An atrocity of rare brutality and cruelty. The horrific scalping of Marilyn Stanley — a single mother left mutilated and bleeding to death. We want to warn you some of the details in this story are quite disturbing.
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Not to this extreme, my ex husband final beating me. I love my Momma. She was sooo mad at me. When I came to, she screamed at me "You're not dead yet, go run back to him!!!"
"The kids are not jacked up yet, go get him an axe so he can finish the job!!!"
She's right. She's absolutely right. She begged and pleaded with me to leave him. He's gonna kill you. He's going to hurt the babies. I didn't listen. In the end, I finally did leave. To this day, I still have a lot of guilt for not leaving sooner. My babies and I live with Momma. I am forever thankful for my Momma. She is my rock. My babies know Gramma would walk through Hell for them. I am using my ears. Relationship???? None. Now, my babies and Momma come first.
Only 20? So he’ll be able to come out and do it again…
He sounds like a short bus kind of fella.
The thing is being a domestic violence survivor as well, this isn’t over. As soon as she said he winked I knew. he gets out in 20 years, and 20 years goes by ESPECIALLY with good behavior. once this man is out he is gonna go straight after this marilyn girl. he will go straight for her and trust me because that’s just how domestic abusers minds work, they are OBSESSED with their victims and when their victim puts them in their place, the abuser will just get more fueled, by her standing up and taking this to court and having him sentenced that’s a huge threat in his mind and he’s not gonna be able to back down from that, he’s gonna go after her and this case terrifies me.
That man had a history of assaulting women, why in the world would they not lock him up for life and castrate this asshole. No, no, let's put him back on the street so he can scalp a woman.
Zachary gross more like Zachary the idiot
Freaking Coward! you should of got life in prison…
Life for.sure no doubt.will.come.after.her god bless.u.beautiful.girl❤️🎈🌷🌷💐🎀😜😜😀🎀😜😃
This country is a joke !! This country’s justice system is a complete joke
Why he should be locked up for life:
1. He actually committed the crime
2. No remorse
3. Blaming the dog for his crime – I’m assuming for a dog to attack someone it should either be after receiving his owners command to do so, or he could have seen an altercation and thought that he was helping?
4. Winking at Marylyn in court
5. Previous domestic violence abuse charges
6. He’s manipulative
7. Pre meditated (he meant to cause the harm when he called her over)
8. He is a sociopath
I bet he has no plans to change or find god while he is serving his time. This guy probably convinced himself that he is the victim in all of this.
9. This looks like attempted murder to me. He just stopped because he probably realized that he didn’t want to go to jail.
He probably needs therapy and deal with whatever caused him to be this way and get some mental help. (Either he has trauma from the past or he is just a psycho) regardless he should have had more than 20 years.
If he had a record of abuse/domestic violence, why would u be in a relationship with someone like that? So glad she will recover and may be rot in hell for what he done to her and other women
I can’t believe he got 20 yrs because he could be out in a quarter of that time! Clearly, the judicial system failed this beautiful woman! He should have got life with no parole for attempted 1st degree murder!
With all his domestic violence cases, he obviously HATES WOMEN. The first image of a woman to a boy is his mother. I wonder if his mom was abusive or a prostitute/promiscuous. Usually when men hate women like that, it’s because their moms were promiscuous, and boys hate that.
Jesus stomps fear
20 years? That’s a joke that man should get life. That’s what you call pure evil! And why is that dog still alive put him down too. I don’t want to hear all these animal lover saying it’s not the dogs fault. Unfortunately that evil man made that dog evil too.
No matter what happened to her. She is still a beutiful and strong woman!
Un peligro para la sociedad este Tipo
She looks fine so far, so why after she is roaming the streets screaming like crazy?
That men i so right we have that defence meganism for a reason
Alguien en español plis
what a lying putrid piece of shit
Ladies dont ever go to the house of the one who is stalking u.
That poor dog should be given for adoption not euthanized.
That's barbaric to punish that pathetic animal.
Dog is man's best friend and a women's enemy.
dog got the death sentence but not that POS?
Only 20yrs is bullshit. He should have been euthanized with his dog.
Him AND his dog need to be put down. 😒
Assault? The justice system once again doesn't surprise me
You are pretty, no matter. Listening to your words. I know youre a beautiful woman. If i weren’t in a relationship, i would walk with you holding hands and stand beside you anywhere regardless of scars!! PROUDLY!!!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
This idiot should not have a dog he gives pitbull s a bad name
This story is HORRIFIC! Should have been attempted murder. The dog MUST be put down. He's tasted blood and sadly the dog will attack again.
That POS needs to spend the rest of his life in prison. HE IS SUPER SICK! His last name is "gross"!
He should have got the death penalty!! HANDS DOWN!!! 💯
He is beyond terrible I'm so sorry to see this
he should have got 40 years she wants to buy a gun if he comes back
Animals like him need to be put in genpop in pink jump suits with no cameras in their cell.
What a sick piece of shit. I hope he gets raped daily in prison and more.
when even a pitbull stops because his boss went completely berserk… he belongs between men only…..
just wait for him the day he gets out… and shoot his brains out
he is an animal she deserves someone who will treat her like a queen. she is very beautiful still! i applaud her strength "he hasn't gotten me". i agree that she shouldn't try and retrieve her memories. i pray for peace for her.
He’s fucking gross and a monster he OBVIOUSLY DID IT
Shes still beautiful.he on the other hand is ugly disgusting monster.20 yrs wtf this pig deserves the death penalty..
weather his dog did it or not shouldn't make any difference. Your dog is your responsibility. If your dog kills someone you should get the same punishment as you'd get if it were you.
Life to this MF and death to that fucking dog 🖕🏻😡🖕🏻
she is an incredible young woman. i hope peace, love and happiness for her!
Both him and the dog should be put down.
I would’ve given him twenty million years
Hey to all his cell mates!! Maybe he won't need to leave that prison? Maybe he has an Epstein incident?