their (the doj's) own duty+oath to arrest + prosecute hillary clintion for rico conspiracy to comit election fraud, and the [evidence] indicates obama+biden have themselves committed rico conspiracy to coverup hillary clintons (election interference) + by not informing the public of hillary clinton's crimes, the [evidence] proves biden benefited (personally+politically) by continuing to coverup the fact he had been aware of hillary clinton's crimes for a full 4 years prior to the 2020 election during which he (biden) failed to inform voters a member of his own political party had conspired to fabricate evidence against trump which according to the [evidence] i've seen everyone in the room at the time obama+biden were breifed prior to the 2016 presidential election was aware of the fact there simply wasn't any truth to the lies hillary clinton had conspired to put forth as truth.

    and when a former president + former vice president continue to coverup the crimes of a member of their own political party, and at least one of those covering up hillary clinton's crimes (personally+politically) benefits by deceiving american voters 4 years later during a separate presidential election, then dept of justice + fbi has more than sufficient evidence to prosecute all 3. ..obama,biden+clinton.


  7. I got a big problem. Alot of My Neighbors are following me. It's been going on for years day-and-night. I got video proof and pictures That can prove it. Just like tonight a little while ago I went to go put gas and one to the people that are following me try to make me hit his car and make it look like an accident but he was doing it on purpose. I need help what can I do?

  8. What good is "pleading the 5th in trial" when their depositions are recorded and having their testimony locked in?
    Crazy question, but is a deposition not allowed in trial? There is no logic in that.

  9. Just questioning the police about a false 911 call made against us was scary.
    Conspiring against us while ignoring all evidence & laws, claiming immunity for their actions against us?
    Pushing us to settle is scary because the case gets dismissed without any guilt on their part.
    Pay us to let them violate us seems insane.

  10. Our case is in federal court waiting on a summary judgment.
    Discovery is closed.
    Our neighbor hired the future appointed prosecutor while calling the cops on us for cleaning our yard of her garbage.
    Wanted us to sell for a buck or else go to jail.
    We were arrested for mdp, our neighbors personal dilapidated shed in our backyard.
    Neighbor eventually said in a deposition that she would have removed the shed and built a new one because it was clearly dilapidated.
    This women never had to adverse our property, never had anything to prove ownership of our land, one call she told the cops it is her shed on our land.
    We were prosecuted for almost a year before a new judge called it a no probable cause arrest.
    These people are despicable!

  11. Absolutely ridiculous that there is ONE word only Black people can use. I hate any derogatory word but, do we have a 1st amendment right or do many need a self-esteem class.? I personally do not call anyone out of their name, but FFS, this is such a double standard.

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