Ayla’s father says he put his child to bed, but in the morning she was gone. Is she simply just missing, or did something else happen inside that house? The answer to that question depends on who you ask.
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Ayla is found
Lactose issues does not explain blood!
Justin knows something because nobody will run way, if justin knows that he didn't do it , he wilp say to the mom he didn't kill his own child not just running way from the question and I guarantee that her body could be in the house buried in backyard somewhere , he killed his daugheter
She’s a bad liar. Throwing up blood? She would have been taken to a hospital
So the signs are there that she's dead and he's responsible. She showed signs of an abused child. He was in court for domestic violence so clearly he's violent. He never wanted his daughter. Her blood is found everywhere and the family speaks about her in past tense. Then the dad and his sister avoid talking in front of cameras. If you're innocent you'd be on camera letting the world know your story and trying to help you find your child. I can't believe this case hasn't been solved.
I can not believe there's been no resolution to this case it blows my mind….
I just understand this….a child is missing and the authorities don't do anything. What about putting him in jail!!
She was vomiting blood, yet no one took her to the hospital or did anything? Who vomits blood randomly? If she vomited blood that means she was probably suffering from an internal injury from being beaten to death. That blood was from being beaten. She’s a liar
I feel so bad for this family
I think all the mother and sister know what happened to little Ayla but they're not talking. They're covering for Justin. The fact that his sister said "He loved his daughter," says a lot. She knows what happened and that she is no longer alive. I really hope this case will be solved and the person responsible will be held responsible so Ayla's mother can finally have peace and closure.
They didn’t say vomit they said blood
She is SOOO nervous – the hand fumbling, wiping her palms on her dress, quivering her voice.
I cannot believe that she is able to live and sleep in the house where a child was murdered.
Baby Alas mom is hot can I get a date?
Why has nothing been done?
She had stomach issues? Seriously? If she was vomiting blood all over the house why in the hell didn't someone take her to the hospital? Like vomiting blood is normal? I think not. Wtf?
Omg how the hell can these pieces of shxx sleep at night
"He loved his daughter" huh…..the sister knows more .
My heart goes to the mother and her family, I can’t imagine the pain she has and will continue to go through. I can’t believe there’s still no answers. I pray one day she will get some sort of closure and baby Ayla will be found so she can have a proper funeral and her mother’s family is able to say goodbye. I hope one day justice is served. May she Rest In Peace.
Loved his daughter.
Să-l aresteze pe tatăl copilului sa recunoască unde-i fetița și pe sora lui și prietena lui la pușcărie cu ell !

It may be possible that he himself didn't do anything, or maybe he did but one thing is for sure, all three of them know a lot more then they are admitting to.
If you listen she says no foul play in the house THAT NIGHT.
His mother and his disgusting sister are just as guilty as he is for lying for their murdering family member. If my daughter or brother harmed their child I would be the first one to turn their ass into the police and I’m not a fan of the cops. I can’t believe these people are still walking around free this baby deserves justice. And for his mother to get in baby Ayla’s mother’s face when she knows her son is a murderer makes her even more evil. I hope when the truth comes out his mother rots in prison right beside him .
SHE KNOWS !! “Loved his daughter…… STILL loves her” QUESTION HER AGAIB
The grandmother standing there asking the mother what did she do with her … that's twisted guilt right there trying to move the blame… you had her last lady so why don't you tell you us how you killed her and where her body is
That pos and his thug family should rot in jail. They all know what happened. The baby was murdered by the father and the family is covering up. How DISGUSTING are these people to support a murderer instead of their granddaughter and niece. I hope the cops eventually take their heads out of their asses and lock these people up. A baby does not vomit blood without needing a hospital. These people are sick
1:29 vomiting… Blood? What the fuck. That's when you take the lil girl to a hospital ASAP
I just cried my eyes out for this baby and her family. Where is the justice? Too often kids are failed and let down by the system. For whatever reason they fall through the cracks and are forgotten about. I hope this mother gets her answers and finally gets to lay her baby girl to rest. God help them please.
Notice how the sister said “loved” then continued to say “ we believe she’s out there.” SHE KNOWS WHAT HAPPENED! SHE IS PART OF THAT DAM CRIME
Lactose intolerant people, could y’all answer this question. Does lactose intolerance make you puke blood?
Thin the herd. People like these should cease to exist.
The whole family members are liRs
I am just very disappointed. 20 month old baby can’t be disappeared from his father house and radar. Hey cops of Maine, what is going on?
Father killed him. Isn’t his job to protect his daughter in his possession? I can’t believe he is not charged
The excuse for the blood is vomit? What? "Loved" backtrack "still loves" what!? This is infuriating.
Even the pos so called aunt said loved smh
The mother of Justin is much more central to this than is reported. Where was she that night? Did she, the sister and girlfriend all take a polygraph as well?
If the blood is "vomit," then why wasn't the poor girl rushed to the hospital. Her being kidnapped was readily accepted. Lactose intolerant = milky vomit? Why blood instead? Wasn't this little girl checked throughout the night? Only just once (morning)?
"He loved his daughter" — this is past tense. His sister, I agree just messed up.
"How do explain all that blood?" "She'd been vomiting". FFS!
So she’s trying to tell me that she had thrown up blood everywhere? Even in the basement? Even on her dads shoes? And from lactose from all things? IM lactose intolerant and I’ve never thrown up. Now I’m saying that throwing up isn’t a thing with lactose intolerance but if your little girl is to the point of throwing up BLOOD why did they keep giving it to her? Why wouldn’t they take her to see a doctor and address that???