My Client’s Wife Filmed his Arrest – Watch What Happens – Everything Law and Order Blog

#ExcessiveForce #CivilRightsLaw #PoliceVideo My client’s wife filmed the police arresting him. Now that the criminal charges have been resolved, we’re ready to proceed with a federal civil rights lawsuit. The video has never been on YouTube before. See for yourself.


37 thoughts on “My Client’s Wife Filmed his Arrest – Watch What Happens”
  1. Sometimes you are worse than the bad officers that you show. You claim his gloves are “weaponized”? What heck is that about? The gloves protect his hands. He has a nasty job to do and it’s a good idea to have protective, padded gloves on. Their hands get cut and then they get exposed to other people’s blood. Weaponized?? Are a construction workers gloves weaponized? Also you say “and there’s my clients blood”. Where did you come up with that? The officer was bleeding! You say he must have been punching the guy in the car because of the way his body was moving? Really? Look, there are enough clear cases for you to show, don’t be a scum bag like the bad ones by making things up and stretching the truth. This guy was armed, fought with the officers and thank god this officer took ahold of him before he got his hand on that gun. I’m all for outing bad police, but unless YOU are willing to do the job and put yourself at risk, don’t attack officers who are doing the best they can, and trying to stay alive. I lost a lot of respect for you in this video and if this is how it’s going to be, I’m done with your channel.

  2. It seems that Tasers can be deadly, (and so should be illegal) and pepper spray falls under the category of what would have been called cruel and unusual punishment by the founding fathers. I don't think either is ever justified when used on a restrained or handcuffed detainee.

  3. Putting your hands on one's throat without even being a part of the scene? Where I'm from police or not you have the right to defend yourself. Ole he/ she wouldn't have walked away from that one.. sorry not sorry

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