Married to a serviceman, in love with another, woman disappears in desert

Married to a serviceman, in love with another, woman disappears in desert

One hot Saturday morning in June 2014, Erin Corwin kissed her husband goodbye and told him she was going out for a hike. She never came home.



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40 thoughts on “Married to a serviceman, in love with another, woman disappears in desert

  1. I feel bad for the husband and the mother thinks her daughter isn't a fault? How adorable 🙄

    Also, didn't she lie and say her husbnd was "abusing" her? WHAT PROOF?

  2. She used False Accusation Culture to claim her husband – who subsidized her whole life – was "abusive". I bet she thought she could get the other dude to murder him so she could grift military benefits for life. I'm glad she got what she deserved. Happily, she'll never have that illegitimate baby that she would have used to extort free money from the other dude.

  3. I really like the footage of him in the interrogation room as he fails miserably at trying to cover all of his fat Pilsbury dough body as guilty people often do during a grilling. I wouldn't go into a war theatre with that worthless pile of shit if you tripled my combat pay. Worthless scumbag.

  4. I’ve been to lot of parts of the world and I hands down say the word “freedom” is exponentially used in the USA than anywhere else yet people play with it like a kid’s toy every second 🤦🏿‍♂️

  5. this woman was cheating on her marine husband. i feel for the husband who must have been blindsided when she was murdered. if you dont want to be married to someone anymore, so the right & kind thing, tell them, get a separation, preferably finalize your divorce, then pursue another romance if you want. & NEVER mess w/married men. its beneath contempt. i hope her husband has found a peace & another woman who will love him & have a family together.

  6. Maybe don’t be a hoe and sleep around. If you had stuck with your nice husband you never would have gotten into this mess. There’s a reason the Bible warns against adultery.

  7. These comments all seem to blame her (the victim) most of y’all are disgusting. All I see is “don’t cheat etc” how about blame the actual murderer and not the victim, how about instead of saying “don’t cheat” say “don’t kill”. Just cuz she cheated doesn’t mean she deserves to get murdered wtf. Society always puts more blame on women, you kno if the guy never killed her this also would’ve never happened. He could’ve handled way differently than killing her. You guys all act like you are saints, bet you wouldn’t want anyone speaking bad about your family members. No wonder men get away with so much.

  8. So this penut brain retarded clown , not only liked killing coyotes just for fun, but also liked screwing and geting his neighbors wifes pregnant, to then boil them in the desert. Really ?¿ And his wife must have been screwing someone else for sure, because she looked so chill and giving a fuck about knowing he was cheeting on her, in her own house, actually in front of her…. crazy.
    A squirrel is more inteligent than this idiot pi€c€ of shit*.

  9. Sorry but, this married woman wasn't naive nor shy, she was cheating on her husband, that's not nice! So her paramour killed her… People please respect your spouse if you are not happy calmly Divorce.

  10. How could she think that the man with wife would propose to her… sorry to the legal husband and wife, they needs to go through this kind of situation bcause of some selfish individual out there.
    And the friend who tolerate her cheater friend was enabler.

    Sorry but not a fan of cheater and home wreckers

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