Lori Vallow convicted in kids’ murders; Masterson accuser alleges church intimidation — TCD Sidebar – Everything Law and Order Blog

In this episode of True Crime Daily The Sidebar Podcast: Julia Jenaé joins host Joshua Ritter to break down the biggest cases making headlines across the nation. They discuss jury deliberations in Lori Vallow’s murder trial before she was convicted on all counts, allegations of intimidation by the Church of Scientology in Danny Masterson’s second sexual assault trial, and a stepmother sentenced to life for the brutal murder of her 11-year-old stepson.

Tweet your questions for future episodes to Joshua Ritter using the hashtag #TCDSidebar.

Joshua Ritter:

Check out Josh’s blog: https://www.joshuaritter.com/podcast-episodes/lori-vallow-convicted-in-kids-murders-masterson-accuser-alleges-church-intimidation-tcd-sidebar

Julia Jenaé:

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45 thoughts on “Lori Vallow convicted in kids’ murders; Masterson accuser alleges church intimidation — TCD Sidebar”
  1. This crazy if i was a female i would be a fined for judges lawyers doctor and whoever that's making female out to be weak that everything that goes on is cause a man made them do it did the world forget a Bonnie she made her man do all kinds of shit today female quick to say i was made to do this i was scared of him i didn't know what was happening but at the end of the day a female can get a man todo whatever she wants 90 percent of robbers is because of a female 70 percent of kidnappings is cause of a woman and see the law talk to female in a way so that she can read between the line like did he threaten you was you scared of him did you feel like he would kill you or you family in her head she hell no but then she start relieing they give her leway and she run with yes i was scared of him but comment sents if he was gonna kill her or her family he would no question i see so many stories like these all the time where the female is involved and after its said and done she walk a way with slap on the hand

  2. ❤I like this guest. I am beyond 😊 that both Leticia and Lori have been convicted of murder….there is no excuse…. Leticia was used to lying and bull shitting her way and everyone listening and believing her…her trial was so evident of that…like when the four year old does something she knows she will get in trouble for she will tell me that a monster did it…. Thankfully she on her own decides to tell me the truth LoL but the way she acts is exactly like the four year old…now watch me jinx that …I am so happy there is finally justice for Gannon and Tylee and JJ ❤❤❤

  3. ❤I like this guest. I am beyond 😊 that both Leticia and Lori have been convicted of murder….there is no excuse…. Leticia was used to lying and bull shitting her way and everyone listening and believing her…her trial was so evident of that…like when the four year old does something she knows she will get in trouble for she will tell me that a monster did it…. Thankfully she on her own decides to tell me the truth LoL but the way she acts is exactly like the four year old…now watch me jinx that …I am so happy there is finally justice for Gannon and Tylee and JJ ❤❤❤


  5. I see the LDS community leaders still refuse to take accountability for Chad Daybell who they never questioned knowing he professed the same beliefs of their Founder Joseph Smith. There's no guarantee that another Chad Daybell couldn't occur and even worse if he is smarter than Chad Daybell. It's very sad how injustice is not a priority at all for LDS leaders.

  6. Their idiotic religious beliefs are not the problem because a lot of people have goofy religious beliefs and don’t hurt anyone. The problem is that they killed two innocent people, and not just any two innocent people but her own children. Both of them are an absolute danger to society and need to be locked up for the rest of their lives.

  7. The only person Lori is devoted to is herself. Let's not kid ourselves. She hides behind scripture and uses it to act innocent. The fact she married 3 weeks after Chad's wife death, it's very clear all the murders were premeditated.

  8. Josh it was not alleged that scientology was there intimidating the witnesses… they even sent letters in about the judge!!! They WERE in court, in courthouse, placing themselves directly where witnesses/victims had to see them etc

  9. MASTERSON TRIAL "It's unfortunate that they have not allowed cameras in the Courtroom." THIS IS A RAPE TRIAL. Do you have any idea what is must be like for the victims to give detailed testimony about what happened to them? What is the matter with you?

  10. Good week..😊👍.. 2 for 2 evil manipulative women Lori and Leticia guilty on all charges . Justice for all the victims at the hands of these monster killers that had so much life in front of them to live. RIP SWEET ANGELS 💖😇🙏💖

  11. I used to think cameras in a courtroom weren’t a great idea. Now I see that the more open and transparent we are, the less people can moan about conspiracy theories. Hopefully it will lead to fewer convicted criminals yelling “ prosecutorial misconduct” and such. Plus, it probably helps jurors to go back and review testimony footage. Like they say,”a picture says a thousand words”. If I’m saying everything a husband should say when their wife dies, but I’m nervously jiggling my leg, biting my nails, or sitting back with my arms crossed, it’s a different story. Pictures just show so much more than written descriptions.

  12. I actually have D.I.D. and if it was one of her alters that killed her stepson then she would have had to be triggered. Alters don't just pop out they come out when something triggers the person and then an alter comes out to protect them mentally. Meaning that the trigger is associated with a trauma that caused alters to form in the first place. Also she would have known if one of her alters are violent . If she is faking (which is likely one 1% of people have true D.I.D. it's rare) she is giving those of us who do have it a bad rap kinda like what Hollywood does. I and my alters don't go around being violent and killing and hurting people especially children.

  13. As a COS resident, I am beyond relieved and satisfied that they threw Letiticia Stauch away. It was so scary to be a parent during the time that Gannon was "missing" – we were like, omg these terrible things are happening here? Just glad her weak-sauce excuses weren't bought and Gannon and his family get the justice, and eventual peace, they deserve.

  14. "He mentioned Jesus alot" & him saying it over & over this lady said.

    The song " all 7 & we'll watch them fall" comes to mind.

    What religion are you, Ritter?
    My father was a preacher & a part of those energy deals in 1975 until he low & behold came down sick to die in 1977.

    And, as I'm typing, this lady mentions the name "Painter" which a person I thought was my friend actually did everything she could to pull stunts on me through the years.
    She married a man with the last name of Painter.

    The Painter name showed up when I was looking up the Fowler last name in which also crosses to the Ritter, Finnegan & Biden names all by marriage &/or blood or otherwise or associations, etc.

    By the way, that light post at the end of my street where a Ritter lives which used to GO OUT when my car would get up to it at night until I plastered it online was clearly an insult along with intimidation while I believe an attempt to obtain my property.

    Also, my late husband's last name ties into what I said as in relations as well.

    When I first got with my late husband they told me I couldn't meet all of the family because of religion, because I was divorced even tho it was because of abuse with even being offered the witness protection program & already had two children.
    The brother even out of nowhere accused me of something that didn't even make any sense in which with more I've learned in recent years, I believe he accused because it went along with all the others who were pulling stunts related to them or not in any way they can.

    All of this i believe for reasons I said above & to meet that 200 year mark or whatever year they have to keep consistency in planning for their goals .

    These people wanted someone related to Cornstalk as a trophy score in history by everything I've learned, experienced, seen, told, read, etc..

    Ritter I'm sure most likely has heard about Cornstalk. Haven't you, Ritter?

    Ritter in California as a prosecutor.. how close is Ritter to Ryan?

    Does this lady on this video know Angela Perry who keeps showing up at times that seem to go along with politics??
    Is she a member of any groups?
    Does Ritter belong to any groups?
    Their on here.. Ofcourse they do.
    Which ones?

  15. The abusers these days have purposely been manipulating the people around them anyway they can in order to clear the facts of their abuse of doing things like strangling, rape etc. with literally making evidence dissappear & more by what I've noticed.
    They even close businesses down to get rid of evidence.

  16. You both are covering up what you both seem to know by the looks & mannerisms seen on here.

    I believe you people know her butt was being messed with mentally by many & Chad is the one who received money not her? How much of this is politics going after opponents, reality for relocation to obtain land, initiation into a group &/or plain prejudice?

  17. 9:09 You can't trust everyone who says they believe in Jesus. This is why the Bible says to test the spirit to see if it's true. Also, be like a Beren and read the scriptures for yourself to see what "your leader" is saying is true.

  18. Yes the attorney should be steering the ship, but some clients are by far their own worst enemy. Especially the clients who are not honest about major aspects of their matter especially the aspects that the matter turns on.

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