Milton WV Police Caught on Video Searching RV without a Warrant – Everything Law and Order Blog

This video features the case of a Michigan man currently rotting in a West Virginia jail for the high crime of traveling through West Virginia with a few hemp plants, possibly marijuana, I don’t know. A video of him refusing to consent to police entering his RV was shown in a Youtube video by the Real News Network, highlighting the actions of the Milton Police Department (which is in Cabell County, WV), including the fact that they take in a huge amount of fines as a result of their policing, despite having only around 2,500 residents. This begs the question, first of all, in general, do police need a warrant to enter, search, seize, etc., an RV or motorhome? Or is it just like regular automobiles, where only probable cause is required, rather than a warrant?

This video was posted by the Real News Network about this WV incident. Check out the video here:

Full video:

Written summary of what the video explains:

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33 thoughts on “Milton WV Police Caught on Video Searching RV without a Warrant”
  1. My opinion: If the RV is in an RV campground then I assume the RV owner rented an RV camping spot. Thereby making that land legally the property of the person who rented the camping spot for the duration of the lease. So, the police entered onto private property, the camping spot, without a warrant.

  2. I would argue that he is in a campground, temporarily fixed. It his living space, his home while he is there. As you said earlier if it is on public road that would be different, here it is on private property. He has every reasonable expectation that a warrant is required. And yes a bit of a grey area, an idea of a movable residence should be entered into the court system. There are people who only live in their mobile homes. Some exception needs to be made in all fairness because to people who live in these, it is their home. And that should carry the same laws as if it was a residence.

  3. I'm waiting for the gray area to turn into a dumb area. I mean really, A cop can play stupid and try doing that in a mobile home park. The answer should be easy. Campground warrant. Public roads while mobile free game. I understand that a kindergarten cop won't get that.

  4. does any of that really matter , cant he just say it is his residence, I live in here you may not trespass on my property, googles definition is well: a person's home; the place where someone lives. I mean can u get more wide than that?

  5. I don't know about that because you got people all over this country that live in those fees and dry all over the country now if they don't. Have any rights to keep like them from coming in them without a warrant? There's no reason even home on select of devastate demarket of people's start here in that solar nuts secure and their own motor home are there are. Video whatever you want to call it so they're being no reason to home on that they've can't travel about. You're free will without being attained.

  6. Although the three different branches of government were meant to be separate, they are not. The judicial department the courts very often work with and help cover up mistakes of law enforcement the executive branch. The judicial courts also fail when they uphold legislative laws that are unconstitutional.

  7. John, This one is concerning to me as a RV dweller. The issue is and should be, was he driving down the road, or in a campground where he “RESIDES”. That should be the only distinction that matters.
    My parking, dwelling, sometimes for weeks or months at a time, it’s still my home, not my car. Please look into this and update us.

  8. West Virginia cash crop just like Kentucky and it's against the law. It's the pyramid scheme just like car insurance company . Pay for p.l.p.d. no fault that only gives you $500.00 for your car if you total it but they want you to pay $1000.00 a year to insure it. Car insurance companies just another Ponzi scheme. And the courts system is jumping right on board to ticket you if you don't have insurance.

  9. Why wouldn’t the cops just wait for him to get back on the road, find any minor traffic violation that the average person arguably commits once every couple of miles, pull him over for the pretextual traffic violation, have a dog ready immediately, the dog hits on the car even though these dogs always stand mute on the stand in cross, and then search the RV? I’m almost positive that, THAT search would be upheld. My point is, even just case law pointing out the obvious doesn’t solve the issue of the culture of disregard and even the disdain for constitutional protections of civilians. It’s not just that they don’t follow the letter of the law, they are actively trying to subvert the obvious intent of court affirmations of these protections and never seem to run out of new loopholes to exploit until sometime down the road an appeal is successful and that tactic needs to be replaced with another.

  10. this is insane, i keep hearing people spout land of the free home of the brave, but there are so many laws that contradict that. i have seen so many videos of uneducated cops beating civilians, getting sued, and still remaining on the force, how is the states free.

  11. The BS starts with the plants themselves there's edibles where I live and sometimes little kids think it's candy and eat it not one of them has died they get a little sick and nauseous but no death as far as I'm concerned those police officers need a bad upside their heads for breaking that Man's RV and put them in jail for no reason at all

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