In 2002, John Allen Muhammad along with his 17-year-old accomplice, Lee Boyd Malvo, went on a 8-month cross country killing spree that ultimately left 17 people dead and ten people critically injured. Now, Crime Watch Daily sits down with the wife and children of John Allen Muhammad to reveal what it was like to live with the killer and the real reason behind his deadly attacks.
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Wow!!! His poor wife and kids!!! My goodness! It’s not their fault! I mean come on, even IF they know yea dad is a good snipper. Who in their right mind is going to think oh my dad is out killing people???? NO ONE! No one EVER wants to think anyone they know is possibly just out picking people off. These poor girls, it is not any of their faults or their moms fault. How in the world should they have known. Can’t blame them. These two need to get the death penalty!
imagine being his children, so close yet so far from your dad, who just happens to be on a killing spree with your new “brother”
By his voice you can tell he was black but the lady said we not investigating you. Click
So the profile was hella wrong. 2 white folks
I remember reading what was the most foul thing your parents made you do and someone said “ the mom made him pump gas during the DC sniper”
. I said dang your momma did not care
This is crazy bro! He did all that just to kill his wife AND it didn’t even work! Not yay I want him to kill anyone but it’s annoying that he killed all those people Afro no reason. Not even his reason to kill the wife! So frustrating.
What ever happened to the shooting range in Tacoma wa that he supposedly stole the rifle from?
Thank goodness that John and the 13yr of survived.. He was absolutely EVIL. War my arse! That was always in him to do this.. She is strong and so are get beautiful kids.. How did a fingerprint of a 14yr old even happen? He was 14!! What the hell did he do!?
I remember this….awful!!!!
The wife is lucky to be alive
The white vans make me laugh! I lived in DC area during that time. DC is built on 18 Century swap fill! So no large Trailer Trucks are allowed in DC. So to deliver goods to DC stores trucking companies use white vans so you see them all the time when you visit DC sites!
What the fuck is six life sentence why don’t they just put them in the electric chair it doesn’t make fucking sense
Somebody committing a crime calls 911 and was referred to a police Direct number because they’re not investigators what the fuck?
Damn man they was almost close to Florida they was going around everywhere wtf. RIP to all the people
When a sniper shooting is committed they look into all military experts and all army discharge vets .
The daughter and the wife knew . The wife look smart she said in the interview a friend of hers told her you married to a trained killer with military background.hello so the bitch and her family knew it was her husband her was working with terrorists.he kill and all those states then his last killing spree stop in the capital DC where the white house is at is was a message.the government and the police knew who it was
Why do they make this stuff public. This is sad why put it out i dont get the world.
That lady on the hotline when the killer called is the perfect example of "Not my job, Not my problem" SMH
Gotta say, that’s a pretty smart way of throwing the cops off the trail of the original plan.
Did they say this happened in 2002? It sure doesn’t feel like it was that long ago.
888th like
I like how the wife shows no remorse or sadness for all those victims..typical..she only cares about't suprise me..she knew all along John was doing this, and never told the FBI..she says it in the interview the whole time she was scared John was going to shoot her..put two and two together..Lying freak..
I hate 911 Operaters " MA AM WHAT IS WRONG" Really if you are calling 911 something is wrong have a little patience
Wow I live where all this happened…
I believe if he wanted to kill her like she said he couldve taken her out first shot, instead he takes innocent people lives just cause hes mad cause he cant get full custody, there is stuff that happens in the army that we cilivans would never know, and are not suppose to he told, thats why most suffers from ptsd
The oldest looks just like her dad, im sure she hears and heard that alot
that was not missing a clue or call , that was 911 operator dumb ass mistake smh!
USA government they took soldiers other countries mess up killing people for no reason when they come back government they dont care of them
I FEEL EVIL A DEMON WENT INTO THIS MAN, IN THAT BATTLE FIELD, MOST CAN STAY IN THE MILITARY OR CAN do another career, but most choose to be losers. See the ptsp, this people get is not from the battle field. I have learned that from most American soldiers. Most had nothing before, than they become important, the coming back, they were a nobody according to them
No money, nothing to do, except feeling like a no body, they start making stories about being on the battlefield in their own heads because there, they had friends and felt good like real man. Now who are they a nothing. THIS IS what they choose, I don't get it if you go into the military why not stay and continue but No, till day I don't get that unless the military knows this guys are no longer good to them because their brain is mush and they know it so they are discharged with what ever little honors given to them. Not good enough for most just at the moment.
this was real terror, no pattern, no relations just a complete nightmare
We used to have to run from side to side whenever we went out side.just so the snipper couldn't get a good target

That is so scary… I would not being out .l.
Lee , you are a good shooter I never you know that you are so good bro happy new year see you when you come out …you bad man long live the king
I remember the lock down of DC!
I just wanted to find and shoot the one responsible!
Damn that fool lee really look like Giannis tho
That dispatcher was a moron for not letting him talk
Kinda hard to feel bad for that guy who got shot while mowing his lawn at 7am
So…..he shot and killed all these people not out of mental illness, not cranked up on any kind of drugs, not to make a name for himself, not to be some type of terrorist or serial killer or mass shooter with some type of self proclaimed superiority…..but all to just eventually and permanently X his ex-wife out of the picture so he could gain full custody of the kids???? Scheesh, talk about complex and complicated
And to think, I was 10 going on 11 when this all happened and don't even remember hearing about it at that time 
She is so lucky to be alive
thank fucking fuck the 13 yo survived, that hurt my heart !!!
2002? So I’m born or at least 1 when all this happened