Mom and Two Young Daughters Found Dead After Stolen U-Haul Report – Everything Law and Order Blog

A stolen U-Haul report led Maine police officers to the home of 37-year-old Jennifer Barney, where they found her and her two daughters dead inside. The two young girls were identified as 7-year-old Hope West and 11-year-old Harmony West. Officials said the cause of one girl’s death was stab wounds, while the other died of multiple unspecified injuries. Law&Crime’s Sierra Gillespie breaks down the tragic story.

Sierra Gillespie:

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50 thoughts on “Mom and Two Young Daughters Found Dead After Stolen U-Haul Report”
  1. Why does the caption say she and her daughters were found dead inside?

    Also, has anyone else noticed that each time we hear about a mother killing her children, but found not guilty, due to insanity or postpartum psychosis, even when they “snap back” to reality, they still show no remorse?

  2. No excuses!! I am a single mom raised one son on my own and raising one with autism on my own. Many struggles but my sons are my world and I have never and would never hurt them. I also have struggled my whole life with depression BUT MY SONS bring me so much joy, sick of excuses, sorry not sorry!

  3. Bull crap!!! I've been depressed all my life, I've never killed my kids or grand kids. I was abused as a child also. You go get help, you never take someone's life!!! Stop making excuses and start making people accountable.

  4. I raised my kids as a single mom with very little support, it was a challenge at times for sure but being a single parent does not mean you have to kill your kids. This should not be used as an excuse for murder

  5. She kept saying this is unusual but uhh 🙄 a sadly not it isn’t. How many mothers are killing their children?? This lady is delusional… she seemed to have more sympathy for the killer mom than the murdered children.

  6. The police in Maine especially in certain areas don’t do much. However I sure hope they since this case made it to this channel and is getting publicity it’ll put pressure on the Maine state police and local authorities. (I’m from Maine and trust me we have had some corrupt police and one officer recently arrested for it which was found out through an investigation for a missing person (doubt he was involved but he did lie to the persons family and that department was closed ) their town voted to shut them down until a new chief was appointed .

    These babies deserve the right investigation even though mom is also deceased

  7. The expert. Was she in financial difficulties? She had an overdue rent notice on her front door. Did she try to get help for psychological issues. Gee therapist are free and available everywhere.

  8. What a load of BS that she loved them bcos if she did she wouldn't have killed them. I was a single mum and never once considered killing my kid. She is pure evil

  9. The title says – Mom and her two daughters found dead – not the mom murdered her two children …. maybe that will clear up by end of vid (?) and they will say they found the mom dead at another location (?)

  10. How many innocent native Americans were butchered on this land , in the dark of history, nobody knows ,what happened to countless people, nobody knows. America was built on thier graves.

  11. Nobody is blaming Chad Doerman's killings on mental health. Unless we're going to argue that women somehow inherently have diminished responsibility, we should hold men and women to the same standards and recognize that both have the same capacity for evil.

  12. "Women dont normally" kill their kids..
    Million babies aborted (killed) by mothers every year.

    "Mercy" killing.
    Brutal up close stabbings and beatings are rage killings, not mercy killings.

    She was ANGRY. She was punishing those left behind who would have taken the girls to help her.

    100% psychopath angry she couldn't get someone to pay for her to live free while she did drugs.
    Rage and spite killed those sweet girls. She wouldn't let anyone take them.

  13. Women kill their children so much that several fake diseases were made up to explain it. SIDs and Post Partum depression. But this goofy lady talks about it being rare and how much she loved her children. Damn, 🏳️💃really refuse to be held accountable for ANYTHING.

  14. I can't cope with this proliferation of child murder….it literally hurts my heart.
    And please don't minimise it by claiming it's only due to Internet access and the exchange of information means we just hear about it more, which going directly off statistics for crimes such as these, a few decades ago, states would go several YEARS without such an instance, compared to that of now where we hear of one every week, even daily sometimes….. You'll never deceive me into believing this heinous crime of your own innocent, defenceless children, is no more prevalent than usual, when just 3 decades ago, the entirity of America could go several months without a familicide occurring, compared to now where it's literally on a daily basis in one state or another. Rip to all victims of murder. ❤❤ ❤

  15. The terror in those little babes while they were being attacked is horrifying to think of. And then the Mother just bails out knowing. So what was this worth to her? And why brutal brutal end to them. Not a nice person at all. No excuses.Why is anyone trying to diagnose this as if it really is maybe ok because………………many people live through the worst situations, and would never ever ever do this.

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