Man Convicted of Wife’s Murder Professes Innocence – Crime Watch Daily

Man Convicted of Wife’s Murder Professes Innocence – Crime Watch Daily

A frantic husband calls 911. Something horrific happened to his wife. Then he’s convicted of murder.

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49 thoughts on “Man Convicted of Wife’s Murder Professes Innocence – Crime Watch Daily

  1. That smile and that wing he have in court was all I needed to see.. seems like a narcissist. Not showing any remorse, literally smiling and winking at his own wife's murder trial.. weird

  2. In his second trial he was found not guilty, he’s been out since 2017. Police and prosecutors lied about evidence. That’s why the medical examiner changed the report.

  3. He keeps yelling "I don't know what happened. I swear to God"…..Why would that be the concern unless you were trying to protect yourself?

  4. "You going to a take a shower honey?". "Don't forget to take the gun – just in case…." . "Oh – by the way I have loaded it for you too". Now that is a loving and caring husband.

  5. Did they find a hun beside her and if so check for gun powder on her hands and you shoulda texted his hands first thing even though he probably had hours to clean up. Plus you would hear a gun shot in your home

  6. Really why would she have a gun in the bath tub. Your wife just doesn’t end up dead for no reason why you’re in the house and No one else. He’s a piece of crap. I’m not gonna apologize for something I didn’t do, yeah that’s B.S. no one showers with a gun especially a women with no enemies

  7. And another thing I don't understand. When someone kills another person for their life insurance, what makes them think they are going to get it? The company will not release any funds until they are sure the beneficiary did not do the killing.

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