A missing Illinois girl has been found six years after being allegedly abducted by her mother in 2017. A North Carolina store owner spotted who she believed to be Kayla Unbehaun and called the police immediately. Unbehaun’s case was featured in a 2022 episode of Netflix’s “Unsolved Mysteries,” a show the store owner watched. The Law&Crime Daily team has the details.
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Shez the mother. Sad that it becomes kidnapping.
fyi we dont know the story but my sister git her kids taken away the father took kids to another womens home the women was ok but he was ug the girl is so messed up as an adult do to neglect and mental stuff from it all… by the way the courts believed the father would be stable lol he sold the home the next day after promising he is the only one to pay bills he is stable he then changed jobs tgree times forced all kids to work etc ten children she had he was so evil drugged my sister locked her in institution never went back .. before this she was tye best mom ever you know a great mom he smorhered her picked an aggressive move then just lied now this may be different but men arent always stable as you think but they are great at convincing court ., tgen with in a year tgey got this crazy new life new kids and they just arent all that great as caregivers father duties yes but care givers no
What if the mother was still a good mother ? This is the only person Kayla was around for 6 years. I dont know if moms a crazy criminal, we do know she loved her daughter
Im sorry but she was with her mother.
Yellowstone. I am intuitive and try looking at yellow stone I think
Unsolved Mysteries is still a thing??? I started watching from the very 1st episode Robert Stack hosted & then off & on when it ended with Dennis Farina but I absolutely refuse to spend a dime on Netflix or ANY of the trash it puts out
Come on arrest me! Hold on let me bag my sandwich..
the antidiscrimination law against height and weight could really effect the airline industry – been in a plane recently? they clearly are trying to exclude large people with the narrower seats and even narrow aisles to get to the seats. Hope it succeeds. Could make flying a lot more comfortable if they are forced to provide larger seats and stop cramming us in like sardines.
You have to be unbelievably bad to lose custody as a mom. Not a suprise someone like her kidnapped that poor girl.
Anyone know the episode this was on
It seems to me that the United States is not that good, I'm glad I discovered that now while I was young and I don't want to go live there anymore when I get old.
This gives me hope for other missing children

Freedom of Expression. Freedom of Speech.
if you don't like Freedom.
Leave The USA
I wouldn't be surprised if that was that teachers final straw with that behavior. My sibling and I both have experienced terrible things from what students said or drew because of being Polish and Jewish. One kid asked my sibling if she had met Hitler. When I said I was born in Poland, a kid said they wished I died in a camp.
Not forgiving him but I get it. Who knows how long he's been dealing with this.
I find that hard to believe
perhaps the pay gap has more to do with the amount of time that they have actually been in the work force compared to other women of thinner women? Similar to men and women?
And as a landlord when I see stories like this it really does make me pray that I do not ever come across a overweight renter. Strictly for fear of getting sued by a snowflake.
Which episode?
I always knew she’d be found eventually. Hope she can reunite and heal for her and her father

They shouldn't be allowed to call parents taking a child abduction. It's absolute crap.
The mother likely took her daughter for a reason. Maybe the father was abusive, we dont know all of the details. Cases like this always have a bigger picture that needs to be considered
At least she got six good years with her baby <3 tragic terrible story. Everyone loses here.
Tragic just tragic. Should have left them alone. Terrible story
How was Brian so off about Wisconsin's terroristic threat statute? The teacher very clearly made specific violent threats on a student or students involving a baseball bat and guns. This all happened within a school. I've seen people be charged for lesser threats made over the internet on terroristic threat charges.
Of course he can take care of her. He's been the one spearheading the search for her all of these years. The visitation with mom will absolutely change as Kayla was removed from her mom's custody court ordered by a judge before she kidnapped her.
When the drawing gets more comments from the panel than the treat a teacher was making to 12 year olds. And justifying action on top of it
Oy vey
How can a mother be charged for kidnapping her own daughter.. Because some judge/guy says she shouldn't have her.. For all we know one attorney was better than the other attorney and that's why she lost…
How wonderful she was found alive and safe. What a great person to revognise her. Give that guy a medal
So basically the guy wanted to go back to prison for 3 Hots & A Cot
This coming from a system that calls being with your mother 'kidnapping' and aborting your child a 'natural right'.
I thought the girl in the stor knew her from when they were children
She was with her mother, she wasn’t been through anything at all, as long as the mother isn’t violent. It’s ridiculous to send a mother to jail because she wanted full custody over her daughter. It’s revolting :/
I need more info about why the mother did this. I’ll be following! Thanks for the update
My mom said she use to watch that show back in the 80s, so cool they made a new one, and solving cases .
Does the child get to decide which side she wants to be on in a custody battle? Or do they just get tossed to the winning parent screaming and kicking? Hopefully she will be allowed to stay where she's happy.
Bruh usa is REAL LIFE GTA V
I live about an hour from Asheville. The general opinion is that it's full of a bunch of hippies and this just goes to show that there are fantastic people in all walks of life.
Fake news
The system, the mother, the father and the society have messed up this child. May God help her not to end up as a messed up adult.
I was very upset when they took of unsolved mysteries off the air along with America's most wanted both of them did a tremendous service to America
Lol 10 million, the guy needs a mental evaluation
Beyond insane that their is even a consideration that this daughter is not returned to her father. Fathers have zero rights in this country. The mother didn’t have custody for a reason
I don't agree with the bill on people's size and weight. Most people who are overweight and very heavy are those who don't care about their health, so it's basically their own fault.
On the other hand, some heavy people are those who have been injured or had surgeries such as back, leg, knee, and hip, which causes them to not be able to use their legs and body well to help stay in shape. There's also people who are on select prescription medications that automatically cause them to gain weight.
America is an overweight country anyways. The FDA doesn't care seeing we have way too much processed foods and drinks, fast foods, and unhealthy ingredients. Alcoholism and smoking also cause weight gain.
So as stated, most overweight and heavyset people are those who don't care about their own health.
I don't know but we've seen too many cases where the custodial parent may have used money influence to gain custody. 6 years with no police run in, no incident at school? a single mother without great means don't go visit no family with a child? if she did no one reported it. I don't know the details but something's funny. hopefully they haven't taken up from where she's safe to where she's not.
That guy needs a home not an assault.