Man stabbed to death by friends after a night of partying – Everything Law and Order Blog

In this episode of Crime Watch Daily Updates: The case of 23-year-old Mark Waugh.

On October 12, 2013, Mark met up with his friend Rahul Gupta, Rahul’s girlfriend, Taylor Gould, and Rahul’s friend Josh White. The group drank at bars in Washington, D.C.’s popular Dupont Circle neighborhood, but Josh apparently left because he was allegedly flirting with Taylor, which made her uncomfortable.

Rahul, Mark, and Taylor continued their festivities at the couple’s Silver Spring, Maryland, apartment. The trio continued drinking, and Rahul smoked some marijuana. Then, chaos ensued.

In the early hours of October 13, Taylor dialed 911 and asked for help in a long and confusing phone call with dispatch. Police eventually arrived and Taylor answered the door with blood all over her body. When officers walked in, they found Rahul laying next to Mark, who was in a pool of blood.

Mark had been stabbed several times, and police discovered a large knife under his leg.

While speaking with police, Taylor kept repeating she didn’t know what happened because she drank too much. Rahul told police he saw Taylor cheating on him with Mark, so he killed him. He later claimed he only said that to cover for Taylor so she wouldn’t get into trouble.

In May 2015, Rahul was convicted of first-degree murder and sentenced to life in prison.

He appealed his conviction but in April 2016, an appeals court affirmed the ruling. The next year, the Maryland Supreme Court also agreed with the lower court’s decision.


30 thoughts on “Man stabbed to death by friends after a night of partying”
  1. She was messing around with the victim. Rahul woke up and flew into a rage and killed him. Taylor was playing a very dangerous game. Him saying get off me and don’t touch me is because he’s still pissed at her for infidelity. Later at the interrogation she asks him can I kiss you. He says not right now. I think they were still so wasted that the reality of their situation hadn’t sunk in yet. I thinks Taylor’s “blackout” is play acting.

  2. I personally know the family of the accused and attended his recent appeal. The 911 call's energy is disgusting. The stabbing's passion and 11 wounds suggest a female perpetrator. Inconsistencies abound: no marks on the accused's hands, Taylor changing clothes three times, and Taylor’s hair in the murder weapon and on the wall.

    Taylor's behavior raises so many red flags: flirtatious with his friends, playing victim, and controlling behavior. Raul was trying to resuscitate the victim, explaining the blood on him.

    It's clear that the police coerced a confession, a common tactic. The accused was denied basic rights and subjected to prolonged interrogation. This leads to wrongful convictions.

    Taylor's narcissistic behavior, love bombing, and injuries on her hand suggest guilt. Scratches on Raul's face imply a female attacker.

    The evidence points to Taylor's guilt, and it's time to wake up and see the truth.

  3. I personally know the family of the accused and attended his recent appeal. The 911 call's energy is disgusting. The stabbing's passion and 11 wounds suggest a female perpetrator. Inconsistencies abound: no marks on the accused's hands, Taylor changing clothes three times, and Taylor’s hair in the murder weapon and on the wall.

    Taylor's behavior raises so many red flags: flirtatious with his friends, playing victim, and controlling behavior. Raul was trying to resuscitate the victim, explaining the blood on him.

    It's clear that the police coerced a confession, a common tactic. The accused was denied basic rights and subjected to prolonged interrogation. This leads to wrongful convictions.

    Taylor's narcissistic behavior, love bombing, and injuries on her hand suggest guilt. Scratches on Raul's face imply a female attacker.

    The evidence points to Taylor's guilt, and it's time to wake up and see the truth.

  4. There is no motive for the girl(Taylor) to do it….unless Mark tried to sexually assault her , which didn't appear to happen. Rahul is rightly convicted BUT …there are some type of woman who intentionally hit on their BFs or husband's friends just to satisfy their twisted desire that their BF or husband would feel the pain & win her back. A drunk Tayler most likely started having sex with Mark & A drunk Rahul was an idiot played out by her into this.

    What rahul did is a crime ….what Tayler did is not least legally

  5. My analysis would be, that Mark was talking with Tayler and Rahul was in the bathroom, Tayler started to be so flirtatious with Mark that he freaked out and rejected her maybe calling her a liar, for example, she went mad and called Rahul, and told him mark was hitting on her, Mark wanted to leave Rahul tried to stop him and fight while they are fighting aggressively Tyler escalated it because she was scared mark and josh now knows her true self, she stabbed him with all hate of rejection.

  6. Taylor is a classic case of someone who apparently will sleep with anyone to satisfy her sexually. Not the kind of woman to be trusted by any man. She should have been charged in this case as well and should be doing prison time.

  7. I know its a common surname, however (and i know its kinda wrong), but isn't "Gupta" the same name as some the biggest monsters in modern day civilization? Look it up! Guptas' make the Bushs' look like mere war criminals. Oh wait, they already are. Gambinos got nothing on Guptas! Brazil, Argentina, Australia, look it up! Evil crime family syndicate!

  8. I think the real reason why she wanted to leave the bar that night is because Josh confronted her while she was being flirtatious with Raul’s friends, and she was afraid that Josh was going to confront her in front of Raul about it or go to Raul about it himself and the bar that’s why she had to hurry up and get Raul and them out of the bar before that happened. I think that’s the true reason she wanted to leave so fast not because Josh was sending her flirtatious fives think it’s really the other way around her sending them to Josh we all know that I’m sure but that’s just what I’m thinking

  9. These comments are weird. It’s clear that Rahul caught them in the act. I don’t believe Mark was as innocent as he’s made out to be, nor do I think he’s as great a friend as everyone is making him seem. Why would Taylor kill him? Doesn’t make sense. Also, this dude was denied a lawyer several times. This whole investigation was botched.

  10. Im pretty sure Taylor was making sexual advances towards the victim, in front of her BF, in order to make her BF mad. Which caused Rahul to get so mad he killed the victim. Rahul deserves life. Taylor deserves 8-10, at least, for instigating the situation. She was probably hoping Rahul would get his ass kicked.

  11. damn indians have it rough enough dating wise they gotta fight hard as hell for a chsnce with a girl let alone a white girl ! so when he saw how easily he lost her to a white dude he must’ve lost his shit !

  12. Don't believe girl just because she is pretty bruh. Idk maybe i wrong but i believe she did this more than just angry jealousy boyfriend. Rahul is sobbing and told her don't touch him even in police room ( it could also because he see Taylor and mark having romantic) but i think rahul take this for his gf. I think she did this.

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