Lori Vallow Daybell ‘Doomsday Cult’ Mom Triple Murder Trial — Day 10

Lori Vallow Daybell ‘Doomsday Cult’ Mom Triple Murder Trial — Day 10

‘Doomday cult’ mom Lori Vallow Daybell watched and listened to her sister testify in her triple murder trial Tuesday. Summer Shiflet was very emotional the majority of the time she was on the witness stand. Shiflet’s younger sister, Daybell, is accused of killing two of her own children, Tylee Ryan and J.J. Vallow, along with her fifth husband’s late wife. An FBI agent and detective who worked on the gruesome case also testified in court Tuesday.

#LoriVallowDaybell #SummerShiflet #LawAndCrime

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42 thoughts on “Lori Vallow Daybell ‘Doomsday Cult’ Mom Triple Murder Trial — Day 10

  1. It really sucks that cameras weren’t allowed in the courtroom. I wanted to see Lori’s reaction during the testimonies of her sister and the agent and what she was doing the whole time while she was listening to the agent recalling when her children s’ remains were found. She probably didn’t have a reaction at all or wasn’t paying attention.

  2. Listening to the call between Lori and her sister is heartbreaking but it’s quite clear that Lori is a narcissist because all she cares about is what she’s been through. No emotion at all from Lori!
    Lori says she would love to tell her sister the truth but never says a word about it.

  3. “My kids are well, happy and SAFE.” For months she (Lori) said this.
    Yet they’re both buried in my BF’s yard. One has a plastic bag duck taped over his head, and the other is hacked into pieces.
    Sometimes this country’s justice system is beyond ridiculous. And that’s why people do the crazy crap they do and believe there’s a chance they’ll get away with it.

  4. The defense has nothing. so he's going to try to put it all on her dead brother. Which I'm sure he did it all for her. even though he is guilty, so is she and so is Chad. defense really has nothing to go on

  5. More than likely, Lori will feel no remorse for what happened to all those poor victims. In her mind, it was truly justified. It reinforced her religious beliefs (no matter how crazy) and she probably thought she was doing her “duty” to God. It is sickening and heartbreaking. She will go to her grave thinking she did no wrong. May all the victims rest in peace

  6. Prosecuter: why did you request those records?
    Detective: cuz we wanted a copy
    Prosecuter: 🤨

    He obviously hasn't reviewed any of this info before the trial but you could atleast answer the questions as if you know why you're there.

  7. Polling the audience here….what do you guys think happened? How involved do you think Lori was? It makes me sick to think we probably will never know the full story. Those poor kids 😢

  8. THE DEFENSE WILL KNOW WHERE THE 3 STOOGES WERE AT ALL TIMES….schissch…..OK already…i guess these are the only safe-isa questions he can ask not to further implicate the Witch

  9. Lori deserves to be punished to the full extent of the law. She allowed her children to be murdered. She knew what was going on. I don’t care what she says.

  10. I wonder if Lori shows any emotion whatsoever when they are talking about her children’s remains being burned/found bound. I wonder if she has considered the horror that they felt when they realized they were going to die. Has she considered whether or not Tylee was burned alive or if JJ was buried alive. Chad doesn’t seem to have any empathy when it comes to her children. He wanted them out of the way so he could have Lori to himself. I do hope he meets a horrific death. Watching him plead, not guilty on all three counts during his preliminary trial made me ill.

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