In this episode of True Crime News: A jury found Adam Fravel guilty of killing his girlfriend and the mother of his two children, Madeline Kingsbury, and burying her body in rural Minnesota. Then, the Delphi murders case heads to the jury for a verdict. Plus, Peter Chadwick, Q.C. Chadwick, and their three children lived a life of luxury in affluent Newport Beach, California. But Peter Chadwick harbored a secret and lived on the run using a fake name for years.
Man ‘obsessed’ with Gabby Petito murder kills ex; Millionaire murderer a fugitive

it seems like for a guy to be as wealthy as peter chadwick, he would have to be street smart.
making up an abduction story to cover killing your spouse is stupid, and nobody will believe it.
but there are plenty of people in prison right now who thought it would work.
Huh? Isn’t this a south park episode?
I read the title and seriously audibly groaned. Obsessed with a case so you copycat it? What a sick crazy fuck. Rest in peace to the poor victim and condolences to her family.
Can't compare the two cases. Gabby was a domestic abuser and her victim snapped.
Men suck eh?
Don:t defend violent men, defend the women and people subjected by it!
Damn they all white
He wasn't obsessed with Gabby Petito, he was obsessed at the way she was murdered
I still don't think Richard Allen did it but I didn't watch the trial and I didn't watch anything associated with it. I feel like he was completely forced into confessions.
My stomach is churning at the amount of people who are spewing hate on a dead young woman. "She was abusive, she deserved it"…WHAT?!
Brian was double, if not triple her size and strength. Elmo could break gabby's arms, she was so tiny. YOU ARE ALL so fortunate to not know a bad relationship, or to know that reactionary abuse is a thing. Someone who was once quiet, and loving, who gets hurt a lot, becomes violent and anxious, and it becomes a violent cycle. She didn't deserve to die, and especially the way she did. I can't imagine defending a man and his family who went to all lengths to hurt her, hide it, etc. The note he left is even more proof of how off his rocker he was. She was not cold, she was not begging for death. They were wilderness geeks, with a VAN to go back to if they were cold. NOTHING to defend. Gabby should still be here.
In the last sequence –
too many houses and not enough homes …
Wow the fake call by Chadwick… no thought for his children either, just abandoned them..
I don't believe Allen is guilty, this state is corrupt
So so sad

All the stories of murders hit home.. But some more than others… The case of Gabby will never be forgotten..
Bless her
And this two young girls?!!! Words cant express… Absolutely horrific!! 

I disagree with Suzanne about the Delphi case!! They couldn’t prove the bullet was RA’s, not one witness could say bridge guy was RA & there is so much reasonable doubt!!
I say I'm the King of England. What, no proof, no proof? Well, in Delphi I'm the King.!!??
9:49 ”Who took her?”
Um uh Juan no wait… Diego took her… or maybe…it was Pablo (sounds guilty to me)
Thank you for all these stories, I always enjoy updates on true stories.

Money talks for sure. 15 years for murder. Unreal
I'm here to say Richard Allen is as innocent as a child! I hope the jury has their dam heads right and can see their is nothing linking him to killing those girls. What do they have? Cell phone confessions which are bullshit cause he was absolutely being abused in that jail and if you can't see how malnourished he was when we saw him the first time he came out of jail then you need to open your eyes! And a spent bullet? ok well how come out of every single crime scene photo there wasn't 1 single picture of that bullet laying on the ground so anyone could have put it there plus when they did the testing of that bullet and compared it with another bullet they got from Richards house, they put that spent bullet in his gun and it didn't even fit his gun properly!! Absolutely no DNA evidence what so ever linking him to those girls..They have no real evidence he did it!! I truly hope he is found not guilty or they are locking up and innocent man! I still think it was Ron Logan. The guy whose property the girls were on. He matches the guy on the bridge 100% from the hat to the same exact clothes he was wearing, height and body build. Richard Allen was short and chubby. The guy on the bridge was tall and thin and even though his face is blurry you can see his face was long and narrow with a big nose just like Ron Logan.. And ofc Ron Logan dies?? what a fkn coincidence!! They are framing Richard Allen just like they are doing with Brian Kohberger who is literally going through the same thing! No evidence what so ever linking him to those crimes!! 2 innocent men being accused of murder when the real killer/ killers are still out there. Well except Ron Logan!
Regarding the last case, can Mexico go after him if he's ever released in the US?
These programs are getting shorter by the day
Libby & Abby's case… there was DNA . Libby's sister's hair w/ the root was found wrapped around Libby's hand.
3:26 BOOBS
Those kids lost both parents because their father chose to be a disgusting nest-pooper. What a creep, getting obsessed with killing Gabby???
Tell Jesus about it hewill protect you first

so sad
In regards of the first case, well I mean a man is only as good as his word.
Wait what?
Imagine gabby's parents hearing this…what a horrible world
Keep turning the blind eye to Unconstitutionally trafficking Father's seed without due process or Separation of powers at YOUR local title4dwelfare false flag operations
Ana ♥♥♥♥♥

Please loose the BACKGROUND NOISE ( music) – so so annoying

Ladies please..If you are in a domestic violent relationships, don't tell your ex about your new life…Please stay away from them…When you want to leave the abuse relationships,do so in secrets and never look back!..If you have kids with that person?..Find protections for you and your children…Your life is much more worthy!!.
15 years for a murder and reckless driving resulting to death and permanent injury, what a shame justice system