Ayla’s father says he put his child to bed, but in the morning she was gone. Is she simply just missing, or did something else happen inside that house? The answer to that question depends on who you ask.
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The Police Must Arrest those 3 Adults, they know what happened to Baby Ayla…This Looks Way Too Incompetent from the police end…those 3 know, End of Story,,, Why Aren't police Arresting the 3 that last Saw Ayla???? This isn't just Ludicrous & Frustrating, JUSTICE4 AYLA….MY WORD POLICE ARE ALL INCOMPETENT WHY????
A life insurance for a baby? 3 days before her death , blood and he’s not in prison?
Every photo of Ayla with Trista, she has the biggest smile. You can tell she loved her mother more than anything.
Trista is so strong and unrelenting in her pursuit of justice for her daughter.
I hope she finds healing and Ayla rests in peace.
It's already been 10 years since this horribly tragic event happened…and to this day, no one has been held accountable or punished for the death of Ayla Reynolds.
Justin can't even look Krista in the eyes after what he did to that little baby!!! And that $hitty excuse of a grandmother trying to flip it around and blame the mom??? I would beat that woman to within an inch of her life! They didn't even want the baby…they only took her away from her mother out of vindictive spite, to hurt Krista for refusing to put Ayla up for adoption. This entire case is just so enraging and makes me sick!
Bruh she’s TAKING OFF HER SHOES CHASING THIS MAN FOR ANSWERS WTF smh he killed that poor baby fly high baby in heaven
There’s evidence….who’s arrested….who’s still breathing
The father is so so guilty. He did something horrible to Ayla.
Why isn’t he in jail ?!?! OMG
The father never checked on this baby throughout the night?? Only in the morning?? Thats crazy to me ! THEY can't arrest him with all the blood in the house?
These cops suck ass how he not in jail
His family killed her, the should be in jail NOW!
How is it he is not in jail? There is plenty of evidence.
The Father, Grandmother, the Aunty and the Girlfriend should’ve all been charged without a body.
The Mom didn't do it, she's heart broken and the Dad and his Mother and his Sister need to be locked up and the key needs thrown away for what they did to this baby girl and I don't know why they aren't in jail , I watched another video on here and it was about the Dad's mother being caught in a lie saying she was there that night and then there was proof she wasn't there and she even said she lied, anyway they need to pay!!!!!
Even if none of them killed him in some way they are all responsible for something, if your baby has a broken arm by mistake you would take them to a hospital and possibly even get them painkillers
Hope the girlfriend father sister & evil grandmother all burn in hell where there belong

To Justin’s mom…wake up and tell your son to do the right thing. In other words, be a mom!
This guy is guilty with no question
the court system and investigators are not doing their jobs. That poor baby went through so much. As a parent I could barely make it through this video
why is her dad not in jail? theirs enough evidence,foul play was involved
So what the hell the authorities are waiting to arrest these people. He never wanted the child to begin with
Look me in the eyes so I can see her?
What next? Call me 'mommy', Justin, so I can hear baby Ayla again?
There was no way this kid was going to stand a chance with this gene pool.
And yea, this was back when things on video were 'caught on tape'.
Was the dad ever charged
0:53 this gives me such a bad taste about the grandmother. The entitlement.
I smoked it? Could his answer have been anymore juvenile for a lie detector test regarding his adorable baby girl.
How tf they found blood all throughout the house and no one was locked up for foul place ..how is it that baby had a lot of injuries while with the dad and the police didn’t suspect anything wrong …the police department got this child blood on Their hands and failed this baby

Wow….My heart breaks for Trista…At least she gives him the benefit of the doubt and understanding knowing or thinking she knows him, by saying "I can see it in his eyes, I know he wants to tell me but he's scared "
I’m sorry. Your baby wasn’t mad at you sweetie. They always love their mama.
If there was blood all over the house why weren’t they charged for at least gbh
The daddy or gf beat her to death ,,,that mother in law is a pos to ask her what she did with the baby when her son had the child,,, he killed his baby for money
How is this possible????