New details on a Crime Watch Daily mystery in Portland, Oregon that’s made national headlines: Kyron Horman, 7, disappears after being dropped off at school by his stepmom.
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New details on a Crime Watch Daily mystery in Portland, Oregon that’s made national headlines: Kyron Horman, 7, disappears after being dropped off at school by his stepmom.
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I remember this
Is there a river or pond clise to there?
I was about to graduate from high school in 2010
Why isn't the dad helping with the search?
God bless Desiree and the searchers! Everyone knows who took and killed him
Just arrest the Evil StepMother….Its been over 10 years
Tick Tock TERRi… WHERE IS KYRON??!!!
Kyron deserves JUSTICE!!! His family deserves answers!!!
SHE IS GUILTY Kyron IS NOT – NEVER was – and NEVER WILL be that monster’s son.
DESIREE WILL ALWAYS BE KYRONS ONLY MOTHER. All that hog ever was is a jealous homewrecker. A Washed up never was substitute teacher. Only a MONSTER -NEVER a Mother!! She is a REPULSIVE, LYING, NARCISSISTIC, SCANDALOUS, EVIL, FOUL, SLEEZY, CALCULATED, COLD BLOODED,
GUILTY- SWAMPHOG!!!! Rolling around in her filthy lies. That pond scum WILL rot in prison for the rest of her life for whatever she did with Kyron. It’s not IF it’s WHEN.
Desiree has an army behind her. Call it a pack of wolves call it whatever you want.
We are coming for answers!
We are coming for the truth !
We are coming for KYRON and we will NEVER GIVE UP !!!
She can walk into any sheriffs office and tell what happened -but she won’t.
She WILL be walking soon..
Walking the mile…..
Walking the green mile!!
WE ALL KNOW ITS TERRI!!! ARREST HER ALREADY! Desiree and Terri WERE NEVER friends. Terri put out to try and make herself look better. Terri has always been jealous of Desiree. Can’t understand what the hell Kaine was thinking to go from Desiree to that thing
Talk about a downgrade. The book “BOY MISSING” goes into EVEN MORE details about HER disgusting scandalous heartless behavior. All of our suspicions haven’t changed. It’s HER. It’s always been HER. All of us in Oregon know it was HER. ARREST HER ALREADY!!!! Go get a copy of the book “BOY MISSING – THE SEARCH FOR KYRON HORMAN” by Rebecca Morris. It’s available on Amazon, kindle, nook and audio. Totally worth the read. It’s so Heartbreaking to read from Desiree’s perspective but also reaffirming – TERRI IS RESPONSIBLE FOR WHATEVER HAPPENED TO KYRON ON JUNE 4th 2010. Read the book- Grab a box of tissues and be prepared to join an army of supporters who want to know
WHERE KYRON IS!!!!!!!! Tick Tock Terri …..
“BOY MISSING-The Search For Kyron Horman” by Rebecca Morris. A must read – you will not be able to put down.!!
#ClearlakeCalifornia #SantaRosaCalifornia #KlamathFallsOregon #FindKyron #NeverGiveUp #KyronHorman
i’m sorry but crime watch asks the most obvious dumbe questions! making things more worse for the parent
“ what are you feeling if your find your son” 
Terri is in Clear lake California working and living life as thou NOTHING happened. Praying God Brings Justice for Kyron's family, friends & community.
I don't claim to be a psychic, but I get images at times, I see an old structure off a road that may have been used to put animals in or store some equipment in like ,4 wheelers, it's small with a tin roof with 2 stalls in it.Kyron is some where around this shed, you can't see the shed from the road. I get the feeling that Kyrons father has been to this place before. It was a young man that was probably about 17 that was with Kyron that day.he was hired by Terry to get rid of Kyron , this young man was desperate for money, he was very poor and comes from a bad home, he has blonde to very light brown hair I get the feeling he and Terry were having an affairt. This shed has a lot of vegetation around it and it is over grown. This is all I see, I hope it helps. This is my phone number if you need to contact me 785 614 0729 God bless , saying prayers,
People at the school saw the stepmom leave with the kid. She also lied and told them he had a dentist appointment later that same day so nobody questioned where he was at. She did it!!
My heart breaks for this poor mama. I pray she will get answers and find some peace soon.
That is one hell of a femur bone for it to be human. I could tell by eyesight it wasn’t a child’s or an adult’s femur bone.
Cute little boy i hope they found out what happen to him.
Where is the father in the searches for his little boy?
Did y’all see the episode of Dr. Phil with Terry?
Spooky, she reminded me of patsy ramsay.
This is simple the dad did it because he didn't want a connection to his ex-wife explaining why he didn't press charges. The dad showed by his actions his the big looser in the behind the seen
So the Dad did not want to press charges for terry hiring a hit man to off him?! STUPID! Get her on something small at the very least it something it could lead to her breaking & closure for them. Why didn't the district attorney pick up the case & prosecute the baby killer Terry anyways for the hit
!? Upsetting! Also that was a bit invasive to film the Mom at the moment in the forest when bones were discovered & disrespectful whoever is pointing at the bones with a stick. JS. Mom needs to hire a P.I. so her baby can have some sort of justice. Bless her 
I dont get why they cant continue to use cadaver dogs throughout the search? I know that police resources can be limited…. so isnt there a network, organization, etc that can lend a hand by bringing cadaver dogs in to help? Idk… just a thought…
I could be wrong but I believe it was the stepmother. She tried to have her ex-husband killed before the child went missing so I could imagine her harboring perhaps the same feelings toward her stepson as well for whatever reason. Then you have several witnessing saying they saw her leaving the school with him that day, and suddenly he just goes missing? No, it was her and she knows where he is
The bones weren’t human cuz if they were they would NOT have showed it on camera very sad story RIP little angel
Anyone who would harm a child is an abomination. Absolutely the lowest of the low and the scourge of society.
drag that horrible woman by the hair from the hole she is hiding, my world falls apart when ii think that someone could hurt a child
When mommy broke down it hit me right in the heart..tears :""" Lord Jesus comfort her give her & give her strength.
Terri wow the one snap shot of her looking down & holding herself. It has the language of embracing herself to get busted any day now!
It's really on the police for not arresting the step-mom. They had witnesses that saw her leave w Kyron, she failed polygraph, didn't have alibi, also the attempt to hire hit man to kill her husband. It was enough for DFCS to take her infant child away from her; WHY not enough for the police to arrest her? Don't always have to have a body to prosecute, & don't tell me they couldn't have interrogated her & tripped her up w inconsistencies. Thus far, the stepmom's gotten away with murder. I hope the police get their act together on this one, & arrest the hag.
Terri is suspicious to say the very least
Evil comes in all shapes and forms!!!!!
Why didn't Terri spend time in jail for the attempted hit hire?
Why would she want her stepson dead? What’s the motive?
So why didn't this lady get charged for attempting to murder her husband and where is the dad in all of this.
Why wasn't the stepmother put in jail? She hired someone to kill her husband…is that not enough to lock her up while they keep searching for Kyron? This justice system is fucked up.
Shouldnt that CRAZY step "mom" already be in prison for trying to have the father killed? Also.. How in the world did the dad not have some kind of idea that his new wife was batshit CRAZY for wanting him dead or have something to do with the childs disappearance. Is there no security cameras in the school or outside of school with her and the child leaving?
I think that the step mom hid his body in something closer to home. A storage shed or something.
i have a tip, but i cant call it in….my tip to police is do your job and solve this case
They have witnesses saying she was not the last person to see him alive?? Who people they paid off…cause that little could not just walk out a school and venture off by himself, if grown adults and even a kid saying they saw kyron left school with terri than what other witnesses could be saying it wasnt terri? Smh if i known i wasn't gulity i would be doing everything to clear my name but the fact she's hiding behind attorneys, not speaking, failing polygraphs tests not even once but twice, and tried to kill ur ex husband,and is lying about being the last one to see him alive… i say that makes her look very gulity.
I see a smaller wooded area, much like that one in my mind but next to a park or small parking lot or rest stop maybe but little abandoned/old park is what the edge makes me think of. the concrete is old and cracked, grass growing through a little.. the woods have an area where the ground goes downward like a ditch or maybe creek (small maybe no water now) and the trees less dense there. I can't say obviously for certain if that's where he is but it's what I see in my mind's eye.
not that it matters but I have to say it. I'm sure I'll get hate and the whole fake psychic thing but idc. I know what I've seen in the past & how accurate it actually was. Also I would never ever charge anyone for anything like that. Idk how some "psychics" are so confident tbh. I still get very nervous saying what it is I see, feel, smell or just know.
Kyron looks like one of my friends
Sorry, no innocent person does any of the stuff that she did without saying anything.
LOL. That bone is too huge to be human. silly people.
Necro Search. theses people will help you.
Wow, that disgusting woman got away with murder!
I cant imagine the torment this mother has been through at the hands of a sick sick stepmother so terrible may she finally have some peace
"It's a femur if anything" – guy in search party
"You moron, it looks more like a tibia" – me yelling at the guy on the screen
Crime Watch Daily – you are a crock o' shit show – tabloid garbage. That bone was planted for absolute sensationalism. Disgusting!!
why didnt he live with his mother?
It's hard when to divert the issue, the so-called " point fingers" is being made by the accused in order to divert into others and let the sentencing delayed.
That terri ….