Masterson convicted; ‘Burn after reading’ letter revealed to Gabby Petito’s parents – TCD Sidebar – Everything Law and Order Blog

In this episode of True Crime Daily The Sidebar Podcast: Marie Pereira joins host Joshua Ritter to break down the biggest cases making headlines across the nation. They discuss Danny Masterson’s conviction on two counts of rape, a judge granting the Petito family access to a letter written by Brian Laundrie’s mother, and a personal injury attorney facing legal sanctions after allegedly using ChatGPT to prepare a court document.

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43 thoughts on “Masterson convicted; ‘Burn after reading’ letter revealed to Gabby Petito’s parents – TCD Sidebar”
  1. 24:36 — What? Definitely an ethics violation. Using ChatGPT to write a legal brief and not even bothering to check the citations is a gross negligence. Not to mention, how much did he charge the client for "writing" this brief? This should and would be considered plagiarism and negligence if a student had done this, why should an attorney get off for that? He DESERVES to be called out and punished.

    And how does this affect his clients and their case? Makes them all look like fools. All around fail and should refund the client's money at the very least.

  2. 23:05 — They plagiarize and make up information. I experimented a bit with having AI write first drafts of scripts. It made up all kinds of nonsense I knew wasn't true, but had to research to make sure it wasn't — and after removing that and the plagiarism, spent far more time than I would have just writing. Lesson learned, but I'm really not sure why an attorney wouldn't at least check the citations or get a paralegal to do it. Seems REALLY frivolous considering I just run a true crime channel and I caught the errors on the first few documents I used it for. And made sure to fact check everything. Imagine a world where AI could really write good legal briefs — why in the hell would we need attorneys anymore?

  3. It's an ethical violation due to the way ChatGPT works. The whole database is built on stolen data which is common knowledge at this point. There is zero ethical way to use it, ESPECIALLY as a lawyer.

  4. That letter had nothing to do with Gabby. Taking two sentences completely out of context and assigning meaning to it is completely ridiculous.

    If the Laundries are as guilty as people think, there would be no need to use hyperbolie or emblish the truth to prove it.

  5. I really want, when I hear people who are so baffled by the so called “delay in reporting”, and who use that as a way to question the credibility of a rape victim, I want to take a screw driver and shove it in their f*ing throat and out the other side, repeatedly.

    We are in the year 2023. T + 2023. It’s been two thousand and twenty three f*ing years since Jesus supposedly enlightened us and yet people STILL DO NOT GET IT- being raped is physically but more importantly psychologically hugely traumatic. Some people are so damaged that they convince themselves they weren’t even raped. Those people may need 5 or 10 years just to admit to themselves what happened, let alone tell other people.

    Then there is the social stigma that women face, which is worse in other countries like India or Pakistan where women are routinely blamed for their own rapes, but which also happens here- “you were wearing a short skirt; your cleavage was showing; you weee ASKING FOR IT”. You think it’s f*cking easy to speak out when you think you’ll be faced with that kind of ancient backwards bullsh*t??

    Finally, describing the physical violation of your own body in the most intimate and personal way is not exactly something that’s easy to do. Those words don’t just roll off the tongue. It takes courage, strength, determination, perseverance just to get the words out.

    And on top of that, for the final piece de resistance, when these women finally do come forward, look how they’re treated- these women were GRILLED in court. They were challenged on EVERY single tiny little detail- “well during your second interview you told the detective that he pinned your arms above your head but you didn’t mention that during your first interview. YOU MUST BE A LIAR!” Well excuse me, I didn’t realize she needed to describe every single moment, every single second, every INSTANT of her own rape.

    And you’re so f*ing baffled why it takes women years to find the strength to do this?? Lmao what a f*ing joke you are, if you don’t understand that. Pathetic

  6. I call Bullshit on it being difficult to determine if it's Rape when they're in a relationship. If she says no to or she's drugged and can't say yes or no. It's Rape IDC if they're in a relationship and are have sex willing. Come on Lady.

  7. Context is important. Understanding the content of the book which this letter is referencing and that mother & son shared a high regard for for it give the phrase a very different flavor. This woman obviously is not up to speed on the case.

  8. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with the letter wrote by his mother & was found in paperwork months old. Stop trying to make it more than it is. I don’t know a mother who wouldn’t say this, or a friend who hasn’t said the same things, period.

  9. My opinion/speculation: I have thought, for awhile, BL's parents offed him for some reason, whether at his request or otherwise). He couldn't have 👉 himself on the opposite side of his head from his main hand. Also, how else would the L parents know EXACTLY where he was after B having been searched for fervently? 🤔🧐

  10. Using AI with no critical thinking is what is going to do most harm, not the AI itself. We already see so many stories on how people made idiotic decisions and then blamed it on AI. It's similar as when GPS was used in non critical way, but if you drove to a lake if GPS said left, you only harmed yourself. But widely using AI by companies and even states with no critical thinking is going to have many consequences on the people that didn't have decision making chance, but are still going to be harmed. Sometimes mistakes are obvious, like in this legal case, but sometimes they are hard to proove even from experts, but are still wrong or maybe even generated and completely false. And if you are not an expert in some field that is harming you, you have zero chance figthing with AI AND stupid clerks at the same time.

    And all that is not even considering malicious intent. If we also count that in, we get impossible scenarios for people to even defend themselves.

  11. This attorney should not speak to what she doesn't know. Those of us who have followed the trials and read testimony know that her answers during this video were crap and incorrect. I guess I can't trust this video channel any more. If she's wrong here, how can we trust attorneys on this station?

  12. First. The fact that the incidents had happened was NOT contested by the defence. Second it was for the jury to judge if the incidents lived up to forcible rape. For two Jane Does the jury judged it to live up to be forcible rape with a hung jury on the third. 2 of 3 made him a guilty man in this case. Even the non defendant church of scientology did not contest the incidents happened on the dates and places that were given in evidence by the jane does. The church actually has made internal reports known as Com Evs (Commitee's of Evidence), Sec (Security) Checks and KR's (Knowledge Reports) wich are actuable upon by law in this case and are not protected by privacy. (normal) Auditing sessions are protected like confession. But the rest of the inner paperwork regarding to Danny Masterson and the Jane Does is not.

  13. The last thing USA needs is undocumented Haitians, or any other undocumented persons, being helped to become documented. There are millions in USA who live impoverished lives through no fault of their own, and whose misery and suffering is ignored by the callous bureaucrats in power.

  14. Instead of using direct words, Brian's mother created a salad that was intended to disperse her true intention. It wasn't poetic or philosophical. It distinctly pointed to an act they both knew had taken place.

  15. Nice! I was hoping there would be more exposure over the Danny Masterson retrial, convictions, but moreover on the sinister crazy cult coercion church of scientology has had and still has on some. This was a great victory for the victims of Danny M and a great victory in making another step forward in exposing the reality of cos.

  16. Scientology is not a church it is a pyramid scheme. They attack anyone who tries to leave and attacks ones who have escaped. Where is Savages wife. Missing for years. No one in the the police Department investigating this missing person.

  17. This was really frustrating. Nothing personal against Joshua and Marie, but why do an analysis of a case when you didn't follow it and don't know what it's about? This case was better organized because the first was difficult to follow. But to say the drugging was the main reason and give general uninformed reasons for the differences in outcome just means you don't understand what happened. Scientology didn't just "discourage" women/people from coming forward. They use violence and imprisonment. People are kept in isolation scrubbing toilets with toothbrushes and other horrors until they admit what they did to "cause" the rape which, by the way, is a word they are forbidden to use. People have to escape to get away and Scientology does all it can to follow, intimidate and destroy the lives of those who get away and speak out. They separate families, including minor children for years, even when they are internal within the "church". These are written, documented policies and practices. This was careless.

  18. Your guests was clearly not knowledgeable of the victim's horrific testimony. I was a criminal defense atty for 35 years. I was stunned by the hung jury in the first trial. Very happy the victims were believed this time. He is a monster.

  19. 4:59 what happened here maam is that forcible rape needed 3 counts to overcome statute of limitations to prosecute. They needed 2 to send him to prison. The case they hung on, was because…the jd reported the rape. While investigating the cop asked about other incidents. She told of another situation, and then the police decided wich one to use to prosecute. So the jury heard how initially she was talking about one case of rape, but then a diff one was used. So that led to questions of why… even though it WASNT JANE DOES DECISION ON WICH CASE TO USE. So the jury was hung on that.. 8 for conviction 4 against.

  20. Again, it feels that your research into the masterson case is lacking! They arent alleged victims.. he was found guilty. Scientologys own policies DO say not to go to cops, not to report other members etc. There are many ex members who have the actual paper policies, and have made cideos/articles about them. Also DANNY ADMITTED TO THE RAPE to ppl and in cos own documents. There were also internal memos about this, confirming it. You normally seem to do tons of research on the cases, what is it about this case that you cant be bothered to? This is the only case ive found, where there is sooo much info and details out there about the case.. and how/why things played out like they did due to scientology! 3 videos now, there have been many of us commenting about your lack of knowledge/research.. but here we are again repeating it. Please do better.

  21. Wooohoooooo!!!! Danny is going to prison for at least 30 yrs!! Scientology couldnt save his serial raping butt!! Hopefully this is just the beginning of scientologist being prosecuted and thrown in jail, and the ultimate downfall of the cult of scientology!!

  22. Let's pretend for a second she did write it before Gabbys murder. She still says that she will help him to get away with murder if ever he is in that position. Well he was in that position so why should we believe that she didn't try to help him even though she so much as promised that she would if ever he needed. If he had gone to jail and someone managed to help him to escape we would also be looking at her because she promised that she would bake a cake with a file in it. It's obviously not definitive proof as long as it can't be proven when she wrote it or that she had followed through on these promises but it still should be considered evidence

  23. It's really hard to determine what really went on 20 years ago he was in relationships with these women and who said they didn't like to have their sexual preferences rough I don't feel it's fair that you can go to someone after 20 years and cry rape. Some of us are survivors of sexual abuse and other types of abuse and sometimes it can take a long time when it's someone that's close to you in this case these women could have gone to the authorities many times over the last 20 years Mr. Matherson obviously has lots of money he has a wife and children and I hope these women that are accusing him realize that they are also losing their father and a husband. For they're sake I hope they are being truthful if this truly happened then he should write in prison absolutely but if these women are lying and they're just trying to find a way to make some money off this man's career then they should also rot somewhere this should be interesting I still find it kind of strange so that he was acquitted the 1st time perhaps he needs a 3rd trial to get to the real truth

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