The disappearance of Heather Elvis has puzzled police in Myrtle Beach, SC for years. Michelle Sigona has the latest on the story.
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The Search for Answers in the Mysterious Disappearance of Heather Elvis – Pt. 2 – Crime Watch Daily
When Heather Elvis met Sidney Moorer at work the two began an intense love affair. But Heather’s fairytale romance turned into a nightmare when Sidney’s wife, Tammy Moorer, found out about the relationship. Not long after Heather and Sydney broke off their affair, Elvis went missing. Three years later, her…

The Search for Answers in the Mysterious Disappearance of Heather Elvis – Pt. 3 – Crime Watch Daily
When Heather Elvis met Sidney Moorer at work the two began an intense love affair. But Heather’s fairytale romance turned into a nightmare when Sidney’s wife, Tammy Moorer, found out about the relationship. Not long after Heather and Sydney broke off their affair, Elvis went missing. Three years later, her…

The Search for Answers in the Mysterious Disappearance of Heather Elvis – Pt. 1 – Crime Watch Daily
When Heather Elvis met Sidney Moorer at work the two began an intense love affair. But Heather’s fairytale romance turned into a nightmare when Sidney’s wife, Tammy Moorer, found out about the relationship. Not long after Heather and Sydney broke off their affair, Elvis went missing. Three years later, her…
why was she with that guy smh…dude looks like a chubby Joe Dirt
To be fair….Tammy to Heather is a pretty fucking big upgrade…lookswise…from like a 2 to a 10
any updates?
I'm heartbroken for the victim in this case but those text alone seems very creep n I'm in my 40's. Gave me chills! U never kno, mayb some meth head got to her b4 the other women did? U jus never can kno for sure. I just hope if they ever get divorced or in a huge fight that the truth will eventually surface.
they murder her.
Tammy is just sick, who the hell smiles in their booking photo when they’re going in for murder.
i live in myrtle beach my mom used to live on peachtree rd right up the street from peachtree landing it was terrible everyone in myrtle was always looking and trying to figure out who could have done it cuz it was just so shocking i mean yes bad things happen here but not stuff like this usually
When you go messing with a married man,or woman,you ALL THREE,are walking on very dangerous grounds!! There are plenty of single people out there these days!! I feel Bad for her family, Heather's,but why mess with a married man?
He's gross!
Oh my goodness this crime is still unsolved. Wth!
It's not what you know It's what you can prove. No proof
We love you so much sweet angel! Justice finally got Tammy. Soon babygirl Sydney is going down too!
He looks like a gay Justin Bieber she beautiful and she has a affair with that omg I can’t believe such a beautiful woman killed by these two fucks no one else would be looking to harm this woman but REN & STIMPY in the face then they want to move to pull away from what’s going on.
This is why some time I take shit in my own hands the law some times don’t work this pour girl wow don’t get me you guys watch your brothers and sisters theirs always a sick puppy looking watching to ruin someone’s life…
It's pretty obvious they killed that girl and got rid of her. But that girl was stupid fooling around with a married man and persisting at it. Even after being threatened like that by the wife. Stupid girl I don't want to say it but she was asking for it.
She ran away with a new boy friend to punish her lovers wife .
its so obvious that Sidney and Tammy did this. SOOOOO OBVIOUS!
sick disgusting people , so sad.
wow talk about dropping the ball… smh Young Girl made stupid decisions and it cost her, her life. Nothing Good ever happeneds when your out at 3:30 in the morning meeting a married man whos wife knows…
Again that murder beach?
Classic case of justice system at its best!!

That judge is an absolute moron! What a disgrace. Such an injustice to Heather's family
Wtf where do dirty hillbillies get $200,000.00 from?
Stupid ugly bitch has a smile on her face in the police photo physcopath
I used to live like 1/2 a mile from Peachtree landing.
I don't get people like this. How are you going to kill a girl because she sleeping with YOUR HUSBAND. It's not her fault your husband is a scumbag. Confront your husband he's the one that's supposed to be faithful to you. Heather didn't owe her anything.
Look at that beautiful girl that lost her life. This digusting couple will burn in hell.
He got ten years in jail. Couldn't find out if she got anything
This is so sad. She was beautiful and didn't deserve to disappear! I am sure they killed her.
I’m still stuck on her fucking Sidney! He’s fucking TRASH!! Wtf??
Thats a good move by the D.A. to drop the murder for now and just convict on kidnapping, it will give them an extra 10 years to compile more evidence for the murder, but without it even a kidnapping conviction makes the case stronger
If my child was murdered and the #1 suspects we're Free i would go kill them.. No mercy
Take justice into your own hands. Find the 2, and kill the 2. Very simple.
It's 100% obvious they killed that girl.
It's sad that charges against primary suspects have been dropped but what do you expect? No body, no witnesses, no blood or DNA evidence means there is literally NO case. Until they can get at least 1 or two of these things and link it back to them, by law they are innocent.
This entire story is absolutely insane!!
Hope that judge slept really well that night he let two murderers free.
Total miscarriage of justice! So heartbreaking for that poor family!
Why would such a young, beautiful girl have an affair with him??
praying for answers, that will allow justice to be served
Give Heather back to her family. Her murderers bragged about it to someone, & they need to step forward.
Doesn't make sense that they are charged with kidnapping but not murder. I don't get it.