Murder or self-defense? Woman and her former FBI agent father charged with husband’s death – Everything Law and Order Blog

In this episode of Crime Watch Daily Updates: Molly Corbett upended her life in Knoxville, Tennessee, and moved to Ireland to work as a nanny for Jason Corbett’s two children. What seemed like a fairy tale love story would end up turning into a nightmare.

Molly and Jason fell in love, and his kids from his first marriage adored Molly. The feeling was mutual. Jason, Molly, and the kids moved back to the United States and settled in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Things seemed fine on the outside, but at home, tensions grew between Molly and Jason. He became controlling and allegedly abusive. Molly’s father, Thomas Martens, a retired FBI agent, happened to be staying at her house one night when the abuse went too far.

In the early hours of August 2, 2015, Jason allegedly choked Molly in their bed, and she screamed. Thomas ran into the room with a metal baseball bat and hit Jason in the head several times. Molly grabbed a paving brick that was sitting on her nightstand and used it to hit Jason.

Thomas called 911 to report what happened, and he and his daughter were eventually arrested and charged with his murder. They claimed they killed Jason in self-defense, but the jury wasn’t convinced. Molly and Thomas were convicted in August 2017 of second-degree murder and sentenced to 20 to 25 years in prison.

In 2019, Molly and Thomas’ attorneys settled a wrongful death lawsuit with Jason’s children.

Molly and Thomas appealed their convictions, arguing they were not able to properly defend themselves. In 2020, the North Carolina Court of Appeals overturned the conviction, opening the door for a new trial. The North Carolina Supreme Court upheld the appeals court’s ruling, too.

Their new trial is scheduled to begin in June 2023, but Thomas and Molly’s attorneys have filed for a change of venue out of Davidson County.

Let’s look back at the case involving the death of a father and husband with one side arguing murder and the other self-defense.


47 thoughts on “Murder or self-defense? Woman and her former FBI agent father charged with husband’s death”
  1. Murderers, both of them. The uncle said 2 innocent people are in prison….please, they brutally murdered those 2 childrens father. They're pathetic and their family, like the brother of Molly, is crazy to believe the 2 of them.

  2. How could anyone even question their guilt? You know how thin the skin around the neck is,, and how fragile those capillaries are? -and there just below the skin.. she would have actual contusions on her neck if someone really choked her out. No way, Jose. Her neck had no marks on it at all. That is just not possible. Also, most of the strikes (apparently) to the victim were to the back of his head. These two are 100% guilty of murder/

  3. He's so controlling that he moved to the USA let his wife's dad stay at the house and couldn't fight off an old man,
    He was obviously murdered in his sleep. Pair of murdering scumbags.

  4. Disgusting portrayal of Jason. Horrible for his family and his children to bare another trial as it is and knowing those two murderers are walking free is sickening. Here’s hoping Jason and his family get their rightly deserved justice in June.

  5. I would like to know what "scientist" say that alcohol levels in blood decrease after death? If that's so then the "scientists that did SW's autopsy after she died was wrong. She had an alcoholic level in her blood and it was stated that alcohol levels increases in a deceased body and that's what contributed to her alcohol levels. Both can't be correct.

  6. Molly and her dad killed him in cold blood. The husband was fed up with her and wanted to go back to Ireland. She knew she was going to lose her step kids and the life her husband gave her. I hope that Molly and her dad go straight back to prison.

  7. What abusive man decides to move closer to his wife's family!?!!! And by the looks of it she had independence/free to go as she pleased which is totally opposite to a DV case were the abuser is a manipulive controlling person who makes the spouse cut off all contact and isn't allowed to go anywhere

  8. If it was only one or two blows I could say self defense. But unfortunately this is murder. I could also imagine myself seeing my daughter being assaulted by someone and I would absolutely kill them. The rage would be too much to just hit them once or twice.

  9. I have watched this podcast twice & they're a few things that bother me about it.
    1. The beginning it's stated Jason was hit 12 times. That's news to me because the pathologist couldn't say how many times he'd been hit because the damage was SO bad.
    2. You mentioned the alcohol level in Jason's autopsy report but you never mentioned the toxicology report. This showed Jason to have copious amounts of a drug in his system to knock him out.
    3. The accused DV abuse was NEVER seen by anyone. It is widely known Jack was coached for that interview by her family.
    4. Why didn't you include the statements from Jason's co-workers from America & Ireland. Jason did after all transfer to another country through the same company and not one person spoke unkindly about him.
    5. Molly has records of mental health problems for years. Her previous partners all stated this.
    6. Molly lied about various conversations she'd had with Jason's first wife's family to alot of people she was delusional.
    7. Molly was incensed that Jason wouldn't allow her adopt the kids.
    8. The baseball bat had only been brought to the home that day by Mollys father. He claimed it was a present for Jack but yet it was the closest thing to hand.
    9. Due to the forensic evidence Jason was lying down most PROBABLY asleep when he was struck. Not one piece of forensic evidence backs up their story.
    10. The victims to this story are Jason Jack & Sarah. A beautiful family who lost their mom very early from asthma attack. Then their father through murder. Plain & simple yet this podcast didn't reflect that.
    I love your podcast but the research & really the narrative portrayed is totally one sided. Maybe you could do a part 2 to rectify some of the misconceptions in part 1.
    I'm Irish & have followed this case from day one from Ireland. I hope in June the judge changes the charge to murder in the first degree. I hope Molly gets the help she needs.

  10. If he was truly choking her, Molly should have insisted on having an MRI/CT Scan to look inside her neck. I have a bad neck…had to have C5 & C6 replaced..they were pushing on my Spinal Cord & I have no idea why.
    Also, head wounds always bleed worse then any part of our body(s).
    And of course, the boy would change his story after going back to Ireland where his Dad’s family lives.
    I do agree the husband should not have been hit that many times, but in a heated moment things happen so fast…if my husband caught a man choking one of his daughters…it would be ugly! Most real men would try their best to defend a woman being hurt.

  11. This incident may have started out being self defense. But you cannot take it too far. If you are defending yourself and the person is unconscious you cannot keep hitting him till he is dead. It appears the blood splatter is telling a different story, which is why these two defendants are in trouble.
    PS: I do not have a paving stone on my nightstand.

  12. I remember this case. It is crazy that their convictions have been overturned and their cases are going to be retried this summer! I hope that Jason receives the justice that he deserves. 💞

  13. I just think it's so sad the kids have lost their dad….. and now their "mum". I pray the kids are ok xxxx 🙁 Who really knows what happens behind closed doors? ) But I appreciate the people who below have said what they know. May he rest in PEACE until united with his children. He can be the Angel that looks out for them. Always…. XXX

  14. I followed this case closely in 2017. My thoughts are that Molly AND her Dad are guilty as Hell. Jesus, if Jason was a threat, why would they over-kill???? Brutal. Watch them get off and free. Sickening . You neutralize a threat…………not bash their heads to a pulp.

  15. I find that there are no marks on Molly’s neck as proof of being strangled, no blood which was everywhere but not on them, imo shows the possibility of an attack on him by the two of them. Unprovoked at that time. Also. I have a brick in my bedroom. It is of the foundation to a childhood home that was demolished and I was able to salvage. However, I use it as a door stop, and it is not on my nightstand. I never thought of it as a weapon until now.

  16. April 2021 post – My world came crashing down all over again when I heard my abuser Molly Martens – the person who murdered my Dad was released from Prison. Now I need MY voice heard . It has created the blackest hole inside everything around me goes on like before but this ⚫ remains. Just because the saying says you only get thrown what you can take doesn’t mean that I want it! it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t hurt me! doesn’t mean that it isn’t painful! It doesn’t mean that it is right! We reported the Abuse years ago! BEFORE she was released for a retrial! Please STOP deleting my comments here!

  17. This reporting is so biased and they are using such a grotesque portrayal of this crime. I don’t like the portrayal of Jason in this. He is ultimately the victim. Yet, if I walked into my daughter being joked by her husband I would have lost it as well. I do think this was absolute overkill and should have spent some significant time for this murder. It wasn’t an accident it was intentional and the justice system should be held accountable.

  18. I mean I get that her dad wanting to protect his daughter from abuse but didn’t have to go THAT extreme!! Could have gotten him away with a hit in the leg or something!! Didn’t need to go buck wild on the man and hit him in the head with a baseball bat over and over!!

  19. Yt women who kill their husbands are always and almost portrayed as the victim. Why would she marry someone who she thought was abusive and heavy drinker. This deserves 1st degree because no man would try to abuse a woman especially when their father is there?

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