My Long Lost Uncle Left me a Fortune! – Everything Law and Order Blog

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Have you ever been contacted by someone telling you that you are the beneficiary of a fortune left by a long lost relative? I have! I made this video about it to warn you how these scammers work.


28 thoughts on “My Long Lost Uncle Left me a Fortune!”
  1. Wow I’m in the middle of this one. Trying to catch this guy. He wants my ID as well. I gave the name “Harry Azcrak”, but completely forgot they will want ID. I tried to send him an edited library card, but they said they need ID. How can I make a quick one?

  2. I'm watching this using cleantube. cleantube allows you to watch YouTube without all of those dumb annoying advertisements! cleantube is awesome! Thank you cleantube for allowing me to watch YouTube without those annoying advertisements.

  3. I knew your Uncle Alex, Ben. He was a wonderful man. As your attorney told you, he lived most of his business life in Canada and Brazil. What I remember most about him is how he used to complain about the commute. I think that may be what ultimately killed him.

  4. 9 months later and the incogni code still works…which tells me 100 people havent signed up, meaning it must be pretty shitty…or the code works for everybody and not just the first 100 people…seems like you're not much better than these scammers mr dover

  5. I am so sad to hear of Uncle Dover's passing! You know I was his favorite niece, but I certainly would have shared the inheritance with you. I can't understand why I was not notified sooner.

  6. lol had an email arrive to my parents and it was from a "lawyer" in nigeria or something stating a long lost relative has left an inheritance to us of $8 million. my dad even talked to him on skype. actually my parents kinda believed it. and i was too small to understand also that t was a scam. i think it got to the point where he was asking for fees to get the funds released to us. so parents realised it was all scammy. so didnt lose any money thank god

  7. Be careful assuming everyone is trying to scam you though. A few years ago I kept getting calls from different numbers claiming I had some unclaimed funds of over $100,000 in some bank account I never knew about. Obviously I thought it was BS so I ignored them. Finally I got some letter at my work from a law firm saying the same thing. I looked it up on the state treasury website and it was real, apparently some bank account my mom set up for me decades prior when I was a kid from some inheritance from my grandparents. You never know!

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