In 2002, John Allen Muhammad along with his 17-year-old accomplice, Lee Boyd Malvo, went on a 8-month cross country killing spree that ultimately left 17 people dead and ten people critically injured. Now, Crime Watch Daily sits down with the wife and children of John Allen Muhammad to reveal what it was like to live with the killer and the real reason behind his deadly attacks.
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I think if he had gotten counseling he woulda been a lot better off
The kids seem well adjusted. I’m glad they have good memories to combat the bad.
Wow in my own city Washingtin dc
The wife so pretty, so glad she is safe now. Rip to all the innocent victims and also hope the kids live a normal life
I’m glad the dad had no beef with his kids
Damn I didn't no they was doing this outside DC
It's pronounced Anti-GA!
He went all over the country to kill one Wyman and have an alibi. He corrupted this 14yr old and destroyed his own kids.. I'm so glad John made it… Why did he have to kill so many people though? I remember when this happened I was TERRIFIED to go out.. 911 operators need to continue to receive sympathy training because they get complacent…
I live in Washington DC omgg
Why the sudden change to a British narrator?…
You cant kidnap your own children crime watch daily idiots
Bullshit i dont think he went all the way to dam Washington state and kill 1 person and then leave
Those innocent lives…
XD the father didn't kidnapp his own child he took them
if he live in antigua, the murders would never happen
This is kinda heartless but he looks like Obama
Jesus I live 5 minutes away from hammond la
Y'all need to shut up about the 911 operator. Sensitive asses. Smh.
I wouldn't be surprised if there would be more of this type of shooting. While some live their American Dream, some "liberate" other countries across the globe. Then they were sent home with no support – mental support, at last, not a sufficient one. Even tho I'm not sure if there is such support out there. How can you live normally after you see and do all those killings in the name of peace? People are not robots. They are scared forever. And I'm sure they have resentments towards ppl who have normal lives and didn't have to experience all those things on "battlefield". And now, we are surprised? Really? Only if you don't think about it. If you do, then its all perfectly explainable and was easy to predict. I'm sorry for those guys who didn't know what will war do to them. If they knew… If they only knew.
I didnt know he killed other people in uther states.
“Ma’am, what is wrong?”
2:41 professional editing.
At least he wanted to be a father to his kids
Say what!!?? Nigga, pleez!
You would think with all she knew the wife would talk to the police once these shootings started to happen. I mean she said she knew he was a trained sniper and would come for her.
Instead of him wasting his life murdering innocent people he should have invested his life to work and served his country as a navy seal.
DC sniper seems to be killing for fun ; no apparent reason.
I feel for Lee he was brainwashed and was made into a killer he was vulnerable and obviously craving a father and craving to be loved and he took advantage of that
I can't get over how ridiculously naive these kids are, or they are sugar coating a very demonic father.
Wow I used to live in Denton I had never heard of this I can’t believe he did that in Denton wow
reminds me of the game watch dogs
Their daughter is kinda weird. Such inappropriate mannerism in the interview when recounting events. Can't trust someone with hair like that
My ex wife disappeared with my daughter and gave her a fake name for 3 yrs….. COURTS AND POLICE DON'T LIKE THAT…. SHE LIVES WITH DAD NOW….. #DONTSTEALYOURKIDS
Wow, it has been so long since this happened, and I vaguely remember something about it, but had been on a sort of media blackout. Domestic abusers are the absolute worst.