Missing soldier Shadow McClaine’s body has been found. Crime Watch Daily talks to McClaine’s mother London Wegrzyn, who says that her daughter had a fraught relationship with ex-husband Sgt. Jamal Williams-McCray. Specialist Charles Robinson and Williams-McCray were charged with her murder. Crime Watch Daily also speaks to McClaine’s friend Trystan Harding about what happened to McClaine.
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Leave when it's not working…..
ex-husband plead guilty to having her killed and to help hide the body in exchange for having the death penalty off the possible results: https://www.theleafchronicle.com/story/news/crime/2019/02/27/shadow-mcclaine-murder-jamal-williams-mccray-pleads-guilty/2989538002/
Interracial relationships
fuck the bitch
This is so sad how could anyone hurt another like this….may her soul rest in peace..and the lord have his loving hand on her family
Yet another tradject example of why Inter racial relationships never work out.
There's darkness in every man
WTF…..Dad is dressed like some kind of back woods duck hunting hillbilly. Lol….
Can yiu stop with the incomplete stories ?
Damn! Not again! Not another black dude! Jeeeez! Why! Why! Why!!!!! Did it have to be a black guy again!
keep up the good work, Chris
So sad for her parents. How heartbreaking. Wish I could give them a hug. Definitely in my prayers.

such a beautiful woman having a ex-boyfriend that looks like a thug and now a murderer…..worse then animals
his is block man naver god ide to date rip hop the block man get life in jail
Everytime i see stories like this the better i feel about being single as i roll over and sleep peacefully.
wonder what she done they killed her man smh crazy ….rip….
But where's the dad? I couldn't see him in an of the interviews?
So heartbreaking.

is anyone else's sound really low sounding even though it's turned all the way up ?
Kill that monster
Very sad
May she RIP