Brian Cooper had a crush on his co-worker, Alisha Bromfield, but she didn’t reciprocate those feelings. When Alisha became pregnant with another man’s baby, he strangled and killed her while the two were in the same hotel room for his sister’s wedding. Brian would later admit to much darker secrets.
Man makes disturbing confession about killing his pregnant crush after his sister’s wedding

He was sentenced to two life terms he's not getting out.
She was due soon and unalived while he had s— with her. How depraved and desperate
He is a sick, twisted individual!! I hope he rots in prison! And a hung jury?! What the hell!! I know she's an adult. But she's a young adult. I would have fought harder to not let her go. Especially with a coworker that i know has feelings for her. I always tell my kids not to entertain ppl you don't like in that way. Don't give them your phone number, your social media, don't hang out with them, don't accept gifts from them… nothing.
I would delete all my wedding photos if that was my brother that just walked me down the aisle
He held her job over her head.
The fact that we still need a "trial" after a clear confession to murder is beyond insane. Modern justice isn’t about justice anymore—it's about coddling criminals under the illusion of fairness. We protect the 1% margin of error by letting the 99% of monsters walk free or stall for decades. If there were ever a case for 10-second justice, this is it. The system's upside down. Who are these people voting for weak laws like this? Something doesn't add up.
1st degree even tho he didnt plan it? thats an unfair verdict.
He white
Intoxication as a legal defense is insane! Even more so that it worked…
“I’m a good person besides what I did last night”
At least he admitted it. He knows he’s f ed up.
I'm gonna comment on the fact that this guys sister just got married, and hours later her brother murders someone. I cant imagine how that would feel, to have your special day tainted by something like this.
As long as men exist, women will never be safe
Hung jury my bottom he admitted to everything
The first jury is gross!! This scared the hell outta me. He looks Nuts, from the rescending hair line to the crazy
. His coworkers are wrong for egging it on. HR for real. Calling her Slut at work? Poor girl.
HUNG JURY?! after that confession?! wtf that is bullshit. did he have a rock star lawyer or something?
A hung jury???!!! Unbelievable!!! Those women were brainless!!! What the heck was wrong with them!
He called her names at work and yet she went away with him. She worked at a garden center for god sakes, not a big loss if she quit. Come on women!!!!!
The hat is a dead giveaway. Who wears a hat walking down the aisle at a wedding?
So this demon…. Concocted in his mush of a brain…. That either she’s gonna be with me…. Or she dies. Entitled much? And let me add this…. Let’s be real. He didn’t want a relationship. He wanted to have sex with her. Which he probably did after she was already dead. He is truly a demon.
Messed up
Its clear women are hated especially after the jordan henning conviction as well
Sick SOB, what on earth

Male violence is quite literally a tale as old as time.
Some women are just envious in nature even when it comes to SA crimes