Man allegedly offers $9 million for teen’s murder; Millionaire admits to killing teen girlfriend – Everything Law and Order Blog

This Week on True Crime Daily The Podcast: An Alaskan woman pleads guilty to the murder of her 19-year-old “best friend” in a $9 million catfishing scheme. Plus, an elderly millionaire is sentenced for the death of his teenage girlfriend.

Loni Coombs joins host Ana Garcia.

Ana Garcia

Loni Coombs

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41 thoughts on “Man allegedly offers $9 million for teen’s murder; Millionaire admits to killing teen girlfriend”
  1. Okay, I just had to react to the rooster story and him saying this isn't an animal you'd expect to be aggressive. Only the people who's never owned chickens and had a full-grown rooster would say that. They are in fact all dangerous to a certain degree some worse than others. When I was a kid I had a rooster that tried to attack me almost every time I went out to get eggs and I'd have to arm myself to keep the rooster away. We had a rooster here that my wife was just in love with and you know tried to treat it as a pet and it tried to attack our granddaughter. That's just how roosters are. They're there to protect the hens and they're aggressive.

  2. Ana, I've been a subscriber for just over a year now, & enjoy all of your podcasts. Also, very rarely do I disagree with you/your opinions. But this is one of those times that I do. To dismiss his attorney statement that both families are ruined because you fail to see how the "Salt Life" guy's (completely blanking on his name right now, forgive me) family could be ruined by this whole ordeal is (in my opinion) wrong. They may not have lost someone forever, but his ex-wife & children have to spend the rest of their lives living with that association to him. Living with everyone's (including your own) speculation that things didn't happen the way he claims, that he may have killed her intentionally, in cold blood, etc. His kids will spend the rest of their lives with that hanging over their heads, & seeing as how kids tend to be so much meaner & crueler & unforgiving these days, it shouldn't be difficult at all to consider the very strong possibility that his kids' peers could be labeled by other kids as "kids of a murderer, spawn of evil, children of a psychopath, etc." Yes, we all know he's not a psychopath but do you think all kids could or would be that discerning? All it takes is one classmate/school peer to say it, & by the end of the day that could be all over the school/neighborhood. How many of his ex-wife's friends have already shunned her due to this tragedy, I wonder? How many whispers around the workplace? And how much bullying do you think his kids could take before it got to be too much for them to bear? Obviously, I don't wish for any of that to happen nor should it even be a possibility, but sadly that's the world in which we live. I hope I'm wrong & they're all accepted by everyone & given all the support they need. But only time can tell & in the mean time I don't think it's fair to shrug off the implication that the lives of that man's family are also potentially ruined.

    My thoughts and prayers are with everyone left to deal with the aftermath of this tragedy. I truly hope that young woman's family is able to find peace one day. That both families do.

  3. These drugs we choose to do puts us in messed up situations namely xanax.ive never harmed anyone thank God…. but I have almost accidentally hurt my self.STOP TAKING STUFF YOUR BRAIN CANT HANDLE.HE WAS OLD ENOUGH TO KNOW BETTER.

  4. Ana Garcia is HORRIBLE in explaining these stories. She's all over the place and confuses the hell out of the viewer. The guest is VERY CLEAR and straight to the point without superfluous commentary. Please change her and give the show to the guest.

  5. I'm Irish living in Ireland. As far as I know the Father loved animals. He acquired the rooster because of the attack on the child. Whoever owned the rooster originally, when the rooster attacked the child was going to euthanase the bird, but the poor unfortunate man chose to have mercy and take the bird into his care. Only because he really thought that the attack on the child was not malicious or intentional, sadly because of his kindness he perished.
    God love his poor family having to deal with it scene of carnage. Under the circumstances, some cleaning company would have stepped in if the situation was published.

  6. Roosters wait for you to turn your back and walk away, then they attack you on the back of your legs. I have a rooster, as pleasant as he is, not sometimes you HAVE to watch your back when you turn to walk away! Bless his heart, he probably didn't even think his leg was bleeding, I've done that to then find out it's gushing. I've learned to always have a big stick to be able to put in between myself and Penguin (my rooster 🐓!)

  7. Ana & Lonnie 💞 My 2 favorite girls to listen too! These stories are so sad, especially the sweet girl with special needs! Who does that? Her poor papa, my heart breaks for him 🥺😥 I hope justice is served in all these cases! 🙏 ⚖️ 🙏

  8. We had a rooster that was getting ready to attack our 6 yr old daughter. Fortunately I was outside when this happened. I hit the rooster with a 2 by 4. That did not faze it and it kept coming after us. We went inside and my husband killed it when he got home. Terrifying.

  9. I worked in an Internal Med office for decades. Long ago, we had a patient who had been attacked by a rooster on his property. He had serious liver disease and he was still bleeding from his many wounds over 12 hours later!

  10. These so called friends are not smart either because they believed they will get the money, also they are evil because willing to kill a for money.
    If they were smart they should pretend to kill like use a pretend gun and record a gun fired noise like in the movies and have the “victims” with a chicken blood, or catchup. And if he wouldn’t pay they should go to the police tell him the story.

  11. I feel he is guilty because he had a loaded gun which I find disgusting. Did she even know that it was loaded????? The fact that he didn’t even try to help her, made sure he took the gun and disappeared. Guilty!!!!

  12. Not sure how I missed this!! But I’m almost 40 and I’d LOVE to get money and go to a mall!! Where I’m at there’s basically NOTHING and have to order EVERYTHING online!! Ugh

  13. My gosh, I’m not a parent and I can normally watch anything.. But I’m just past the description of the catfishing scheme and I have to turn it off. How abhorrent, my love sent to the poor family. 🙏🏼🤍💗🥺

  14. I wish the justice system was always the JUSTICE system too. I had a buddy and some people and an ex girlfriend went to his house and started a fight, the guys who went there got their ass beat and they went back to the car and grabbed a gun and shot and murdered my buddy. he got only got 6 years and was laughing all trial, even during the 911 call that his 8 year old sister made. talk about bullshit

  15. Some roosters are very mean and aggressive, and the aggression is often misplaced. I get it, the purpose is to protect the hens, but they are just birds, and they often don't have very good judgment. They will attack their caretaker/feeder. Older roosters get long sharp spurs on their legs and know how to use them to inflict damage. At my farm, the ones that start attacking go to "freezer camp" right away so they don't injure anyone, especially children.

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