In this episode of True Crime News The Sidebar Podcast: Lara Yeretsian joins host Joshua Ritter to break down the biggest cases making headlines across the nation. They discuss Brittany Patterson’s arrest after her son took an unaccompanied walk, Karen Read’s retrial for the death of her police officer boyfriend, and the mother of the Oxford school shooter seeking to overturn her conviction by claiming she didn’t receive a fair trial.
Josh Ritter
Lara Yeretsian:
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Didn't anyone see the footage? He was found in an intersection of a busy road. They live on 16 acres along with a grandma and grandpa.
Apparently, this kid had so many issues, she took him out of school to homeschool him.
At 10 years old, I would walk to the store to buy my mom cigarettes.
I walked about a mile in kindergarten & first grade alone! My mother was never arrested, however I never did the same thing. Children are spoiled these days. A child 10 or 11, i personally feel it’s fine unless it’s in a bad neighborhood.
Lol in HAVE to listen to this fugging ad. Shame on you!!
10 years old is too young imo… but honestly, the charges are over the top. A slap on the wrist for sure, but not jumping right into a sentence.
This is the most stupid case I have seen in a while, the person who reported this should feel ashamed and get a life.
This mom with her 10yo child was being targeted by her neighbors. I guarantee you she’s the young, pretty mom in the neighborhood, and people went on a fault finding mission.
Getting to walk 10 minutes up to a store Is Free range parenting?? Give me a break! I roamed all over this town I grew up in. We walked up to the little strip mall three blocks away every other day. We walked up to the big mall, which was about a 2 mile walk every weekend.
As someone mentioned in the comments- "AND JEN SOTO WALKS FREE"???
The system is fkd
Comparing the two cases in terms of whether parenting should be scrutinized is ridiculous. Yes, a charge in the first case is concerning but comparing the crumbly case to this, again, is laughable.
The mom knew the son wasn't around. Also she took older son to a scheduled Chiro appt.
You so full of shit you had to look it up you in another country.
Me and my friends walked all over town at 10-12 years old this world is soft and if we were on our bikes we might be almost in the next city
Old news. She needs to sue for false arrest.
The neighbors need to mind their own business, back when my kids walked to school everyday when they were 10 they need a little indepence.
I rode my bike 13 miles away from my house on the weekends sometimes to visit a friend. I was 8.
Way to far of an overreach. I hope all charges are dropped and she gets a public apology. That neighbor needs to find a damn hobby that doesn't entail using law enforcement to harass others.
The issue is negligence. The Mom did not “let her child walk to the store.” No matter how she is trying to frame it for social media.
Patterson had to take one of her older children to a medical appointment on Oct. 30, and called out for her 10-year-old, Soren, to get in the car and go with them. When Soren didn’t come, Patterson said she looked around the house for him a bit, assumed he didn’t want to go, and then she left.
Patterson lives on 16 acres in Mineral Bluff, Georgia, an unincorporated rural community in the northern part of the state. There, Patterson told USA TODAY, it’s pretty common for families to let their kids and pets explore their properties on their own or play in the woods.
Then she got a call from the Fannin County Sheriff’s Office saying deputies had picked up Soren, who has since turned 11, about a mile away from home. He had walked on his own to a Dollar General store and a bystander who saw him reported it to law enforcement. They brought him home, and Patterson thought that was the end of it.
“I talked to Soren and said, ‘Buddy, if you want to go to the store, that’s fine, just let me know when you want to. You gotta let me know where you’re at,’” Patterson said.
Prayers for Karen Reed case.
At 10 years old I would ride a bike to a store to buy milk for my Mom.
What BS
This is outrageous that the mom was arrested and charged for being a normal person. Holy cow…this is tyrannical, overbearing government! What petition can we sign?
in this day and age ther is no question DO NOT LET YOUR CHILDREN OUT YOUR SITE !!!!! I've seen wer some children are taken right from their yard
Meanwhile murderers got acquitted…
I don’t understand this! I see younger aged children walking themselves to school etc and I’m appalled – and it seems this must be “legal”. Mom shouldn’t be arrested. We must take things into consideration.
That said, I don’t understand these children 10 and under, even 12 walking anywhere alone these days!!! Have a group, or walk in twos at the minimum
Leaving your young kid in the car while in the grocery store is unacceptable.
I'm bothered by your promotion of faking out yourself by using body sculpting businesses. You should be promoting healthy eating and exercising to get the body you naturally have. This society is so fake anymore and I'm sick of it! Everything from fake hair color to fake lashes, lips, nails, boobs, butts and who knows what all!! You want to look great? Fine, just be your naturally beautiful self! Starting with good behavior! Good behavior, looks good on everyone! Bad behavior can make even the most physically beautiful person become physically ugly!!! I've seen it happen to many people in my lifetime.
Meanwhile parents who abuse their children and get caught don’t even get this type of treatment. The kid does back to the parent. This is bogus.
I walked too school when i was 10, and a lot off kids were, it was 1966 and they still do so no problem even when ppl are more aggressive now after COVID.
I knew, way back, when prisons and jails became a business, that things were going to get bad. Late 70''s, I believe it was, that hospitals and prisons would become businesses. I was only in my mid teens and I knew it wasn't going to be a good thing in the future. Well, here we are. Prosecutorial over reach!!! Creating criminals, oh, I mean customers, to support the business! A win win for the Justice department and all who deal with them from vendors to guards and lawyers, etc. I don't see it getting any better.
When my kids were younger in the 80s I was a single working mom sometimes my son had to be alone at home for an hour after school while I was working my son was 8 years old single mother's back in the 80 couldn't afford to pay a sitter so he would be alone with the TV till I got home those kids of single moms were called latchkey kids
in the 80's, we all went everywhere alone. this is ridiculous
10 year olds shouldn't be walking a mile there and back alone. Why is everyone saying this is okay??? Maybe not criminal charges worthy but still not okay
This is a further shift to totalitarian shift in police state we find ourselves. The state knows better than YOU how to take care of YOUR kids. Police cant stop real crime so they prosecute petty crime to show some kind of work
The store clerk called, "Not neighbor! The grandfather was downstairs in the residence at the time also, FACTS!! WATCH VIDEO… FEMALE OFFICER WAS COMPLETELY OUT OF LINE AND TOTALLY UNPROFESSIONAL! This area is a safe area, everyone knows everyone!