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Maleah Davis is missing in Houston. Texas bartender arrested for overserving man who went on murderous shooting spree. North Carolina man indicted, accused of dismembering roommates. A 9-year-old boy allegedly kills adoptive mother. And two cases of men faking their own deaths.
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By elboriyorker


46 thoughts on “Maleah Davis missing in Houston; faking death for profit; bartender over-served shooter? – TCDPOD”
  1. Omg, the only person that needs to do the TCD Podcast is Ana Garcia & her guests. These guys are just reading off of the paper with no emotions, & they seem to know nothing in advance & haven't done any research on any of the cases. I'm sorry I just can't watch this- I want the info but I'll go look it up on google!!!

  2. I want to know why her mother was not charge with Maliah,s death Britney bowens new how to cover up her part in her murder and what about her trial for child abuse of maliah and her brother. It took maliah,s death to save her ass from going to jail.think about that. If. Britney mother had not been going with the chief of police Alfredo or what ever his name,Britney would be in jail.👎

  3. They act like the marshalls tracked the man dwn and found him. He was found by accident and initially arrested by the local cops not by the marshalls.
    Yes the Marshalls never give up and someone possibly in they're office sent out the info that went out to all law enforcement agencies. Lets 👏 👏 for the person who did the data entry… That is who deserve the praise.

  4. The mom didn’t care about the lil girl she alway lying about everything I think vence is getting set up if you believe that man kill her y’all dumb…

  5. So A 50 year old woman says she thinks the 9 year old in her home is a serial killer….he has a HX of shooting someone else with a BB gun….AND SHE HAS A GUN IN THE HOME THAT HE HAS ACCESS TO????

  6. I know that the mom is trying to cover it up and act like she don't know what happened to her own god damn child, the mom know he was doing this to his child, she actually didn't care about her child and maleah dad was carrying a laundry basket with a garbage bag with maleah in it,and on the interview she was covering her face and bobbing her face up and down, and the father was hiding from everybody trying to hide maleah body, I just heard about this like wow she can't even have a chance to live 😭 cause they abusing her, I'm actually mad cause we all should have a chance to live

  7. Gay nigga claiming to be straight will go as far to kill just to stay in the closet. Ashame!!! Ladies wake up these niggas are sick and will make you sick FOREVER!!!!

  8. It was reported today that the stepfather told Quanell X that she's dead and that he dumped her body in Arkansas 😢
    Edit: and now it appears that they may have found her

  9. Hopes are he took the baby to sugarland to hide her bc the mom was going to kill her.. And allow her to think maleah is dead and did all this to teap her ass maybe.. And had his brother leave the state with her until so she wouldnt be harmed when britany finds out she is still alive.. No that would be to good to be true..Truth is the abuse was going send their asses to jail and she had to get rid of the evidence by killing her and to make it look like a kidnapping gone wrong only in the movies brittany will this be a senario played out nit so much in real life..bc it dont take 3 dudes to kidnap one baby.. Darion or whatever his name is looks like he will get tossed up by brittany let alone fighting off three amigos. To even come up with a story like that is crazy so idk.. It's so dumb you almost can't help to follow up bc the results are clear…

  10. My question is this… Who had his son.. Maleah's so called half brother.. When he was seen on camera with maleah…. Brittany was there the whole time.. Waiting for him to return with her… Then he all of a sudden has his son..??? Anyone notice the baby boy looking the opposite direction like someone else was there.. Criminal Justice major.. I studied the hell out of that shit and got pretty damn good at criminal profiling. That dude looked pissed ass shit walking to the apartment.. Just left maleah running behind him.. My daughter suffering from head injuries would have been hand and hand with me..not running behind trying catch up.. Right there shows you the disconnect, the neglect and lack of love in the video. The mother was there on the 30th.. They killed that baby together on the 30th?? Or he did by himself.. They had her body in that car for quite sometime.. Drove around trying to come up with the perfect lie. They burned and buried her body somewhere in sugarland? Brittany went to airport.. He comes back to apartment cleans up and then leaves again.. Shows up at hospital with the white shirt he had in his hand when leaving the apartment with only the son.. The pictures taking by the infamous brittany were taking in sugarland or outside somebodys apartment.. The damn dream catcher in the back proves that.. Plus he had on a red shirt not white. And the one with the so called bump on his head was in a blue looking scrub top.. They report her missing on the 5th… Mom got back on the 3rd.. She took pics of him on the 3rd?? And he is seen smoking on the 4th… And then he reports meleah missing on the 4th walking out the hospital with white shirt on..not red…how did you get home?? And where did the mom go after snapping shots.. Liar lies all fake.. This story is so damn shut and close its not funny.. Cadaver dogs told you the truth.. Hell the mother already speaking in past tense about Maleah… From what I already knew..I dont know what happened to her but i can think of a million reasons why.. Bitch there are no reasons why your baby should be dead.. Bc your the #1 and the millionth reason why she is gone and she wants us to believe this shit show of emotions she putting on fake tears the fake shaking of the head the lack of gesturing when she hears her daughter name being chanted.. I bet that made her cringe knowing people care more for maleah than she does… Cased closed charge the mother for neglect abuse and conspiracy to commit and cover up a murder and the bio father should have been in jail long ago and the step dad is a fraud period. His brother and dad know whats up and brittany damn sure was there for it all.. I bate to say it but the baby is not with us anymore.

  11. I've been following the Maleah case since her Amber alert, her step father killed her, hes a monster and shes just as bad for leaving her baby with him. I think that baby died before her mother ever touched down and he staged the whole thing.

  12. He was knocked out for 9 hours??…. Off that little baby head bump?? And it took him that long to walk a mile?? Here we are weeks later she's still missing… Why?? Because that poor baby girl is dead…

  13. They both in on it ,they feed the lie to their family and now they both trying to feed the lie to us,but im not buying it,i was wondering if they can put out a reward for baby girl maleah

  14. When he told the story about 3 men saying Maleah looked "very nice/very sweet", I knew he was raping her. He thinks of her in that way and it shows in his fake story.

  15. Maleah Davis "Angle" R.I.P. , Mom seen signs from this monster. But, did she pay attention to her beautiful innocent child. We, as mothers must protect our children they are young babies, children, or even teens. I am so hurt and crying.😇😞😡

  16. Lock her up!!! This woman knew her fiance was physically, mentally, and sexually abusing her daughter, and she left her child in the care of this monster – accomplice!!! She broke the engagement because, she "allegedly" found penis pics on his phone – not because he was sexually abusing her child. LOCK HER UP!!! Culpable!!! CPS should have never returned this child to her mother's home after her skull was cracked.
    LOCK HER UP!!!

  17. Not every woman is can give birth is a mother. Some are just egg donors. I am absolutely disgusted by this case. This lady is more sick in the head than her so called boyfriend. How can you let a man, hurt a bring you carried for 6-9 freaking months just for some dirty d * and attention. She knew damn well what was going on. She was just desperate to ‘keep’ some lousy man. Karma and her conscience will kill her . She clearly doesn’t care at all.shes probably happy the child is gone so she can be happy with her piece of shit boyfriend.
    If it was not for this useless human being ,they call the child mom, Maleah would’ve not been put in the position to be harmed or even met that man.
    I hope she goes to jail and rots there and her boyfriend needs to be stoned to death.
    There’s a very special place in hell for both of these trash.
    Scums of the earth.

  18. Head Injury — sounds like child abuse. Now she goes missisng ??? hmmmmm Another poor child whose parents failed her. CPS removes these children from the home — and then returns them back to the same abusive household. Whose going to abduct a child with huge medical issues. She was probably wearing a little helmet to protect her healing head injury. This boyfriend got rid of this little girl

  19. So many families in Houston would've taken Maleah and made her a part of their family. Senseless that this single mom hooked up with a demon and allowed him to kill a little angel who is now safe and loved for eternity.
    I hope our justice system puts the mother and step dad in a cage the rest of their lives.

  20. I watched most of this although as it wS abt 3am I did doze off but I got the gist of it,main thing in my opinion is this wee innocent 😇 that we as a commity r supposed to love&protect.. she was drastically FAILED TIME&TIME AGAIN SO SO SAD 😢😢😢 Her mother is as much to blame as step father she may have not physically/sexually abused her in a sense BUT she knew and allowed this abuse to take place and continue until the inevitable happened to this little girl.. THEY R BOTH DISGUSTING HUMANS I WOULDNT XALL THEM ANIMALS AS ANIMALS DOGS CATS HORSESRTC TRY 100% 2TAKE CARE OF THEIR BABIES,I know this for fact I have horses&dogs etc & watching them care for their young is fascinating & beautiful at same time.. Hope KARMA COMES A KNOCKING FOR BOTH OF THEM “THINGS” 😆🤣😆😂.. See how they feel at getting the pain they delt out 10 times over back at them 😆 Stef Xx. Sorry I started rambling #AGAIN LOL

  21. Some people don’t deserve to have children, I blame the mom just as much as I do the stepdad, this breaks my heart 💔

  22. I blame incompetence on the part of D.H.R. and the government. Why do methheads and abusive parents get their children back when they were taken away from the parents for the protection of the children involved ?
    I'm tired of hearing about dead babies and young children. What's going on is so wrong and I don't understand why it's happening. How did it become normal to kill your kid because things aren't working out the way you hoped it would?
    The government needs to care more about the future of this country and they need to start with protecting the children and making sure they're raised in a educationally productive and safe environment.

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