This Week on True Crime News The Podcast: How breakthrough DNA technology helped investigators identify a suspect in a decades-old baby Jane Doe case.
Dr. David Mittelman joins host Ana Garcia.
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Ana Garcia
Dr. David Mittleman
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He doesn't even have a PhD?
I remember this. I was a new mom and I was so notified that someone could do this. I'm glad the parents are now known. I wonder why they haven't named the father? Justice needs to be served, Angel Baby Jane Doe should not have died that way. So so sad. Man this unlocked so many memories for me.
This is why abortions should be legal.
not all women like kids, but most choose not to have them and take precautions
She does not deserve to get out of prison she needs to be locked up for life poor baby didn't get a chance
My condolences to the Democrats , they support abortion up to the 9th month. How can you be a Christian and support abortion ? If you vote Democrat you support abortion and sex change for minor children .
My opinion of children isn't favourable but I'm not a monster. That's a terrible thing to do to anyone let alone a child.
That child would be 1 year (give or take a few months) older than me if they existed today.
What defines you most as a person. Is what you do when you think no one is looking. Only a heartless person could do this to a baby.
Anyone, does Anna ever look at messages on here?
Anna, why aren't you doing a show on P Ditty?
"thats a great question" thats our Ana, shes an award winner don't you know!! Great podcast as usual, well done to all the team. Very fascinating hearing how the process works, and how its been used for good. Its a sad case, bit because of the work the lab does families are able to get answers. What a important and i imagine fulfilling job to have. Brilliant work. Xx
I’m still amazed at finding Joe D’Angelo. After years of unsolved murders the authorities did a reverse DNA and contacted a close match to see if they had any relatives in California. The people replied Oh, just Uncle Joe, don’t worry about him, he’s a high ranking cop. Boom, all the pieces fell into place because the murderer/ rapist had always used a little flashlight held by his head. It’s a fascinating story, he is in prison pretending to be too weak to walk … until he gets back to his cell. Absolutely incredible case.
At some point DNA profiles need to be tested at birth.
That’s not a mother, that’s a full fledged demon.
omg my Ana is back!
Murdered a baby before birth is a woman right, but if she murdered a baby after birth she’s a monster.
People that think abortion is ok despite a baby bring dismembered and torn apart with no pain relief.. think this case is horrific even more horrific than abortion they condone .. to me there is no difference.. just a mother scared, frightened and abandoned by society and what maybe seemed like a limited option and a hormonal storm. Maybe law enforcement should have been chasing the p diddys of this world decades ago when it was blatantly being talked about right out there in full public view and no shame .. boasting the behavior as if something to be proud of.
I think in this case a baby still attached to a cord it’s going to be very hard to not know her mental status at the time .. also that was a different era that had a very different way of treating single mothers. It doesn’t sound like a case that although horrific as is abortion and a sign of what happens when social supports aren’t there or how they were treated like the dregs of society.. it’s hard even now caring and working as a single mother.. your definitely not going to warm as much, have as much hours available to you you can work & also pay for childcare.. your wings are nipped and no matter how much people say the baby daddy should share financial responsibility And the law makes moves to help .. but they aren’t enforced.. they don’t want to pay or don’t have means they can simply walk away.. then you get dead babies… and all abortions fit this too .. all you need do is look how they are preferred with no pain relief ripping the baby from the womb limb by limb or suctioned apart in a vacuum.. it’s still a baby. Just because you didn’t heat their silent screams it is no different.. a baby when wanted and a fetus/ clump of cells when not wanted both make a human that would grow to be a fully functional adult…
This just happened in nj. Not this case, but a newborn abandoned.
Kinda sad indiorndent youtubers make higher quality videos than true crime news
Why would the mother even be looked for? Babies are being be killed every day legally. Hours after birth or hours before birth. What is really the difference,
MY GOD !!!!!!
I can't fathom how anyone could do such a thing ! Thankfully, justice
will be done in this case. I hope she spends the rest of her life in prison.