Lori Vallow Daybell ‘Doomsday Cult’ Mom Triple Murder Trial — Day 11

Lori Vallow Daybell ‘Doomsday Cult’ Mom Triple Murder Trial — Day 11

An FBI agent, forensic pathologist, and forensic anthropologist testified in court Wednesday for the ‘doomsday cult’ triple murder trial. Lori Vallow Daybell, dubbed the ‘doomsday cult’ mom, is accused of killing two of her children, Tylee Ryan and J.J. Vallow, along with her fifth husband’s late wife, Tammy Daybell. The forensic pathologist confirmed the cause of death of both Tylee and J.J. — and described the autopsy process analyzing the remains found on Chad Daybell’s property.

#LoriVallowDaybell #ChadDaybell #LawAndCrime

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31 thoughts on “Lori Vallow Daybell ‘Doomsday Cult’ Mom Triple Murder Trial — Day 11

  1. I know the defense has absolutely nothing to work with but does he have to be such a condescending jerk? He’s talking to literal experts with years of experience in their field and saying they are wrong because he saw it in a movie. What?!?!

    Just a wild and heartbreaking case.

  2. The defence solicitors questioning everyones ( law enforcement, fbi, doctors etc) training. I would love to know their educational and training background. Jokers. No defence what so ever..!!!!

  3. Why does the defense lawyer think because he saw a few movies that he knows more than the coroner who is trained in determining how someone died? How pathetic.

  4. I am so glad we can not see these images…how horrific! I would have nightmares for years & knowing these were innocent children 🤮
    I feel for the jury and all involved in this terrible case!!

  5. There was always an underlying "I didn't mean to do it" , with Casey (no excuse, but true.
    With this case, there's so many YEARS of preparation, research and follow-thru , to imagine anything but what we are hearing.
    Im wondering how many Mormons on the Jury, might possibly be on the jury. We also don't know if there are an extremely Orthodox or"warped" view of anyone else on the jury.

  6. Those poor babies. The last image they saw was the person who should care the most for them doing such bad things to them. They had to be so frightened, scared and incredibly sad… 😪

  7. I cannot stand the younger defense attorney. His dismissive tone is off putting to the nth degree. I also understand he’s just doing his job but does he need to sound like comic book guy from The Simpsons?

  8. I think she even killed the other husband who died before Charles. She's a con artists and she's been benefiting from the loss of her loved ones for a long time. She was receiving social security for Tylee and would keep getting checks till Tylee would have been 18, because her biological father died. When a person is worth more dead than alive, she found a way to maximize what she could get.

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