New Bluefield Police Department Footage Shows Arrest of Hiram Tolliver – Everything Law and Order Blog

For some unknown reason, following police vehicle pursuits, the suspects rarely make it to jail without suffering violent injuries. They always tend to resist, or get accidentally injured in some way. I’m about to show you brand new footage showing my client, Hiram Tolliver being taken into custody by the Bluefield, West Virginia Police, after leading them on a brief chase. It’s not all that clear why he was fleeing, or why they were chasing him. Other than an allegations of hearing screeching tires, he wasn’t suspected of committing any prior crime. On May 5, 2022, Bluefield Police Department Officer D.R. Barker was assisting the city manager at an intersection in Bluefield, West Virginia. He claims that he heard a vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed. He claims that he heard the screeching of tires “where the vehicle was taking turns too fast.” Once the vehicle came into view he pulled in behind it and tried to stop it, but the driver fled.

According to the police reports, the pursuit began at 9:29 p.m. Body cam footage shows that the pursuit ended at around 9:36 p.m. – so roughly 5 or 6 minutes – at which time the driver, Hiram Tolliver, was violently taken into custody on the dead end street in front of his parents home. By around 9:48 p.m., Mr. Tolliver would end up falling off the roof of the local fire department building. That’s right, this story doesn’t end with the arrest itself.

Read more and see the reports and photos:

#police #videos #civilrights


32 thoughts on “New Bluefield Police Department Footage Shows Arrest of Hiram Tolliver”
  1. it must be that they couldn't find a poor black man to abuse so they found this fellow. i wonder how often they break all normal protocol and find someone falling off of roofs. my guess is these effeminate officers found great joy in this abuse. also cameras that come and go as needed to protect the guilty is interesting. REPENT BOYS. god watches everything, your prosecutor may blink, but GOD will not..

  2. Anyone interested go to police scorecard and see how bad Bluefield Police are! 93% of all departments in the US have better statistics. 100% of all deaths during arrest was black men. They leave out how many black officers are employed but in a city that’s over 25% black I bet 1/4 of officers are not.

  3. Everyone that lives in this area which I grew up in knows these gang members are vile, and do the farthest from protecting and serving, that try their best to instill fear in the residents of Mercer County!!! These blue line gang members are nothing more than terrorist on members of that community! If he broke the law arrest him take him to jail, these low lifes need held accountable!! They wanna beat your butt an make you scared of them. Our Courts are to blame for all this, given men with badges so much power with zero checks and balances!!!

  4. The police seem uncaring and laugh as he is showing signs of being hurt. Thank you for all you do for so many people… your “honest “ caring for that young man is evident when you describe what is happening…

  5. I noticed that right after he was taken out of his car, at the beginning of the video, the officer that put the cuffs on was bending his wrist backward way too far. I wonder if that is when his wrist was broken.

  6. It is not unreasonable to believe that anyone contacted by a cop immediatly fears for their safety and the safety of others. If they are then beaten after turning his blinkers on and trying to find a safe place to stop, resulting in injuries to a citizen that would not have otherwised been harmed except for contact for a misdomeanor, the officewr are guilty og neglegence, once someone's liberty is restricted and they are in the custody of the government, thee government has a responsibility to do a good job to protect everyone in their custody. When officers "let" someone escape after taunting them off camera to scare them, they are guilty of neglegence of a high and agravated nature.

  7. What did the cameras show in the jail garage. Was Hiram cuff when he ran and that cop push a handcuffed Hiram off the roof. That is why the handcuffs were broken in the fall. That’s is what I think happened

  8. Do these cops rough suspects up to get them to defend themselves so the flat-footers can have an “excuse” to beat the crap out of them? Are the cops taking steroids to bulk up? Steroids affect behavior. Did he “fall” off the roof(?) or was he thrown off the roof! It doesn’t look like this kid is being combative, to me! Hmmmm…..

  9. He didn't jump off no roof… Everyone if those Badgers is lying through there teeth… Ask me how I know…
    You ain't climbing no stairs not any ladder with your hands cuffed behind your back… One of those Badgers did a Hip Flip on him that's why both hands were Bleeding and his wrist was Broke… Out all of them including the Fire Department Thugs on a TO TELL THE TRUTH MACHINE… EVERYONE WILL FLIP THE MINUTE THEY THINK THEY HAVE TO ANSWER QUESTIONS TRUTHFULLY OR LOOSE THEIR JOBS… MOST WILL CAVE BEFORE THEY EVEN GET TO THE LIE DETECTOR TEST…!!!

  10. What haooened here , An armed bank robbery ? ? Mass shooting of some kind ? ? . . . reminds me of another arrest of a 54 years old lady by 6 police officers ? ? ? They go total mad at people as if they were at war. .

  11. That whole county needs to be investigated if this how the cops and emt and firefighters act im sure county employees aren't much better you hear the one cop even say at the scene we just pulled him over the other day so I'm going to assume the incident was retaliation from the start screeching tires even if that happened which i doubt doesn't mean your speeding he's driving late 80 s early 90 s sedan not a hellcat and if your tire has a slow leak or your having issues with your suspension,or a control arm your tire can squel at ten miles an hr but i still don't believe that happened im assuming when they pulled him over previously he had a bad experience with the cops and panicked and took off so they had to punish him then tried to cover it up by throwing him off the roof either way they should be held accountable he was in custody at that point

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