A 20-year-old suspected serial rapist is behind bars, and police say he kept a detailed notebook of his past and potential targets.
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A 20-year-old suspected serial rapist is behind bars, and police say he kept a detailed notebook of his past and potential targets.
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Yes, that is the face of a monster! I’m surprised you had to ask…
Canned ham in a fright wig.
Doesn't sound like he's socially awkward. Sounds like he approached women easily
He's definitely getting butt f*** in the ass in prison….
I got to be honest that long hair and woman like face, that guy is going to be very popular in prison. I hope he likes prison food….. And penis…
he scares me, his face is scary!
She must like, "Super forward and very direct" because she went out for coffee with him
Meet a creepy guy
Want to go for coffee?
Police were warned and they do what? Ridiculous
Put him in prison for a long time and monitor him forever
I didn't actually hear any evidence that he was guilty of anything except for some little twit with blonde hair trying to get her 15 minutes of fame
So that bitch said he touched her and it was weird But still went on a date with him are some girl fucked in the head XD
Blond girl u are weird ! Half of those girl loved to go with him and pretty much have sex with him …
"The school newspaper" yep I can imagine the woke trash that's coming out of that.
Jesus Christ
the forceful act is bad. him just admiring a tattoo is perfectly fine. why was that girl freaking out
Damn he’s good looking

so essentially he could have very easily been with these women in mutual agreement but he was turned on by control and violence. dude's gonna kill someone if let go.
This creep gets 3 years. Lol justice system is so fucking corrupt. Yet in Wisconsin you and get 3 Years for a pound of weed
he looks like the SF Giants' Brandon Crawford…all greasy af…lol
I Will Never Understand What Goes Through The Minds Of The Men Who Do This Type Of Thing! Is It Because Of SEX! is it because they know they're physically stronger than us! and they feel some sort of desire to control women or whatever? I mean i have never in my life heard of a woman doing this type of thing! And to those who gave this story a thumbs down! Are just as creepy and fucked up in the head! and some of these comments are just insane!

It wouldn't erase his monstrosity if you admit he's good looking guys. Society needs to come to terms with the fact that even good-looking guys can be monsters.
He’ll be out in a few years raping more woman, except this time it’ll be followed with that (killed?) box checked off
. These sick f#<ks don’t change their ways because of prison; they just make sure they leave no witnesses next time. This is why we need to just throw away the
or castrate them!
But if he was rich like 50- shades of fucked up, I mean Gray, women would love him. We live in a fucked up world.