A family driving down the highway when all of a sudden bullets rip through the windows. The apparent reason for the shooting would have investigators shaking their heads. We’re teaming up with WITI for the latest on the investigation.
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Idk maybe he smoked spice Mary j
These whiteboys probably only smoked weed after doing meth for 4 days str8. smh. Crazy how many people still believe blaming weed will work… in 2016… you couldn't say 2nd had weed smoke is the reason you failed a drug test.. You'd have to sit in a car with weed in the air for something crazy.. like 3 days..
Weed don't do that????? Must be crack heroin or meth
Pot had nothing too do with this asshole killing it's just not true
That PUNK brother finding in the car with him needs to be charged with murder too
Weed absolutely Nad nothing to do with this lol
I don’t know about this guy…but some small percentage of people have first psychotic episodes after smoking pot, often with initial use. I have seen it first hand in an ER years ago…parent and teen came in, teen said they were hallucinating for days and thought people were after them after trying pot at a party, and just wanted “the antidote.” All the friends at the party were fine. There were plenty of lies about marijuana in the past, and still are..including that it is safe and just gives you the munchies….it definitely has side effects in some people, as does every drug.
Love the fact that all stoners are coming together to defend weed

Um no it wasn’t the weed bro
It wasn't weed he was smoking…
That boy smoked some good old pcp or was high on meth for days .. and weed just made everything much more paranoid .. damn kids stay off the drugs .
Gun + illicit Drugs = death or jail .
Came down to comment something to the effect of "weed didn't do this" but glad to see everyone else echoing the same sentiment
Yeah good idea to let nitwits like these get guns..
“He smoked weed 4 days before” me watching this high as fuck still not wanting to shoot anyone
Hahaha smoked weed then four days later he lost it… I bet if he had more grass to smoke for the next 3 days he would've just stayed on the sofa.
He smoked weed 4 days before the shooting. Okay? And?
Yeah, ok, bc smoking weed 4 days PRIOR is what made him do that. You ppl are ridiculous
That's why almost everyone but the USA has made tinted windows illegal..
He killed 2 people and attempted to kill more. This has nothing to do with weed. He’s a murderer. That’s all there is to it
He smoked weed 4 days ago so he shot a woman
Haha seriously 4 days AFTER smoking weed lol just no mate, Nooooooo maaaaatte!! Hahaha
"Smoked weed FOUR days before the incident." Yea that's not what happened here. Lord. This is a mental health breakdown. Don't blame it randomly on the most calming item known to man.
It couldn't possibly have been any drug other than marijuana huh?
Of course the police would call this a “random act of violence”
I don’t think it was weed…probably was something else. Poor family lost their mom cause of him
Juice wrld was right up, always gotta carry a gun to protect yourself from shooters like this :[
I call b.s on the weed ..
Will. What. Waz. Worng. With.
Weed?? Lmao.. more like meth.
I smoke weed damn near every single day. It does NOT cause me to go out in the middle of the interstate and shoot people. PLEASE don’t blame this on marijuana
So sad killed in front of her family. And the blaming it on weed like come on now. That’s the best defense you can come up with? GTFOH.
That most certainly was NOT weed he was smoking

He def smoked more than weed
I know I’m like the 300+ that’s saying it was the not the weed he smoked 4 DAYS AGO… I just don’t That was fasho schcizo, ketamine, psychopath, crack , meth etc. not no damn weed the only reason it would be if it triggered some kind of episode or psychotic break
Not only killing her but doing it in front of her kids that will scar them for life. Ones responsible deserve to SUFFER for that.
If I hear anyone blaming weed for stupid shit I automatically stop listening
smoking meth would make sense, not weed
I've been medicating cannabis for about 8 years just about all day every day. That man had something laced from his dealer why they should legalize the damn plant and regulate it through lab tested dispensaries
Lmao yeah smoked weed
They don't look like they only smoke weed
I like how they blame it on pot
he would be asleep if it he was on weed
The way this woman talks about every single case is so offensive cause its literally so fucking funny, i find myself repeating every word not even realizing im talking about actual murder.
Kids must have a crazy fear driving in cars now
me rolling my joint while watching this
Confused blinking..
Can you imagine doing all this while being stoned? I would be way to lazy
I smoked weed 4 days ago and killed a box of pop tarts.
WEED DOESNT CAUSE PEOPLE TO FREAK OUT AND DO STUPID SHIT. He must've smoked some crack or something.
I live in Wisconsin and have been binging these true crimes during this pandemic… all these Wisconsin videos are coming up in the last week.