Mother jumps out window after allegedly killing 3 kids; Father drives off cliff with family in car – Everything Law and Order Blog

This Week on True Crime Daily The Podcast: A mother stands accused of strangling her three children before attempting to take her own life. Plus, a family survives a dramatic cliffside crash, but police say the accident was attempted murder.

Tracy Tamborra joins host Ana Garcia.

Check out our previous podcast on the rescue of the two missing twins:

Ana Garcia

Tracy Tamborra
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30 thoughts on “Mother jumps out window after allegedly killing 3 kids; Father drives off cliff with family in car”
  1. Lindsay did not do it okay it would be very easy for her husband to have accomplished making it look as though she was to blame for all this it would be very simple if you think about the way that she was found when she was found on the ground she was back on her back was against the ground and her she was face up basically now if you jump out of a window it stands to reason that if I as a human being was jumping out of a second floor window that I would hit the ground face first not back first only reason I would end up falling out of a window backwards is if somebody was pushing me out of that window that's the evidence that you guys keep forgetting to look at that's a fact he had to get this done he was he quit his job if he looked the way his life had been spiraling which direction he was heading and her husband and the fact that he didn't talk to anybody at the media he hasn't spoken one word to the media in fact because he knows better he knows that's usually how people get caught the second they start talking in the media the fact that he has been writing letters to the media rather than calling or even like not even audio there's no audio of him speaking there's no visual you know recording of him he's not speaking to anyone he's only going through way of writing a letter just like he did when he snuck into her cell phone and typed a bunch of shit in their phone to make her look like she was guilty her husband in this case in this case in particular if you look at the facts and you don't if you don't get sucked in inundated into the situation and you don't start following the herd if you actually look at the case for what it is it would make more sense that it was the the husband not Lindsay but her husband that murdered the children and then attempted to murder her so I said then take her cell phone type in there that she was ready to kill somebody or ready to murder other people you know like he is a liar he is a manipulator he is a snake he the one that murdered the children and attempted to kill Lindsay Lindsay did not do shit okay he had ample time to sit down stairs make an order with a cell phone he had more than enough time while she was changing the diapers upstairs to take her cell phone and start typing a little messages to himself within the same house in the same time frame and run out of the house after typing up some lie that he put into her cell phone and then run out of there like run around kill the kids and and I imagine that Lindsay walked in on the room into the room when she walked into this room okay when Lindsay I walked into the room I I know that she caught her husband murdering that baby and that's when he pushed her out of the Second Story window then he finished off the kid is or so he thought he did but because he had a fight with Lindsay in that moment he lost a lot of time so he had to rush out of the house like he was going to go pick up food as he was driving that's when he collected himself that's when he decompressed long enough to make it look like he was totally fine when he went to pick up the food and totally fine on his way back you understand he is a murderer he didn't expect Lindsay to survive that fall that's why he's hiding out he's waiting now because he wants to make sure that she gets caught by the by the police and said she is prosecuted that she is put in prison and that she is the one found guilty is that he so he then I imagine after that happens that's when he'll decide to do interviews until then he's going to hide out if I were Lindsay's family I would have a private investigator I would have had a private investigator on him like flies on shit from day one that's what I would have done think about it he quit his job he's in the basement 24/7 she's doing all the work around there she just had another baby she's not he's the one that's telling everybody that she's got posted from attic stress or or postpartum depression or whatever he's the one telling everybody that she hasn't been diagnosed with that shit you understand this is one demonic evil man and everyone's looking at him like he's a victim he's the one that did this not Lindsay

  2. Did she really start out by saying “lady blues” like any kind of depression is an excuse for this… women love excuses to feel better about being a bad person in general. It’s called accountability hun try it sometime.

  3. I had PPD in an Asian culture it’s definitely not talked about and it’s not accepted as well as other cultures. I also was in a controlling and abusive marriage(happily divorced for many years now). My MIL was not kind as well. I was able to leave my environment with a 2 month old and a 2 year old. My children are both in high school.

    It’s sad to hear about other women who suffered from PPD and the loss of their children.

  4. I feel sorry for the mom and dad. I suffer from mental issues due to hormone imbalance, and I have to take meds for depression, anxiety and a narcotic sleep med for insomnia. I can understand her. So sad for the babies.

  5. The UK no longer prosecutes mothers who kill their children if they suffered from post partum syndrome at the time of the murder! There must be medical documentation to confirm that the mother is suffering from post partum!

  6. I don't think people realize some of the medications on the market have devastating side effects. I don't care what she wrote about their other children in her Diary. She killed her baby she shared with her husband & jumped out a second story window that has left her paralyzed. If this isn't physcosis due to mental illness I don't know what is. It's obvious she was a good person working as a Nurse & how well her children we're taken care of. Medications sold that are synthetic are the more toxic than what sometimes there given for that is well documented. Throwing this young lady in prison isn't the answer as she's living in her own prison of hell. If you look from the outside she had everything except for a sick mind. She was happily married beautiful young woman & mother working as a Nurse. American Courts throw more people in prison with or without mental illness than any other Country in the world! My heart goes out to her devastated husband who lost his family in a blink of an eye! May this Mother get the help she needs.😢💔 Ontario, 🇨🇦

  7. Even doctors have mental illness. Who tries to kill innocent ppl? And family?

    But just bc no brake lights and swerving, doesn’t mean an accident can’t happen in a split section with the distractions of 4 ppl in a vehicle

  8. Rational thoughts do not occur during depression and mental illness.

    We feel bad with someone with cancer but not mental health? The brain is the reason we exist and if it’s malfunctioning that should be understood as real and very important.
    To anyone who dismisses mental health is very uneducated and ignorant, IMO

  9. I would imagine the oldest to youngest was targeted first. Hence why the baby still had a few days left.

    This made me cry as I’m a mother.

    But I can’t believe he didn’t immediately look for the children and why it took paramedics and LEOs to find the kids first.

    I would’ve been searching while on the phone to 911

  10. I get self-awareness. But I don’t understand how you can totally take insanity away just bc she re-searched it and premeditated it?
    You can certainly be messed up for days and weeks and months and years and go through life seemingly okay, but then something like this happens.
    She clearly worsened and it’s heartbreaking

    Those babies are beautiful and the poor husband and family omg

    But I don’t believe self awareness and knowing right from wrong keeps you from still being insane.

    Because normal folk don’t do this.

    I think mental health needs to be visited differently but at the same time this person is a danger and it’s really hard to pin point what punishment each case deserves.
    That’s why it is based on individual cases.

    I pray for this family and those lovely children.

  11. The history doesn’t really matter lots of people who kill have no history of such. But when there is more than one even one but more than one. Put the blame where it should. There is just the situation needs to separate the parent by putting in a mental ward until found safe. So if that isn’t the deal remove the children from the house until the parent is not a risk. The doctor needs to call the condition so as the children are safe. Don’t blame the man. He is not able to know how dangerous his wife was and why was she allowed to be around those kids. She was dangerous. So why was she allowed to be around those kids at all. Even if the man was there she could have done this no one can flank someone so they don’t harm. She should not have been able to be in the same house as the kids until found not a threat.

  12. How can someone strangle 3 children then snap back into reality. The snap should have been done at least when the first child but still it’s awful. I can’t imagine. Still the children need to be protected period until the parent is found to be not a threat to harm the children

  13. If a person is not safe per se if afflicted so as to be unpredictable. Then the doctor may have chose to put her in a clinic away from being able to harm her children until found stable. Someone has to take control of this so called mental issue. It’s sad but if temporary protect the children till competent There are men who suddenly become the same way. Is it psychosis Whatever it is. There needs to be more drastic safe guarding of the children when any parent has an issue that is unpredictable.

  14. You so Absolute 💯 Because I suffered from that with my second child, and she's right you do feel something and doesn't feel right at all ,I was in the hospital just had my baby and I felt some very bad strange things as well, but I thank God,,,,

  15. I’m sorry, I believe she planned it. She WAITED until her husband was gone. She SENT him far away for a reason. I have zero sympathy for this killer. I feel she used her diagnosis and I hope she never gets out.

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