Mom Killed by Freeway Shooter – Crime Watch Daily

Mom Killed by Freeway Shooter – Crime Watch Daily

A family driving down the highway when all of a sudden bullets rip through the windows. The apparent reason for the shooting would have investigators shaking their heads. We’re teaming up with WITI for the latest on the investigation.

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49 thoughts on “Mom Killed by Freeway Shooter – Crime Watch Daily

  1. These whiteboys probably only smoked weed after doing meth for 4 days str8. smh. Crazy how many people still believe blaming weed will work… in 2016… you couldn't say 2nd had weed smoke is the reason you failed a drug test.. You'd have to sit in a car with weed in the air for something crazy.. like 3 days..

  2. I don’t know about this guy…but some small percentage of people have first psychotic episodes after smoking pot, often with initial use. I have seen it first hand in an ER years ago…parent and teen came in, teen said they were hallucinating for days and thought people were after them after trying pot at a party, and just wanted “the antidote.” All the friends at the party were fine. There were plenty of lies about marijuana in the past, and still are..including that it is safe and just gives you the munchies….it definitely has side effects in some people, as does every drug.

  3. That boy smoked some good old pcp or was high on meth for days .. and weed just made everything much more paranoid .. damn kids stay off the drugs .
    Gun + illicit Drugs = death or jail .

  4. "Smoked weed FOUR days before the incident." Yea that's not what happened here. Lord. This is a mental health breakdown. Don't blame it randomly on the most calming item known to man.

  5. I smoke weed damn near every single day. It does NOT cause me to go out in the middle of the interstate and shoot people. PLEASE don’t blame this on marijuana

  6. I know I’m like the 300+ that’s saying it was the not the weed he smoked 4 DAYS AGO… I just don’t That was fasho schcizo, ketamine, psychopath, crack , meth etc. not no damn weed the only reason it would be if it triggered some kind of episode or psychotic break

  7. I've been medicating cannabis for about 8 years just about all day every day. That man had something laced from his dealer why they should legalize the damn plant and regulate it through lab tested dispensaries

  8. The way this woman talks about every single case is so offensive cause its literally so fucking funny, i find myself repeating every word not even realizing im talking about actual murder.

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